//! An minimal node capable of communicating with libp2p nodes. //! //! The supported libp2p protocol is ping. mod common; use std::{cmp, collections::HashMap, io, net::SocketAddr, sync::Arc, time::Duration}; use bytes::{Bytes, BytesMut}; use common::{noise, yamux}; use futures_util::{SinkExt, StreamExt, TryStreamExt}; use libp2p::{core::multiaddr::Protocol, identity, ping, PeerId}; use libp2p::{swarm::SwarmEvent, SwarmBuilder}; use parking_lot::{Mutex, RwLock}; use pea2pea::{ protocols::{Handshake, OnDisconnect, Reading, Writing}, Connection, ConnectionSide, Node, Pea2Pea, }; use prost::Message; use tokio::{sync::oneshot, time::sleep}; use tokio_util::codec::{Decoder, Encoder, Framed, FramedParts}; use tracing::*; use tracing_subscriber::filter::LevelFilter; use unsigned_varint::codec::UviBytes; // the protocol string of libp2p::ping const PROTOCOL_PING: &[u8] = b"\x13/multistream/1.0.0\n\x11/ipfs/ping/1.0.0\n"; // the libp2p-cabable node #[derive(Clone)] struct Libp2pNode { // the pea2pea node node: Node, // the libp2p keypair keypair: identity::Keypair, // the libp2p PeerId #[allow(dead_code)] peer_id: PeerId, // holds noise states between the handshake and the other protocols noise_states: Arc>>, // holds the state related to peers peer_states: Arc>>, } impl Pea2Pea for Libp2pNode { fn node(&self) -> &Node { &self.node } } impl Libp2pNode { fn new() -> Self { let keypair = identity::Keypair::generate_ed25519(); let peer_id = keypair.public().to_peer_id(); let node = Node::new(Default::default()); info!(parent: node.span(), "started a node with PeerId {}", peer_id); Self { node, keypair, peer_id, noise_states: Default::default(), peer_states: Default::default(), } } async fn process_event(&self, event: Event, source: SocketAddr) -> io::Result<()> { let reply = match event { Event::NewStream(stream_id, protocol_info) => { // reply to SYN flag with the ACK one Some(yamux::Frame::data( stream_id, vec![yamux::Flag::Ack], Some(protocol_info), )) } Event::StreamHalfClosed(stream_id) => { // reply with own half-close Some(yamux::Frame::data(stream_id, vec![yamux::Flag::Fin], None)) } Event::ReceivedPing(stream_id, payload) => { // reply to pings with the same payload Some(yamux::Frame::data(stream_id, vec![], Some(payload))) } _ => None, }; if let Some(reply_msg) = reply { info!(parent: self.node().span(), " sending a {:?}", &reply_msg); let _ = self.unicast(source, reply_msg)?.await; } Ok(()) } } // a set of yamux streams belonging to a single connection pub type Streams = HashMap; // the state applicable to a single peer struct PeerState { #[allow(dead_code)] id: PeerId, streams: Streams, } // the event indicated by the contents of a yamux message #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] enum Event { NewStream(yamux::StreamId, Bytes), StreamHalfClosed(yamux::StreamId), StreamTerminated(yamux::StreamId), ReceivedPing(yamux::StreamId, Bytes), Unknown(yamux::Frame), } // a codec capable of (de/en)coding libp2p messages with noise and yamux protocols struct Codec { noise: noise::Codec, yamux: yamux::Codec, } impl Codec { fn new(noise: noise::Codec, yamux: yamux::Codec) -> Self { Self { noise, yamux } } } impl Decoder for Codec { type Item = yamux::Frame; type Error = io::Error; fn decode(&mut self, src: &mut BytesMut) -> Result, Self::Error> { // decrypt raw bytes using noise let mut bytes = if let Some(bytes) = self.noise.decode(src)? { bytes } else { return Ok(None); }; // decode the Yamux frame self.yamux.decode(&mut bytes) } } impl Encoder for Codec { type Error = io::Error; fn encode(&mut self, msg: yamux::Frame, dst: &mut BytesMut) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { // encode the Yamux frame self.yamux.encode(msg, dst)?; let mut bytes = dst.split().freeze(); // split the frame into noise-compatible chunks while !bytes.is_empty() { let chunk = bytes.split_to(cmp::min(bytes.len(), noise::MAX_MESSAGE_LEN)); self.noise.encode(chunk, dst)?; } Ok(()) } } // payloads for Noise handshake messages // note: this struct was auto-generated using prost-build based on // the proto file from the libp2p-noise repository #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, ::prost::Message)] pub struct NoiseHandshakePayload { #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")] pub identity_key: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")] pub identity_sig: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "3")] pub data: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec, } impl Handshake for Libp2pNode { const TIMEOUT_MS: u64 = 5_000; async fn perform_handshake(&self, mut conn: Connection) -> io::Result { let node_conn_side = !conn.side(); let addr = conn.addr(); // TODO: try to use it post-handshake too when parsing protocol info let mut negotiation_codec = Framed::new(self.borrow_stream(&mut conn), UviBytes::default()); // exchange libp2p protocol params match node_conn_side { ConnectionSide::Initiator => { // -> protocol info (1/2) negotiation_codec .send(Bytes::from("/multistream/1.0.0\n")) .await?; debug!