
[![Book](]( [![API Docs](]( [![Crate Page](]( [![Top Language](]() [![Discord Chat](]( Perseus is a blazingly fast frontend web development framework built in Rust with support for generating page state at build-time, request-time, incrementally, or whatever you'd like! It supports reactivity using [Sycamore](, and builds on it to provide a fully-fledged framework for developing modern apps. - 📕 Supports static generation (serving only static resources) - 🗼 Supports server-side rendering (serving dynamic resources) - 🔧 Supports revalidation after time and/or with custom logic (updating rendered pages) - 🛠️ Supports incremental regeneration (build on demand) - 🏭 Open build matrix (use any rendering strategy with anything else) - 🖥️ CLI harness that lets you build apps with ease and confidence - 🌐 Full i18n support out-of-the-box with [Fluent]( - 🏎 Lighthouse scores of 100 on desktop and over 95 on mobile - ⚡ Support for *hot state reloading* (reload your entire app's state after you make any code changes in development, Perseus is the only framework in the world that can do this, to our knowledge) ## What's it like? Here's a taste of Perseus (see [the _tiny_ example]( for more): ```rust,ignore use perseus::prelude::*; use sycamore::prelude::*; #[perseus::main(perseus_axum::dflt_server)] pub fn main() -> PerseusApp { PerseusApp::new() .template( Template::build("index") .view(|cx| { view! { cx, p { "Hello World!" } } }) .build() ) } ``` Check out [the book]( to learn how to turn that into your next app! ## Quick start If you want to start working with Perseus right away, run the following commands and you'll have a basic app ready in no time! (Or, more accurately, after Cargo compiles everything...) ``` shell cargo install perseus-cli perseus new my-app cd my-app/ perseus serve -w ``` Then, hop over to and see a placeholder app, in all its glory! If you change some code, that'll automatically update, reloading the browser all by itself. (This rebuilding might take a while though, see [here]( for how to speed things up.) ## Aim Support every major rendering strategy and provide developers the ability to efficiently create super-fast apps with Rust and a fantastic developer experience! ## Motivation There is a sore lack of Rust frameworks for frontend development that support more than just SPAs and client-side rendering, and so Perseus was born. We need something like NextJS for Wasm. But why stop there? ## Contributing We appreciate all kinds of contributions, check out our [contributing guidelines]( for more information! Also, please be sure to follow our [code of conduct]( You can also chat about Perseus on [our channel on Sycamore's Discord server]( Perseus wouldn't be posible without the hard work of all these wonderful people! ## License See [`LICENSE`](