# Based on the "trust" template v0.1.1 # https://github.com/japaric/trust/tree/v0.1.1 os: Visual Studio 2017 environment: global: CRATE_NAME: pdf-canvas #APPVEYOR_CACHE_SKIP_RESTORE: true matrix: # Stable channel - TARGET: x86_64-pc-windows-msvc CHANNEL: stable TOOLCHAIN: msvc PLATFORM: x86_64 install: - if "%TOOLCHAIN%" == "msvc" if "%PLATFORM%" == "x86_64" call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat" - if "%TOOLCHAIN%" == "msys" set PATH=C:\msys64\mingw%MSYS_BITS%\bin;C:\msys64\usr\bin;%PATH% - curl -sSf -o rustup-init.exe https://win.rustup.rs/ - rustup-init.exe -y --default-host %TARGET% --default-toolchain %CHANNEL% - set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Users\appveyor\.cargo\bin - rustc -Vv - cargo -V test_script: # we don't run the "test phase" when doing deploys - if [%APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG%]==[false] ( cargo test ) cache: - C:\Users\appveyor\.cargo\registry - target # Building is done in the test phase, so we disable Appveyor's build phase. build: false