# perDiem 0.1.6x Patch notes: ------------- Message me on Discord @ dtimer for any feedback or suggestions ------------ IMPORTANT: ----------- It is strongly recommended to use a version past 0.1.66, as previous versions have a bug where leap day would convert to Feb 28 rather than March 1 after adding a year Adds: ----------- >OrdinalDate struct >increase and decrease ordinally functions >to_OrdinalDate >Finally adding decrease function for Date and DateTime(decrease_ordinally_as_new and decrease_ordinally) >Improves documentation a ton Fixes/Changes: ----------- > Fixes a ton of tests in the docs that didn't have imports, and some errors > Changed the start year for .new() for Date, DateTime, and OrdinalDate to 0, (Was 1) > Changed some doc descriptions for clarity > Removed unnecessary checks due to type restrictions > Made 24 an invalid hour(Should be hour 0) > Fixed 29/2 being change to a non leap year returning 28/2 rather than 1/3 > Rewrite of weekday calculation > Removes compare_dyn_any_value > Removes allShareEL for Date and DateTime > Fixes README Normal README: ----------------- The `Date` struct: ---------------- Fields: > `day`: i8 > `month`: i8 > `year`: i16 [Implementations](https://docs.rs/perDiem/0.1.4/perDiem/types/struct.Date.html#method.allShareEL) The `DateTime` struct: ------------------- Fields: >`second`: i8 >`minute`: i8 >`hour`: i8 >`day`: i8 >`month`: i8 >`year`: i16 [Implementations](https://docs.rs/perDiem/0.1.4/perDiem/types/struct.DateTime.html) The `TimeDifference` struct: ---------------------------- Used to represent the difference between Dates and DateTimes Fields: >`second`: i32 >`minute`: i32 >`hour`: i32 >`day`: i32 >`month`: i32 >`year`: i32 [Implementations](https://docs.rs/perDiem/0.1.4/perDiem/types/struct.TimeDifference.html) The `TimeSpan` enum: -------------------- Used for increase and decrease methods(WIP) Variants: >`second`: i32 >`minute`: i32 >`hour`: i32 >`day`: i32 >`month`: i32 >`year`: i32