## Upcoming - No changes so far # v0.4.0 - Add new feature `ppysb_edition` (Special changes for **RELAX** and **AUTOPILOT**) - By [TUROU2004](https://github.com/TROU2004): - **High AR bonus relates to the number of beatmap objects**: Buff longer beatmaps, Nerf shorter beatmaps. - ++ **HD** bonus (Relax) - ++ **ACC weight**, penalty `50` (Relax) - ++ **Slider** bonus. - By [Pure-Peace](https://github.com/Pure-Peace): - **Autopilot**: adjusted the proportion of `aim`, `spd`, and `acc` to the total pp. - Rename feature `peace_edition` -> `score_v2_buff` - score_v2_buff: `acc *= 1.25` (Only std, exclude relax and autopilot) # v0.3.0 - sync with rosu-pp 2.3: - Fixed a panic for some mania difficulty calculations on converts - **Updated the difficulty & pp changes from 21.07.27** - **Updated osu's clockrate bugfix for all modes** # v0.2.10 - Default not enabled `score_v2_buff`. - Fix `score_v2_buff`'s score v2 buff. # v0.2.9 - Fix: Dead loop when reading an empty .osu file. # v0.2.8 - When using async features, the `parse_sync` method is still provided, you can choose freely. - Upgrade to tokio1.9 # v0.2.7 - bug fix # v0.2.6 - `score_v2_buff`: no longer contains relax/ap nerf, instead use `relax_nerf`. - `score_v2_buff`: score v2 - acc_value *= `1.20` (buff). - `relax_nerf`: relax / ap - acc_value *= `0.7` -> `0.8`. # v0.2.5 - sync with rosu-pp 2.2: - Reduced amount of required features of `async_std` and `async_tokio` - Fixed a panic for some mania difficulty calculations on converts - osu & fruits: - Fixed specific slider patterns - Optimized Bezier, Catmull, and other small things Benchmarking for osu!standard showed a 25%+ improvement for performance aswell as accuracy - fruits: - Fixed tick timing for reverse sliders - taiko: - Micro optimizations - parse & osu: - Cleanup and tiny optimizations # v0.2.4 - Default use tokio - Upgrade tokio to 1.6 # v0.2.3 - Now, we can get more info from pp result - Add PpResult.raw (A struct included aim, spd, acc, str values) - Add PpResult.mods - Add PpResult.mode # v0.2.2 - Now, it will be more comfortable when calculating multiple different ACC values. - Add mutable reference methods: set_accuracy() - calculate() now use mutable reference. # v0.2.1 - Add mods Score v2. - Buff Score v2 with ACC value bonus * 1.14 (Only STD). # v0.2.0 - Sync with rosu-pp 0.2.0 - Async beatmap parsing through features `async_tokio` or `async_std` - Hide various parsing related types further inwards, i.e. `peace_performance::parse::some_type` instead of `peace_performance::some_type` - Affected types: `DifficultyPoint`, `HitObject`, `Pos2`, `TimingPoint`, `HitObjectKind`, `PathType`, `HitSound` ## v0.1.1 - Sync with rosu-pp 0.1.x - parse: - Efficiently handle huge amounts of curvepoints - osu: - Fixed panic on unwrapping unavailable hit results - Fixed occasional underflow when calculating pp with passed_objects - taiko: - Fixed missing flooring of hitwindow for pp calculation - fruits: - Fixed passed objects in star calculation - mania: - Fixed pp calculation on HR