(parent: self.node().span(), "sent protocol params (1/2)"); // <- protocol info (1/2) let protocol_info = negotiation_codec .try_next() .await? .ok_or(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData)?; debug!(parent: self.node().span(), "received protocol params (1/2): {:?}", protocol_info); // -> protocol info (2/2) negotiation_codec.send(Bytes::from("/noise\n")).await?; debug!(parent: self.node().span(), "sent protocol params (2/2)"); // <- protocol info (2/2) let protocol_info = negotiation_codec .try_next() .await? .ok_or(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData)?; debug!(parent: self.node().span(), "received protocol params (2/2): {:?}", protocol_info); } ConnectionSide::Responder => { // <- protocol info (1/2) let _protocol_info = negotiation_codec.try_next().await?; debug!(parent: self.node().span(), "received protocol params (1/2)"); // -> protocol info (1/2) negotiation_codec .send(Bytes::from("/multistream/1.0.0\n")) .await?; debug!(parent: self.node().span(), "sent protocol params (1/2)"); // <- protocol info (2/2) let _protocol_info = negotiation_codec.try_next().await?; debug!(parent: self.node().span(), "received protocol params (2/2)"); // -> protocol info (2/2) negotiation_codec.send(Bytes::from("/noise\n")).await?; debug!(parent: self.node().span(), "sent protocol params (2/2)"); } }; // create the noise objects let noise_builder = snow::Builder::new("Noise_XX_25519_ChaChaPoly_SHA256".parse().unwrap()); let noise_keypair = noise_builder.generate_keypair().unwrap(); let noise_builder = noise_builder.local_private_key(&noise_keypair.private); // prepare the expected handshake payload let noise_payload = { let protobuf_payload = NoiseHandshakePayload { identity_key: identity::PublicKey::encode_protobuf(&self.keypair.public()), identity_sig: self .keypair .sign(&[&b"noise-libp2p-static-key:"[..], &noise_keypair.public].concat()) .unwrap(), data: vec![], }; let mut bytes = Vec::with_capacity(protobuf_payload.encoded_len()); protobuf_payload.encode(&mut bytes).unwrap(); bytes }; // perform the noise handshake let (noise_state, secure_payload) = noise::handshake_xx(self, &mut conn, noise_builder, noise_payload.into()).await?; // obtain the PeerId from the handshake payload let secure_payload = NoiseHandshakePayload::decode(&secure_payload[..])?; let peer_key = identity::PublicKey::try_decode_protobuf(&secure_payload.identity_key) .map_err(|_| io::ErrorKind::InvalidData)?; let peer_id = PeerId::from(peer_key); info!(parent: self.node().span(), "the PeerId of {} is {}", addr, &peer_id); // reconstruct the Framed with the post-handshake noise state let mut framed = Framed::new( self.borrow_stream(&mut conn), noise::Codec::new( 2, u16::MAX as usize, noise_state, self.node().span().clone(), ), ); // exchange further protocol params match node_conn_side { ConnectionSide::Initiator => { // -> protocol info (1/2) framed .send(Bytes::from(&b"\x13/multistream/1.0.0\n"[..])) .await?; debug!(parent: self.node().span(), "sent protocol params (1/2)"); // <- protocol info (1/2) let protocol_info = framed.try_next().await?.ok_or(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData)?; debug!(parent: self.node().span(), "received protocol params (1/2): {:?}", protocol_info); // -> protocol info (2/2) framed.send(Bytes::from(&b"\r/yamux/1.0.0\n"[..])).await?; debug!(parent: self.node().span(), "sent protocol params (2/2)"); // <- protocol info (2/2) let protocol_info = framed.try_next().await?.ok_or(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData)?; debug!(parent: self.node().span(), "received protocol params (2/2): {:?}", protocol_info); } ConnectionSide::Responder => { // <- protocol info let protocol_info = framed.try_next().await?.ok_or(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData)?; debug!(parent: self.node().span(), "received protocol params: {:?}", protocol_info); // echo the protocol params back to the sender framed.send(protocol_info.freeze()).await?; debug!(parent: self.node().span(), "echoed the protocol params back to the sender"); } } // deconstruct the framed (again) to preserve the noise state let FramedParts { codec, read_buf, .. } = framed.into_parts(); let noise::Codec { mut noise, .. } = codec; // preserve any unprocessed bytes noise.save_buffer(read_buf); // save the noise state self.noise_states.lock().insert(conn.addr(), noise); // register the peer's state self.peer_states.write().insert( addr, PeerState { id: peer_id, streams: Default::default(), }, ); Ok(conn) } } macro_rules! get_streams_mut { ($self:expr, $addr:expr) => { $self .peer_states .write() .get_mut(&$addr) .ok_or(io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe)? .streams }; } impl Reading for Libp2pNode { type Message = yamux::Frame; type Codec = Codec; fn codec(&self, addr: SocketAddr, side: ConnectionSide) -> Self::Codec { let noise_state = self.noise_states.lock().get(&addr).cloned().unwrap(); Self::Codec::new( noise::Codec::new( 2, u16::MAX as usize, noise_state, self.node().span().clone(), ), yamux::Codec::new(side, self.node().span().clone()), ) } async fn process_message(&self, source: SocketAddr, message: Self::Message) -> io::Result<()> { info!