# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/) and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). ## [0.9.0] 2020-09-05 - Renamed resources icons and cursors methods. - Refactored resources paths. - Removed Apex Legends analysis into the apexbot repository. - Added function to get the save length required for a pattern. - Fixed incorrect parsing of square brackets when the lower bound is zero. - Improved findsig utility displaying the right number of save columns. - Added JSON output to findsig utility. - Removed DosImage section from serialized PE headers. - Added newtype wrappers for section headers. - Added method to easily search for section header by name. - Fixed optional mmap feature breaking the build if not present. - Refactored Pod trait into its own crate: dataview. - Relaxed image size check in PeView. - Added no_std support, thanks h33p! - Removed proc-macro expression workaround. - Removed align structs. - Fixed feature cfg errors and warnings. ## [0.8.1] 2020-04-15 Small patch to remove the `pocs/blob` file from the published crate. This avoids issues with antivirus false-positive detecting this file as malicious. ## [0.8.0] 2019-09-12 Pelite is now developed in Rust Edition 2018! ### Proc-macro Assistance Procedural macros have been added (because I can)! - Moved the Pod trait to the crate root from util. - Added zeroed and uninit constructors for Pod types. - Added a proc-macro to safely implement the Pod trait as it'll check if every other member implements Pod. ### Patterns and Scanner The patterns and scanner saw some significant upgrades. - Added a proc-macro to compiletime parse patterns making the pattern strings zero-cost to use. Added new atoms to build more powerful patterns. Unfortunately not all of these have a syntax representation in string patterns. Welcoming ideas on how to improve the design of the pattern DSL. - Added pattern atom Check which compares the cursor against the save slot value and fails if they're not equal. - Added pattern atom Zero which writes zero to the given save slot. - Added pattern atom Align which checks if the cursor is aligned to the given alignment. - Added pattern atom Nop for assisting implementing parsers. Cleaned up the implementation of skipping around, this is a very **[breaking]** change but cleans up the API and implementation. - Changed the parameters of Skip and Push to only be able to skip forwards. - Changed the argument to skip a pointer's worth of bytes to zero, use Nop as a no-operation atom. - Replaced SkipExt and ManyExt by Rangext to unify range extension under a single atom. - Added pattern atom Skep to jump backwards. ### Unified Wrappers This library has never attempted to unify the 32-bit and 64-bit PE variants. It made it annoying to write tooling or utilities to work with both formats even when there's hardly a difference in API. Introducing the Wrap API which is an enum that holds either one of two types, the 32-bit or the 64-bit variant. Then using Rust magic reimplement most of the pelite API on this wrapper for convenience to avoid having to match all the time. - Added the `Wrap` API to unify the 32-bit and 64-bit PE variants. Further try to avoid the Wrap as much as possible by actually unifying types that are actually the same. Code between 32-bit and 64-bit variants is actually duplicated at the source code level by means of `#[path]`. This means that some types that are identical got unnecessarily duplicated, efforts include reducing this duplication. This shared code is not directly accessible, accessing these types from their usual pe32 or pe64 paths. It doesn't matter what you pick, Rust now recognizes they refer to the same underlying types. - Changed Rich Structure to shared code. - Changed Security Directory to shared code. - Changed Base Relocations to shared code. ### PE Format - Renamed names Pogo to Pgo to better reflect the actual meaning of Profile Guided Optimization related information. - Added Rich Structure parser. - Added Base Relocations builder API. - Added API get_section_bytes to do the right thing regardless if a PeFile or PeView. ### Resources Format VersionInfo got a complete do-over and some fixes. - Fixed infinite loop case in VersionInfo parser. - Refactored the VersionInfo API, see docs and examples how to use it. - Added rendering VersionInfo back to source code. - Added an example which reads and renders the VersionInfo from a PE file. - Added a parser for lang id and charset id pairs. - Changed version_info from resources to no longer hardcode the language. Finding resources by name has been redesigned. - Renamed the UTF-16 variant to `WideStr`. - Added a `Str` variant that accepts Rust strings. Compares as an identifier if the string starts with `#`, otherwise compares against named entries. Miscellaneous changes - Delay bound checks when fetching resources parsing some (questionably valid) binaries that would previously fail. ### Examples The examples demonstrate how pelite might be used in practice. For fun I wrote an ApiSetSchema parser (only supports the latest Windows 10 format). Try it out: `cargo run --example apisetschema > apisetschema.txt`. - Parse ApiSetSchema for Windows 10. Perhaps even more important than example code is to show the result of these examples. Visualizing the results becomes important, for this I refactored the game analysis modules to render to markdown so GitHub's preview gives a pretty view. Future ideas may move to rendering to HTML and hosting with GitHub pages. There are many ideas to explore in this space. - Update CS:GO analysis. - Added Apex Legends analysis. ### Alignment utils An interesting use case is to embed a binary in your executable through `include_bytes!