extern crate pemmican; extern crate hyper; extern crate futures; extern crate chashmap; use std::io::Error as IoError; use std::sync::Arc; use futures::Future; use hyper::{Method, StatusCode}; use pemmican::{Pemmican, Config, PluginData, Plugin}; use pemmican::plugins::PageVisits; struct State { page_visits: Arc, } // This is the static router struct MyRouter; impl Plugin for MyRouter { fn handle(&self, mut data: PluginData) -> Box, Error = IoError>> { match (data.request.path(), data.request.method()) { ("/", &Method::Get) => home(data), _ => { data.response.set_status(StatusCode::NotFound); Box::new(futures::future::ok( data )) } } } } // This is our home page handler fn home(mut data: PluginData) -> Box, Error = IoError>> { // Here we access the plugin in the shared state object if let Some(c) = data.shared.state.page_visits.get( data.request.uri().as_ref() ) { data.response.set_body( format!("This page has been accessed {} times.\n", c)); } else { data.response.set_body( format!("We dont know how many times this page has been accessed.\n")); } data.response.set_status(StatusCode::Ok); Box::new( futures::future::ok( data ) ) } #[test] fn main() { // Create the plugin. We will have two references via an Arc: one to pass // to pemmican as the plugin, and the other so that we can query the page // count. let page_visits = Arc::new(PageVisits::new()); // Create the shared state object let state = State { // Store a reference to the plugin within the shared state object, so we can // access it from our handler page_visits: page_visits.clone() }; // Create pemmican, giving it the shared state object // NOTE: We are passing in two plugins: MyRouter and the 'page_visits' plugin. // That is how you "plug in" a plugin. let pemmican = Pemmican::new( Config::default(), vec![ Arc::new(Box::new(page_visits)), Arc::new(Box::new(MyRouter)) ], state ); // And run the server let _ = pemmican.run("", //futures::future::empty() // this runs indefinately futures::future::ok(()) // this completes immediately ); }