use std::net::{Ipv4Addr, SocketAddrV4}; use peerlink::reactor::DisconnectReason; use peerlink::{Command, Config, Event, PeerId, Reactor}; mod common; use common::Message; // These tests are designed to perform client and server disconnects in a variety of manners: // orderly, disorderly, and abrupt. In each instance, the remaining party must notice the // disconnect immediately and without fail. enum LeaveType { Disconnect(PeerId), Shutdown, Panic, } #[test] fn client_orderly_disconnect() { shutdown_test(8000, LeaveType::Disconnect(PeerId(0)), true); } #[test] fn client_shutdown_leave() { shutdown_test(8001, LeaveType::Shutdown, true); } #[test] fn client_abrupt_leave() { shutdown_test(8002, LeaveType::Panic, true); } #[test] fn server_orderly_disconnect() { shutdown_test(8003, LeaveType::Disconnect(PeerId(0)), false); } #[test] fn server_shutdown_leave() { shutdown_test(8004, LeaveType::Shutdown, false); } #[test] fn server_abrupt_leave() { shutdown_test(8005, LeaveType::Panic, false); } fn shutdown_test(port: u16, shutdown_command: LeaveType, client_is_leaving: bool) { let _ = env_logger::builder().is_test(true).try_init(); let server_addr = SocketAddrV4::new(Ipv4Addr::LOCALHOST, port).into(); let config = Config { bind_addr: vec![server_addr], ..Default::default() }; let (server_reactor, server_handle) = Reactor::<_, Message, _>::new(config).unwrap(); let (client_reactor, client_handle) = Reactor::new(Config::default()).unwrap(); let _ =; let _ =; // We are using this because there is a split-second moment between the server binding to a local // socket and registering it for polling where it can miss notifications. This will never // happen in practice but it is essentially a race condition that can deadlock a test if the // running machine is fast enough. std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(10)); client_handle .send(Command::Connect(server_addr.to_string())) .unwrap(); assert!(matches!( client_handle.receive_blocking().unwrap(), Event::ConnectedTo { .. } )); assert!(matches!( server_handle.receive_blocking().unwrap(), Event::ConnectedFrom { .. } )); let (leaving, remaining) = if client_is_leaving { (client_handle, server_handle) } else { (server_handle, client_handle) }; match shutdown_command { LeaveType::Disconnect(peer_id) => leaving.send(Command::Disconnect(peer_id)), LeaveType::Shutdown => leaving.shutdown(), LeaveType::Panic => leaving.panic(), } .unwrap(); assert!(matches!( remaining.receive_blocking().unwrap(), Event::Disconnected { reason: DisconnectReason::Left, .. } )); }