[![Crate](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/perf-gauge.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/perf-gauge) ![Clippy/Fmt](https://github.com/xnuter/perf-gauge/workflows/Clippy/Fmt/badge.svg) ![Tests](https://github.com/xnuter/perf-gauge/workflows/Tests/badge.svg) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/xnuter/perf-gauge/badge.svg?branch=main)](https://coveralls.io/github/xnuter/perf-gauge?branch=main) Overview ======== Benchmarking tool for network services. Currently, limited to HTTP only (H1 or H2, over TCP or TLS). However, it's easily extendable to other protocols. It works in the following modes: 1. `ab`-like mode. Just send traffic to an endpoint for a given duration, or a number of requests. 1. Unlimited request rate (to find the max throughput). 1. Choose the request rate and concurrency level. 1. Measurements are down to `µs`. 1. Increase the request rate linearly, e.g. by `1,000` every minute to see how your service scales with load. 1. It can report metrics to `Prometheus` via a `pushgateway`. For instance: ![](./examples/prom/baseline-nginx-stable-p50-99.png). Emitted metrics are: * `request_count` - counter for all requests * `success_count` - counter for only successful requests * `bytes_count` - total bytes transferred * `response_codes` - counters for response codes (200, 400, etc.) * `success_latency` - latency histogram of successful requests only * `error_latency` - latency histogram of failed requests (if any) * `throughput` - throughput histogram of successful requests only * `latency` - latency histogram across all requests * `latency_{statistic}` - `{statistic} = {min, mean, max, stddev, p50, p90, p99, p99_9, p99_99, tm99, tm99.9, tm99.99}` - gauges for latency statistics For instance, [benchmarking](https://github.com/xnuter/perf-gauge/wiki/Benchmarking-TCP-Proxies-written-in-different-languages:-C,-CPP,-Rust,-Golang,-Java,-Python) TCP proxies in different languages: C, C++, Rust, Golang, Java, Python. Installation ====== For `MacOS`, `Ubuntu`, `Windows` you can use the binaries in the [release section](https://github.com/xnuter/perf-gauge/releases). Alternatively you can build it on your machine: Install cargo - follow these [instructions](https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/getting-started/installation.html). On Debian to fix [OpenSSL build issue](https://docs.rs/openssl/0.10.30/openssl/). E.g. on Debian: ```bash sudo apt-get install pkg-config libssl-dev ``` on `Red-Hat`: ```bash sudo dnf install pkg-config openssl-devel # or sudo yum install pkg-config openssl-devel ``` Then: ``` $ cargo install perf-gauge --features full ``` Supported features: * `default` - if no features specified, only `http` traffic is supported * `tls-native` - TLS support (based on `OpenSSL`) * `tls-boring` - TLS support (based on `BoringSSL`). Doesn't support self-signed certs. * `report-to-prometheus` - to support `Prometheus` for metric collection * `full` - `report-to-prometheus` + `tls-native` * `full-boring` - `report-to-prometheus` + `tls-boring` Usage ======= ```bash $ perf-gauge help ``` ```text Gauging performance of network services. Snapshot or continuous, supports Prometheus metrics. USAGE: perf-gauge [OPTIONS] OPTIONS: -c, --concurrency Concurrent clients. Default `1` [default: 1] --continuous If it's a part of a continuous run. In this case metrics are not reset at the end to avoid saw-like plots -d, --duration Duration of the test -h, --help Print help information -m, --max_iter takes_value "The number of iterations with the max rate. By default `1` [default: 1] -n, --num_req Number of requests per client -N, --name Test case name. Optional. Can be used for tagging metrics --prometheus If you'd like to send metrics to Prometheus PushGateway, specify the server URL. E.g. --prometheus_job Prometheus Job (by default `pushgateway`) -r, --rate Request rate per second. E.g. 100 or 0.1. By default no limit --rate_max Max rate per second. Requires --rate-step --rate_step Rate increase step (until it reaches --rate_max) --request_timeout Timeout of a single request. E.g. "--request_timeout 30s". Timeouts are treated as fatal errors -V, --version Print version information SUBCOMMANDS: help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s) http Run in HTTP(S) mode ``` Help for the `http` command: ```bash $ perf-gauge help http ``` ```text Run in HTTP(S) mode USAGE: perf-gauge http [OPTIONS] [TARGET]... ARGS: ... Target, e.g. https://my-service.com:8443/8kb Can be multiple ones (with random choice balancing) OPTIONS: -B, --body Body of the request. Could be either `random://[0-9]+`, `file://$filename` or `base64://${valid_base64}`. Optional --conn_reuse If connections should be re-used -E, --error_stop Stop immediately on error codes. E.g. `-E 401 -E 403` -h, --help Print help information -H, --header
Headers in \"Name:Value1\" form. Can be provided multiple times. It can contain multiple values, e.g. \"Name:Value1:Value2:Value3\". In this case a random one is chosen for each request --http2_only Enforce HTTP/2 only --ignore_cert Allow self signed certificates -M, --method Method. By default GET -V, --version Print version information ``` For example, test an endpoint using a single run, 5 seconds (max possible request rate): ```bash $ perf-gauge --concurrency 10 \ --duration 1m \ http http://localhost/10kb --conn_reuse ``` Parameters: * `--concurrency 10` - the number of clients generating load concurrently * `--duration 1m` - step duration `1m` (or `10s`, `5m`, etc.) * `http http://local-nginx.org/10kb --conn_reuse` - run in `http` mode to the given endpoint, reusing connections. Reporting performance metrics to Prometheus =========================================== Another use case, is to increase request rate and see how the latency degrades. E.g. increase RPS each minute by 1,000: ```bash export PROMETHEUS_HOST= $ perf-gauge --concurrency 10 \ --request_timeout 30s \ --rate 1000 --rate_step 1000 --rate_max 25000 \ --max_iter 15 \ --duration 1m \ --name nginx-direct \ --prometheus $PROMETHEUS_HOST:9091 \ http https://localhost/10kb --conn_reuse --ignore_cert ``` * `--concurrency 10` - the number of clients generating load concurrently * `--request_timeout 30s` - do not wait for response longer than 30 seconds and stop execution on timeouts. * `--rate 1000 --rate_step 1000 --rate_max 25000` - start with rate 1000 rps, then add 1000 rps after each step until it reaches 25k. * `--duration 1m` - step duration `1m` * `--max_iter 15` - perform `15` iterations at the max rate * `--name nginx-direct` - the name of the test (used for reporting metrics to `prometheus`) * `--prometheus $PROMETHEUS_HOST:9091` - push-gateway `host:port` to send metrics to Prometheus. * `http http://local-nginx.org/10kb --conn_reuse` - run in `https` mode to the given endpoint, reusing connections and not checking the certificate.