# pe-sign ![language](https://img.shields.io/github/languages/top/0xlane/pe-sign) ![Crates.io Version](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/pe-sign) ![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-green) [![dependency status](https://deps.rs/repo/github/0xlane/pe-sign/status.svg)](https://deps.rs/repo/github/0xlane/pe-sign) [![docs.rs](https://img.shields.io/docsrs/pe-sign)](https://docs.rs/pe-sign/latest/pesign) ![Crates.io Size](https://img.shields.io/crates/size/pe-sign) [![Crates.io Total Downloads](https://img.shields.io/crates/d/pe-sign)](https://crates.io/crates/pe-sign) [README](README.md) | [中文文档](README_zh.md) `pe-sign` 是一个用 Rust 语言开发的跨平台工具,专为解析和验证 PE 文件中的数字签名而设计。它既可以作为独立的命令行工具使用,也可以作为依赖库集成到任何 Rust 项目中。支持提取证书、验证签名、计算 Authenticode 签名摘要以及打印证书详细信息。 该项目基于对仓库 [windows_pe_signature_research](https://github.com/0xlane/windows_pe_signature_research) 中的 pe-sign 命令行工具改造所得,去除了 openssl 依赖。 ## 功能 - **提取证书**: 从 PE 文件中提取证书。 - **验证签名**: 检查 PE 文件的数字签名是否有效。 - **计算 Authenticode 摘要**: 计算 PE 文件的 Authenticode 摘要。 - **打印证书信息**: 显示 PE 文件中证书的详细信息。 - **打印签名者信息**: 显示 PE 文件签名都的详细信息。 ## 命令行工具 ### 安装 直接下载 [`Release`](https://github.com/0xlane/pe-sign/releases) 中对应平台的二进制文件使用,Linux、Mac 系统可直接放入 `/bin` 目录下或 `PATH` 全局变量中,Windows 可放入 `C:\Windows\System32` 目录下或 `PATH` 全局变量中。 另外,如果你已经安装 `Cargo`,则通过 `cargo install pe-sign -F build-binary` 命令安装更为方便。 ### 使用说明 ```powershell pe-sign (0.1.9) - REinject A tool for parsing and verifing PE file signatures Repository: https://github.com/0xlane/pe-sign Commands: extract Extract the certificate of a PE file verify Check the digital signature of a PE file for validity calc Calculate the authticode digest of a PE file print Print the certificate information of a PE file. help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s) Options: -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` #### 提取签名证书 ```powershell Extract the certificate of a PE file Usage: pesign.exe extract [OPTIONS] Arguments: Options: -o, --output Write to file instead of stdout --pem Extract and convert certificate to pem format --embed Extract embedded certificate -h, --help Print help ``` 除了使用 `-o` 选项,还支持管道、重定向方式输出,示例: ```powershell pesign.exe extract test.exe --pem > pkcs7.cer pesign.exe extract test.exe --pem | openssl pkcs7 -inform PEM --print_certs -noout -text ``` 需要注意的是,在 powrershell 中使用管道、重定向时请添加 `--pem` 参数,否则输出的 DER 二进制数据会被 powershell 看作字符串转义。 #### 打印证书信息 命令行工具提供了类似 openssl 的 `--print_certs` 功能,与 openssl 输出格式基本一致: ```powershell Print the certificate information of a PE file. Usage: pesign.exe print [OPTIONS] Arguments: Options: --signer-info Print the signer info of a PE file. -a, --all Include nested signature. -h, --help Print help ``` 示例: ```powershell PS C:\dev\pe-sign> pesign.exe print .\ProcessHacker.exe Certificate: Data: Version: 3 (0x2) Serial Number: 0f:f1:ef:66:bd:62:1c:65:b7:4b:4d:e4:14:25:71:7f Issuer: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, OU=www.digicert.com, CN=DigiCert High Assurance Code Signing CA-1 Not Before: 2013-10-30 08:00:00 +08:00 Not After : 2017-01-04 20:00:00 +08:00 Subject: C=AU, ST=New South Wales, L=Sydney, O=Wen Jia Liu, CN=Wen Jia Liu Subject Public Key Info: Algorithm: RSA Public-Key: (2048 bit) Modulus: 00:cc:2e:a1:52:49:09:cc:22:ef:34:43:dc:41:a6:98:a0:1f:0f:69: 1a:33:b2:92:a5:73:26:4e:1d:b9:e2:ab:c4:46:e1:3e:f9:24:c2:f6: ... ... Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) Extensions: Authority Key Identifier: 97:48:03:eb:15:08:6b:b9:b2:58:23:cc:94:2e:f1:c6:65:d2:64:8e Subject Key Identifier: 2c:b8:9a:96:b2:c1:b1:a0:7d:a4:90:20:19:b8:be:05:58:df:2c:78 Key Usage: Digital Signature Extended Key Usage: Code Signing CRL Distribution Points: Full Name: URI:http://crl3.digicert.com/ha-cs-2011a.crl Full Name: URI:http://crl4.digicert.com/ha-cs-2011a.crl Certificate Policies: Authority Information Access: OCSP - URI:http://ocsp.digicert.com CA Issuers - URI:http://cacerts.digicert.com/DigiCertHighAssuranceCodeSigningCA-1.crt Basic Constraints: ca:FALSE Signature Algorithm: Sha1WithRSA Signature Value: 88:f1:59:8a:6a:8a:6c:49:04:64:67:70:02:14:76:57:3d:57:c2:f9: cb:88:78:6e:82:3a:63:12:f7:c9:0b:57:8b:13:16:b0:69:d7:67:0f: ... ... ... ... ``` 另外,还可以使用 `--signer-info` 选项打印签名者信息,示例: ```powershell PS C:\dev\pe-sign> pesign.exe print .\ProcessHacker.exe --signer-info Signer Info: Signer Identifier: Issuer And Serial Number: Issuer: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, OU=www.digicert.com, CN=DigiCert High Assurance Code Signing CA-1 Serial Number: 0f:f1:ef:66:bd:62:1c:65:b7:4b:4d:e4:14:25:71:7f Authenticated Attributes: 30:00 1.2.840.113549.1.9.3: 06:0a:2b:06:01:04:01:82:37:02:01:04 30:0c:06:0a:2b:06:01:04:01:82:37:02:01:15 1.2.840.113549.1.9.4: 04:14:f4:23:ed:d4:63:5b:6b:ea:f3:c8:ca:9c:de:5d:db:5f:8b:1a: ba:20 Unauthenticated Attributes: Counter Signature (1.2.840.113549.1.9.6): 30:82:01:f8:02:01:01:30:76:30:62:31:0b:30:09:06:03:55:04:06: 13:02:55:53:31:15:30:13:06:03:55:04:0a:13:0c:44:69:67:69:43: ... ... 30:82:1c:23:06:09:2a:86:48:86:f7:0d:01:07:02:a0:82:1c:14:30: 82:1c:10:02:01:01:31:0f:30:0d:06:09:60:86:48:01:65:03:04:02: ... ... Countersigner Info: Signer Info: Signer Identifier: Issuer And Serial Number: Issuer: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, OU=www.digicert.com, CN=DigiCert Assured ID CA-1 Serial Number: 03:01:9a:02:3a:ff:58:b1:6b:d6:d5:ea:e6:17:f0:66 Authenticated Attributes: 1.2.840.113549.1.9.3: 06:09:2a:86:48:86:f7:0d:01:07:01 Signing Time (1.2.840.113549.1.9.5): 2016-03-29 09:35:02 +08:00 1.2.840.113549.1.9.4: 04:14:d4:11:7e:ce:3a:3f:29:91:7d:e3:f0:55:fe:32:a2:11:b0:c9: c5:ac Digest Algorithm: Sha1 Encrypted Digest: 02:d1:d6:d2:ec:f6:cb:7a:4b:a4:29:01:ab:77:48:e9:d5:bf:0f:6c: bd:b7:d6:86:11:24:e8:cf:ba:32:ab:12:40:be:31:e7:d6:16:c5:52: ... ... Digest Algorithm: Sha1 Encrypted Digest: 46:3d:97:37:67:9d:12:4e:80:cf:a1:df:98:10:8d:a8:39:3e:5e:db: 28:c3:28:c9:d7:a7:48:22:2d:a8:4c:1e:40:e9:72:63:fd:04:7a:e9: ... ... ``` ### 验证签名 命令行工具也可用于验证签名有效性: ```powershell Check the digital signature of a PE file for validity Usage: pesign.exe verify [OPTIONS] Arguments: Options: --no-check-time Ignore certificate validity time --ca-file Trusted certificates file --embed Verify embedded certificate -h, --help Print help ``` 使用 `--no-check-time` 选项可跳过签名时间有效性检查,`--ca-file` 选项用于指定 PEM 格式的可信 CA 证书,若不指定则使用内置的默认证书进行有效性验证。 ## 作为项目依赖库 你也可以将 `pe-sign` 添加为依赖,集成到自己的项目中。使用以下命令添加依赖: ```rust cargo add pe-sign ``` 然后在 `main.rs` 导入 `pesign` 并且解析为 `PeSign` 结构: ```rust use pesign::PeSign; fn main() { if let Some(pesign) = PeSign::from_pe_path("test.exe").unwrap() { // Add your program logic. } else { println!("The file is no signed!!"); } } ``` 更多详细信息,请参阅 crate [文档](https://docs.rs/pe-sign/latest/pesign)。 ## 贡献 如果你发现问题或者有新的功能建议,欢迎提交 [Issue](https://github.com/0xlane/pe-sign/issues) 或发起 Pull Request。 ## 仓库 你可以在此处查看项目的源码:[pe-sign GitHub 仓库](https://github.com/0xlane/pe-sign) ## 许可证 该项目基于 MIT 许可证开源。详情请查看 [LICENSE](https://github.com/0xlane/pe-sign/blob/main/LICENSE) 文件。