(parent: self.node().span(), "received a {:?}", message); // deconstruct the yamux frame let yamux::Header { stream_id, flags, .. } = &message.header; let payload = message.payload; // register the discovered events let mut events = vec![]; match &flags[..] { &[yamux::Flag::Syn] => { // a new stream is being created if get_streams_mut!(self, source) .insert(*stream_id, payload.clone()) .is_none() { events.push(Event::NewStream(*stream_id, payload.clone())); } else { error!(parent: self.node().span(), "yamux stream {} had already been registered", stream_id); return Err(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData.into()); } } &[yamux::Flag::Rst] => { // a stream is being terminated if get_streams_mut!(self, source).remove(stream_id).is_some() { events.push(Event::StreamTerminated(*stream_id)); } else { error!(parent: self.node().span(), "yamux stream {} is unknown", stream_id); return Err(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData.into()); } } &[yamux::Flag::Ack] => { todo!(); // TODO: only matters when starting own streams } &[yamux::Flag::Fin] => { // a stream is being half-closed if get_streams_mut!(self, source).remove(stream_id).is_some() { events.push(Event::StreamHalfClosed(*stream_id)); } else { error!(parent: self.node().span(), "yamux stream {} is unknown", stream_id); return Err(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData.into()); } } &[] => { // a regular message in an established stream let protocol = if let Some(p) = self .peer_states .read() .get(&source) .ok_or(io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe)? .streams .get(stream_id) { p.clone() } else { error!(parent: self.node().span(), "yamux stream {} is unknown", stream_id); return Err(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData.into()); }; if protocol == PROTOCOL_PING { events.push(Event::ReceivedPing(*stream_id, payload)); } else { events.push(Event::Unknown(yamux::Frame { header: message.header, payload, })); } } flags => { warn!(parent: self.node().span(), "unexpected combination of yamux flags: {:?}", flags); } } for event in events { self.process_event(event, source).await?; } Ok(()) } } impl Writing for Libp2pNode { type Message = yamux::Frame; type Codec = Codec; fn codec(&self, addr: SocketAddr, side: ConnectionSide) -> Self::Codec { let noise_state = self.noise_states.lock().remove(&addr).unwrap(); Self::Codec::new( noise::Codec::new( 2, u16::MAX as usize, noise_state, self.node().span().clone(), ), yamux::Codec::new(side, self.node().span().clone()), ) } } impl OnDisconnect for Libp2pNode { async fn on_disconnect(&self, addr: SocketAddr) { self.peer_states.write().remove(&addr); } } #[tokio::main(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn main() { common::start_logger(LevelFilter::DEBUG); // prepare the pea2pea node let pea2pea_node = Libp2pNode::new(); // enable the pea2pea protocols pea2pea_node.enable_handshake().await; pea2pea_node.enable_reading().await; pea2pea_node.enable_writing().await; // prepare and start a ping-enabled libp2p swarm let mut swarm = SwarmBuilder::with_new_identity() .with_tokio() .with_tcp( libp2p::tcp::Config::default(), libp2p::noise::Config::new, libp2p::yamux::Config::default, ) .unwrap() .with_behaviour(|_| ping::Behaviour::default()) .unwrap() .with_swarm_config(|cfg| cfg.with_idle_connection_timeout(Duration::from_secs(u64::MAX))) .build(); swarm .listen_on("/ip4/".parse().unwrap()) .unwrap(); // this channel will allow us to discover the swarm's listening port let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel(); tokio::spawn(async move { let mut tx = Some(tx); loop { let event = swarm.select_next_some().await; debug!(" libp2p node: {:?}", event); if let SwarmEvent::NewListenAddr { address, .. } = event { tx.take().unwrap().send(address).unwrap(); } } }); let mut swarm_addr = rx.await.unwrap(); let swarm_port = if let Some(Protocol::Tcp(port)) = swarm_addr.pop() { port } else { panic!("the libp2p swarm did not return a listening TCP port"); }; // connect the pea2pea node to the libp2p swarm let swarm_addr = format!("{}", swarm_port).parse().unwrap(); pea2pea_node.node().connect(swarm_addr).await.unwrap(); // allow a few messages to be exchanged sleep(Duration::from_secs(60)).await; }