package main import ( "context" "fmt" "strconv" "strings" "time" starship "" sdk "" ibctransfertypes "" ibcclienttypes "" ibcchanneltypes "" ibcexported "" ibctm "" ) func (s *TestSuite) RunIBCTokenTransferTests() { persistence := s.GetChainClient("test-core-2") gaia := s.GetChainClient("test-gaia-1") uxprt := persistence.MustGetChainDenom() amt := 10000000 // 10 XPRTs amtBack := 1000000 // 1 XPRT c := s.GetTransferChannel(gaia, persistence.ChainID) port, channel := c.PortId, c.ChannelId // ibc atom denom would be empty if there are no traces of this uxprt yet ibcXPRT := s.GetIBCDenom(gaia, port, channel, uxprt) balBefore := s.GetBalance(gaia, gaia.Address, ibcXPRT) s.T().Logf("transferring %d%s to gaia address", amt, uxprt) seq := s.IBCTransferTokens(persistence, gaia.Address, port, channel, uxprt, amt) s.WaitForIBCPacketAck(gaia, port, channel, seq) ibcXPRT = s.GetIBCDenom(gaia, port, channel, uxprt) balAfter := s.GetBalance(gaia, gaia.Address, ibcXPRT) s.T().Log("check balance after ibc transfer") s.Require().Equal(balBefore.Amount.Add(sdk.NewInt(int64(amt))), balAfter.Amount) s.T().Logf("transferring %d%s back to persistence address (in ibc denoms)", amtBack, uxprt) port, channel = c.Counterparty.PortId, c.Counterparty.ChannelId balBefore = s.GetBalance(persistence, persistence.Address, uxprt) seq = s.IBCTransferTokens(gaia, persistence.Address, port, channel, ibcXPRT, amtBack) s.WaitForIBCPacketAck(persistence, port, channel, seq) balAfter = s.GetBalance(persistence, persistence.Address, uxprt) s.T().Log("check balance after transferring back ibc token") s.Require().Equal(balBefore.AddAmount(sdk.NewInt(int64(amtBack))), balAfter) } func (s *TestSuite) GetIBCDenom(chain *starship.ChainClient, port, channel, denom string) string { res, err := ibctransfertypes. NewQueryClient(chain.Client). DenomHash(context.Background(), &ibctransfertypes.QueryDenomHashRequest{ Trace: fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s", port, channel, denom), }) if err != nil && strings.Contains(err.Error(), ibctransfertypes.ErrTraceNotFound.Error()) { return "" } s.Require().NoError(err) return fmt.Sprintf("ibc/%s", res.Hash) } func (s *TestSuite) IBCTransferTokens(chain *starship.ChainClient, receiver, port, channel, denom string, amount int) string { coin, err := sdk.ParseCoinNormalized(fmt.Sprintf("%d%s", amount, denom)) s.Require().NoError(err) lh := s.GetIBCClientLatestHeight(chain) msg := &ibctransfertypes.MsgTransfer{ SourcePort: port, SourceChannel: channel, Token: coin, Sender: chain.Address, Receiver: receiver, TimeoutHeight: ibcclienttypes.Height{ RevisionNumber: lh.GetRevisionNumber(), RevisionHeight: lh.GetRevisionHeight() + 100, }, } res := s.SendMsgAndWait(chain, msg, "IBC transfer tokens for e2e tests") return s.FindEventAttr(res, "send_packet", "packet_sequence") } func (s *TestSuite) GetIBCClientLatestHeight(chain *starship.ChainClient) ibcexported.Height { res, err := ibcclienttypes. NewQueryClient(chain.Client). ClientStates(context.Background(), &ibcclienttypes.QueryClientStatesRequest{}) s.Require().NoError(err) var cs ibcexported.ClientState err = chain.Client.Codec.InterfaceRegistry.UnpackAny(res.ClientStates[0].ClientState, &cs) s.Require().NoError(err) return cs.GetLatestHeight() } func (s *TestSuite) GetTransferChannel(chain *starship.ChainClient, counterparty string) *ibcchanneltypes.IdentifiedChannel { res, err := ibcchanneltypes. NewQueryClient(chain.Client). Channels(context.Background(), &ibcchanneltypes.QueryChannelsRequest{}) s.Require().NoError(err) for _, c := range res.GetChannels() { if c.PortId == ibctransfertypes.PortID && s.GetChannelClientChainID(chain, c.PortId, c.ChannelId) == counterparty { return c } } s.FailNow("transfer channel not found") return nil } func (s *TestSuite) GetChannelClientChainID(chain *starship.ChainClient, port, channel string) string { res, err := ibcchanneltypes. NewQueryClient(chain.Client). ChannelClientState(context.Background(), &ibcchanneltypes.QueryChannelClientStateRequest{ PortId: port, ChannelId: channel, }) s.Require().NoError(err) var cs ibcexported.ClientState err = chain.Client.Codec.InterfaceRegistry.UnpackAny(res.IdentifiedClientState.ClientState, &cs) s.Require().NoError(err) ts, ok := cs.(*ibctm.ClientState) s.Require().True(ok) return ts.ChainId } func (s *TestSuite) WaitForIBCPacketAck(chain *starship.ChainClient, port, channel, seq string) { s.T().Logf("wait for packet ack; port: %s, channel: %s, seq: %s", port, channel, seq) seqInt, err := strconv.Atoi(seq) s.Require().NoError(err) s.Require().Eventuallyf( func() bool { res, err := ibcchanneltypes. NewQueryClient(chain.Client). PacketReceipt(context.Background(), &ibcchanneltypes.QueryPacketReceiptRequest{ PortId: port, ChannelId: channel, Sequence: uint64(seqInt), }) s.Require().NoError(err) return res.Received }, 300*time.Second, time.Second, fmt.Sprintf("waited for too long, still packet not received; port: %s, channel: %s, seq: %s", port, channel, seq), ) }