use libc; use pcap_on_demand; use tempdir; use std::io; use std::ops::Add; use std::path::Path; use tempdir::TempDir; use pcap_on_demand::{Activated, Active, Capture, Error, Linktype, Offline, Packet, PacketHeader, Precision}; #[test] fn read_packet_with_full_data() { let mut capture = capture_from_test_file("packet_snaplen_65535.pcap"); assert_eq!(, 98); } #[test] fn read_packet_with_truncated_data() { let mut capture = capture_from_test_file("packet_snaplen_20.pcap"); assert_eq!(, 20); } fn capture_from_test_file(file_name: &str) -> Capture { unsafe { pcap_on_demand::load_pcap_library() }; let path = Path::new("tests/data/").join(file_name); Capture::from_file(path).unwrap() } #[test] fn unify_activated() { #![allow(dead_code)] fn test1() -> Capture { loop {} } fn test2() -> Capture { loop {} } fn maybe(a: bool) -> Capture { if a { test1().into() } else { test2().into() } } fn also_maybe(a: &mut Capture) { a.filter("whatever filter string, this won't be run anyway").unwrap(); } } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Packets { headers: Vec, data: Vec>, } impl Packets { pub fn new() -> Packets { Packets { headers: vec![], data: vec![] } } pub fn push(&mut self, tv_sec: libc::time_t, tv_usec: libc::subseconds_t, caplen: u32, len: u32, data: &[u8]) { use std::convert::TryInto; self.headers.push(PacketHeader { ts: libc::timeval { tv_sec: tv_sec.try_into().unwrap(), tv_usec }, caplen, len, });; } pub fn foreach(&self, mut f: F) { for (header, data) in self.headers.iter().zip( { let packet = Packet::new(header, &data); f(&packet); } } pub fn verify(&self, cap: &mut Capture) { for (header, data) in self.headers.iter().zip( { assert_eq!(, Packet::new(header, &data)); } assert!(; } } impl<'a> Add for &'a Packets { type Output = Packets; fn add(self, rhs: &'a Packets) -> Packets { let mut packets = self.clone(); packets.headers.extend(rhs.headers.iter());; packets } } #[test] fn capture_dead_savefile() { unsafe { pcap_on_demand::load_pcap_library() }; let mut packets = Packets::new(); packets.push(1460408319, 1234, 1, 1, &[1]); packets.push(1460408320, 4321, 1, 1, &[2]); let dir = TempDir::new("pcap").unwrap(); let tmpfile = dir.path().join("test.pcap"); let cap = Capture::dead(Linktype(1)).unwrap(); let mut save = cap.savefile(&tmpfile).unwrap(); packets.foreach(|p| save.write(p)); drop(save); let mut cap = Capture::from_file(&tmpfile).unwrap(); packets.verify(&mut cap); } #[test] #[cfg(feature = "pcap-savefile-append")] fn capture_dead_savefile_append() { unsafe { pcap_on_demand::load_pcap_library() }; let mut packets1 = Packets::new(); packets1.push(1460408319, 1234, 1, 1, &[1]); packets1.push(1460408320, 4321, 1, 1, &[2]); let mut packets2 = Packets::new(); packets2.push(1460408321, 2345, 1, 1, &[3]); packets2.push(1460408322, 5432, 1, 1, &[4]); let packets = &packets1 + &packets2; let dir = TempDir::new("pcap").unwrap(); let tmpfile = dir.path().join("test.pcap"); let cap = Capture::dead(Linktype(1)).unwrap(); let mut save = cap.savefile(&tmpfile).unwrap(); packets1.foreach(|p| save.write(p)); drop(save); let cap = Capture::dead(Linktype(1)).unwrap(); let mut save = cap.savefile_append(&tmpfile).unwrap(); packets2.foreach(|p| save.write(p)); drop(save); let mut cap = Capture::from_file(&tmpfile).unwrap(); packets.verify(&mut cap); } #[test] #[cfg(not(windows))] fn test_raw_fd_api() { unsafe { pcap_on_demand::load_pcap_library() }; use std::fs::File; use std::io::prelude::*; #[cfg(not(windows))] use std::os::unix::io::{FromRawFd, RawFd}; use std::thread; // Create a total of more than 64K data (> max pipe buf size) const N_PACKETS: usize = 64; let data: Vec = (0..191).cycle().take(N_PACKETS * 1024).collect(); let mut packets = Packets::new(); for i in 0..N_PACKETS { packets.push( 1460408319 + i as libc::time_t, 1000 + i as libc::suseconds_t, 1024, 1024, &data[i * 1024..