FROM golang:1.19-alpine3.16 AS go-builder ARG GAIA_TAG_NAME # Set up dependencies ENV PACKAGES curl make git libusb-dev libc-dev bash gcc linux-headers eudev-dev python3 # Install ca-certificates RUN set -eux; apk add --no-cache ca-certificates build-base; # Install minimum necessary dependencies RUN apk add --no-cache $PACKAGES # Set working directory for the build WORKDIR /usr/local/app # Add source files ADD$ /tmp RUN cd /tmp && unzip $ && mv /tmp/gaia-${GAIA_TAG_NAME#?}/* /usr/local/app # Force it to use static lib (from above) not standard file RUN LEDGER_ENABLED=false make build FROM alpine:3.16 COPY --from=go-builder /usr/local/app/build/gaiad /usr/bin/gaiad # Set up dependencies ENV PACKAGES curl make bash jq ENV CHAIN_BIN /usr/bin/gaiad # Install minimum necessary dependencies RUN apk add --no-cache $PACKAGES WORKDIR /opt # rest server, p2p, rpc, grpc EXPOSE 1317 26656 26657 9090 # Run persistenceCore by default, omit entrypoint to ease using container with cli CMD ["/usr/bin/gaiad", "version", "--long"]