# Peerbase Authors # ================ # # By adding yourself to this file, you are affirming that all Contributions that # you make to this repository are: # # * Created in whole or in part by yourself, and that you have the right to # submit it under the terms of the UNLICENSE and voluntarily elect to place it # into the Public Domain by waiving all copyright, patent and related or # neighboring rights to it as specified in the `UNLICENSE.md` file; or # # * Based on Third Party Work that, to the best of your knowledge, is covered # under an appropriate open source license which gives you the right to submit # that work with modifications under the same open source license as indicated # in the contents of the files pertaining to that Contribution or defined # within the `THIRDPARTY.yaml` metadata file. tav: email: tav@espians.com github: tav location: London, UK name: tav twitter: tav