` and reflect upon the binary with pelite. However because the included resource is an array of bytes it may not have the strict alignment that pelite requires! To fix this use one of the Align wrappers. - Added alignment tuple structs `Align16`, `Align512` and `Align4K`. Make it convenient to align to or check the alignment of an integer or pointer. - Added helper to align an integer or pointer to the next alignment. - Added helper to check if an integer or pointer is aligned. ### RE Utilities Support more general purpose analysis features for discovery rather than automating existing analysis. - Added shannon entropy function. ### Miscellaneous - Added maintenance badge. - Added unstable feature to expose experimental features. - Added error converters from `std::str::Utf8Error` making more convenient error handling. - Changed TLS raw data to use base64 when serializing for humans. - Changed Ptr's methods where const fn has been stablized. - Fixed Ptr's type parameter variance. - Removed WideStr from utils, it didn't do what you thought it did. ## [0.7.2] 2020-04-15 Small patch to remove the `pocs/blob` file from the published crate. This avoids issues with antivirus false-positive detecting this file as malicious. ## [0.7.1] 2018-09-20 - Tweak the patterns documentation. - Fix compile error with features=serde. - Remove virtual_address method on base relocations block. ## [0.7.0] 2018-09-14 ### Export and IAT Directory - **[breaking]** Exports iter_names' iterator Item tuple is has swapped its elements to `(name, export)` to better match (_key_, _value_) semantics. - **[breaking]** Exported symbol no longer contains the `None` value, it is returned in the outer result as error `Null`. - Added Exports API to query non-sorted name table. The exports name table must be sorted according to the PE specification to allow binary search, an API was added to search by name in a linear fashion. - Added IAT Directory support. Access all the imported functions directly through the IAT. ### Base Relocations Directory - **[breaking]** Streamlined the base relocations API for the common use case, iterating over all base relocations. - **[breaking]** Removed the main `Iterator`. Instead internal iterator methods are provided directly on the `BaseRelocations` struct. ### Exception and Security Directory - **[major]** Implemented basic access to the exception directory! - Fixed the Security reading from the wrong Directory index. ### Resources Directory - **[breaking]** Removed explicit API for printing the resources filesystem, instead visualizing has moved to the `Display` implementation of `Resources` and `Directory` and changed the visualization to be more visually simple and consistent. - **[breaking]** Changed the method to get the bytes from a data entry to the name `bytes()`. - Added a simple file system consistency check method to the resources, checks that the internal structure of the resources filesystem is not broken. - Cleanup use of `unsafe` in the resources code by refactoring them into a few methods in close proximity. - **[major]** Added parser for Version Information. Read the parsed version information from the `Resources` struct. - Added convenience method to get the Application Manifest directly from the `Resources` struct. ### Debug Directory - **[breaking]** Redesigned the API, again. I'm almost happy with it now. - Added support to parse the PGO debug entry. ### Scanner and Patterns - **[breaking]** Removed the deprecated `Match` code in favour of passing the save array as a mut reference and removed the `Iterator` support for matches. Renamed the `next_match` method to `next`. - Expanded the pattern atoms to support larger and many skips. - Added pattern atoms to read data and write directly to the save array instead of only having bookmarks. - Added pattern atoms to support alternation subpattern matching. This allows far more flexible patterns that can match slight variations in code. - Rewrote the pattern parser syntax documentation with examples. - Improve pattern parser error messages and indicate where in the string the parse went wrong. - Added pattern string syntax for skipping a large or many number of bytes inspired by the YARA syntax. - Added pattern string syntax for reading data and writing directly to the save array. - Added pattern string syntax for alternation subpattern matching inspired by the YARA syntax (very similar to regular expressions). - Added some basic testing of the scanner execution as things are getting a little more complex. ### Miscellaneous - Added a top-level `PeFile` parser that works with both PE32 and PE32+ formats. A start to provide a better API to better support a more seamless experience handling both formats at the same time. - Added a method to get the entire DOS image, no further inspection of the DOS image is provided. - **[major]** Fixed potential overflow panics in address calculations. This is now a good candidate for fuzzing to ensure no further unintentional overflows are possible. When section header data overflows, the corrupt sections are ignored. - **[breaking]** Added more strict alignment checks. Before only the offset into the image was checked for alignment, but this didn't work if the image itself wasn't align (it's a byte slice after all). Now the final pointer value is checked for alignment instead, this may result in unexpected `Misaligned` errors. - **[breaking]** Renamed and added some `Error` values and write better documentation and error strings. Some APIs also got better documentation about the kinds of errors they return. - **[breaking]** Group major and minor version fields in image structs in a separate struct to enable more fancy automatic formatting and serialization. - **[breaking]** Deref functions are no longer generic over their pointer