(i + 1) * 1024], ); } let dir = TempDir::new("pcap").unwrap(); let tmpfile = dir.path().join("test.pcap"); // Write all packets to test.pcap savefile let cap = Capture::dead(Linktype(1)).unwrap(); let mut save = cap.savefile(&tmpfile).unwrap(); packets.foreach(|p| save.write(p)); drop(save); assert_eq!(Capture::from_raw_fd(-999).err().unwrap(), Error::InvalidRawFd); #[cfg(feature = "pcap-fopen-offline-precision")] { assert_eq!(Capture::from_raw_fd_with_precision(-999, Precision::Micro).err().unwrap(), Error::InvalidRawFd); } assert_eq!(cap.savefile_raw_fd(-999).err().unwrap(), Error::InvalidRawFd); // Create an unnamed pipe let mut pipe = [0 as libc::c_int; 2]; assert_eq!(unsafe { libc::pipe(pipe.as_mut_ptr()) }, 0); let (fd_in, fd_out) = (pipe[0], pipe[1]); let filename = dir.path().join("test2.pcap"); let packets_c = packets.clone(); thread::spawn(move || { // Write all packets to the pipe let cap = Capture::dead(Linktype(1)).unwrap(); let mut save = cap.savefile_raw_fd(fd_out).unwrap(); packets_c.foreach(|p| save.write(p)); // fd_out will be closed by savefile destructor }); // Save the pcap from pipe in a separate thread. // Hypothetically, we could do any sort of processing here, // like encoding to a gzip stream. let mut file_in = unsafe { File::from_raw_fd(fd_in) }; let mut file_out = File::create(&filename).unwrap(); io::copy(&mut file_in, &mut file_out).unwrap(); // Verify that the contents match let filename = dir.path().join("test2.pcap"); let (mut v1, mut v2) = (vec![], vec![]); File::open(&tmpfile).unwrap().read_to_end(&mut v1).unwrap(); File::open(&filename).unwrap().read_to_end(&mut v2).unwrap(); assert_eq!(v1, v2); #[cfg(feature = "pcap-fopen-offline-precision")] fn from_raw_fd_with_precision(fd: RawFd, precision: Precision) -> Capture { Capture::from_raw_fd_with_precision(fd, precision).unwrap() } #[cfg(not(feature = "pcap-fopen-offline-precision"))] fn from_raw_fd_with_precision(fd: RawFd, _: Precision) -> Capture { Capture::from_raw_fd(fd).unwrap() } for with_tstamp in &[false, true] { // Create an unnamed pipe let mut pipe = [0 as libc::c_int; 2]; assert_eq!(unsafe { libc::pipe(pipe.as_mut_ptr()) }, 0); let (fd_in, fd_out) = (pipe[0], pipe[1]); let filename = tmpfile.clone(); thread::spawn(move || { // Cat the pcap into the pipe in a separate thread. // Hypothetically, we could do any sort of processing here, // like decoding from a gzip stream. let mut file_in = File::open(&filename).unwrap(); let mut file_out = unsafe { File::from_raw_fd(fd_out) }; io::copy(&mut file_in, &mut file_out).unwrap(); assert_eq!(unsafe { libc::close(fd_out) }, 0); }); // Open the capture with pipe's file descriptor let mut cap = if *with_tstamp { from_raw_fd_with_precision(fd_in, Precision::Micro) } else { Capture::from_raw_fd(fd_in).unwrap() }; // Verify that packets match packets.verify(&mut cap); } } #[test] fn test_linktype() { unsafe { pcap_on_demand::load_pcap_library() }; let capture = capture_from_test_file("packet_snaplen_65535.pcap"); let linktype = capture.get_datalink(); assert!(linktype.get_name().is_ok()); assert_eq!(linktype.get_name().unwrap(), String::from("EN10MB")); assert!(linktype.get_description().is_ok()); } #[test] fn test_error() { unsafe { pcap_on_demand::load_pcap_library() }; let mut capture = capture_from_test_file("packet_snaplen_65535.pcap"); // Trying to get stats from offline capture should error. assert!(capture.stats().err().is_some()); }