[package] name = "peace_items" description = "Collection of items the peace framework" documentation = "https://docs.rs/peace_items/" version.workspace = true authors.workspace = true edition.workspace = true repository.workspace = true homepage.workspace = true readme.workspace = true categories.workspace = true keywords.workspace = true license.workspace = true [package.metadata.docs.rs] all-features = true [lib] doctest = true test = false [dependencies] peace_item_blank = { workspace = true, optional = true } peace_item_file_download = { workspace = true, optional = true } peace_item_sh_cmd = { workspace = true, optional = true } peace_item_tar_x = { workspace = true, optional = true } [dev-dependencies] peace = { workspace = true, default-features = false } [features] default = [] # `peace` features error_reporting = [ "peace/error_reporting", "peace_item_blank?/error_reporting", "peace_item_file_download?/error_reporting", "peace_item_sh_cmd?/error_reporting", "peace_item_tar_x?/error_reporting", ] output_progress = [ "peace/output_progress", "peace_item_blank?/output_progress", "peace_item_file_download?/output_progress", "peace_item_sh_cmd?/output_progress", "peace_item_tar_x?/output_progress", ] # Subcrates blank = ["dep:peace_item_blank"] file_download = ["dep:peace_item_file_download"] sh_cmd = ["dep:peace_item_sh_cmd"] tar_x = ["dep:peace_item_tar_x"]