extern crate proc_macro; extern crate proc_macro2; extern crate quote; use peg::Parse; use quote::quote_spanned; // This can't use the `peg` crate as it would be a circular dependency, but the generated code in grammar.rs // requires `::peg` paths. extern crate peg_runtime as peg; mod analysis; mod ast; mod grammar; mod tokens; mod translate; /// The main macro for creating a PEG parser. /// /// For the grammar syntax, see the `peg` crate documentation. #[proc_macro] pub fn parser(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream { let tokens = tokens::FlatTokenStream::new(input.into()); let grammar = match grammar::peg::peg_grammar(&tokens) { Ok(g) => g, Err(err) => { let msg = if tokens.is_eof(err.location.1) { format!("expected {} at end of input", err.expected) } else { format!("expected {}", err.expected) }; return quote_spanned!(err.location.0=> compile_error!(#msg);).into(); } }; translate::compile_grammar(&grammar).into() }