parameter. Convert bare `Va` manually by calling `.into()` when passing to the deref APIs. - **[breaking]** Changed to use existential Iterators wherever possible, some `Iterator` types no longer exist. - Added API to convert between the file view and section view, respectively `to_file` and `to_view`. - Improved the text of some of the stringify strings. - Added API to read unaligned arrays from the PE image. - Improved documentation and examples in general. ### Cargo features - **[major]** Optional Serde support! Enables serialization of datastructures making exporting PE details really easy. Just enable the `serde` feature, disabled by default. - With `serde` support, optionally enable base64 encoding of certain data fields for a more compact and human friendly experience. Enable with the `base64` feature, disabled by default. - Convenient OS memory mapping features are now optional (and enabled by default), using the `mmap` feature. ### Continuous integration - Smarter usage of appveyor resources to reduce CI times to 20-30 minutes. - Now supporting Travis-CI! Fixing the unix mmap code and keeping it working. - Support coverage with OpenCppCoverage, coverage publishing is pending. ## [0.6.0] 2018-08-01 ### Added - Add convenient Error is_null. - Add stringify module with functions to stringify many PE constants and bitflags. - Implement LoadConfig Directory reader. - Implement Security Directory reader. - Implement Copy and Clone for msvc structs. - Implement Send and Sync for Ptr type. - Accept and test against curiously valid tiny PE files. - Implement generic string reading functions in Pe derva_string and deref_string. - Implement imphash example. - Hashes the import functions of a binary. ### Changed - More generic GetProcAddress. - Split overloaded Pe slice_len functions. - **BREAKING** Rework the Debug interface completely. - **BREAKING** Play with the Exports API. - Rename exports By hint_name to name_of_hint. - Reuse export By hint_name to get an export by its hint with fallback to its name. - **BREAKING** Rename reading a C string to Pe derva_c_str and deref_c_str. - **BREAKING** Reworked pointer offsetting with signed offsets. - **BREAKING** Soft deprecate BADVA and BADRVA. - Their values have changed from all bits clear to all bits set. - Rework all debug formatting code to the standard debug format. - This makes pedump output very ugly, but is a necessary step to rework proper serialization. - Clean up pe32 and pe64 examples documentation. - Fix deref_slice bounds to slice of T. - Upgrade dependencies to their latest. ## [0.5.0] 2018-02-21 ### Added - Add pattern atoms - Fuzzy masking atom allows bytes to be masked before being compared. - Many atom skips up to a limited number of bytes, similar to `.{0,limit}` regex. - Pir atom enables following pointer references in position independent executables (PIE). - Pattern scanner accepts a `&mut [Rva]` save array instead of returning a `Match` result of fixed size. - Convenience methods for the `Export` enum to make the common case more ergonomic. - Implement convenient iteration over exported symbols and names. - Introduce convenient `get_proc_address` to easily query exports with a small performance trade-off. - Introduce alignment query to `Pe` trait, allows to know if the image has file alignment or section alignment. - Findsig binary tool to interactively scan binaries for patterns using the powerful pattern scanner. - Examples - Generate random bytes with a markov chain over bytes based on x86 instructions. - Demonstrate how to use pelite to automate analysis of [Team Fortress 2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Team_Fortress_2) binaries. - Demonstrate how to use pelite to automate analysis of [Counter-Strike: Global Offensive](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Counter-Strike:_Global_Offensive) binaries. ### Changed - Improved pattern scanner by optimizing it for `PeView`. - Intent to deprecate `Match` and all related methods. - Renamed specific resources find error to `FindError::Bad8Path`. - Renamed pemoddef binary to module-def. - Allow references to virtual address space in section padding. - Allow slicing one byte past the end of a section with length zero. - Fix incorrect error when slicing `PeFile` and overlapping sections. - Guide the compiler to generate slightly more efficient code reading or slicing the image. - When reading or slicing `debug_assert!` that align is a power of 2. - Better testing of image struct sizes are correct. - Use winapi in the mmap module instead of doing it yolo. ## [0.4.0] 2017-09-06 ### Added - Typed virtual address pointers. - Dereference these typed virtual address pointers in the context of a PE image. - Pattern Scanning for PE images. - Signatures capable of following jumps to subroutines and data access. - Textual and binary representations of signatures. - Optimized quicksearch makes even advanced patterns fast to find. - PE Module-Definition Generator - Generates a `.def` file for a DLL which can be used to create an Import Library to link against. ### Changed - Simplify the readme error handling. - **BREAKING** Refactor PE reading functions: - Unify the slice reading functions with trait-based overloading. - Equivalent functions for both `Va` and `Rva` addresses. - Fixes subtle semantic differences between null addresses. - AppVeyor now also tests `--release` versions in case of unsafe code regressions. - Refactoring to improve code quality without changing semantics. - Documentation typos and wordings fixed. - MSVC data structures now have documentation. - Made the `Pe` trait unsafe, as it makes unsafe assumptions that the PE headers are valid. ## [0.3.0] 2017-06-07 Completely rewrote the library with proper error handling in mind.