# @finos/perspective-viewer Module for the `` custom element. This module has no (real) exports, but importing it has a side effect: the `PerspectiveViewerElement`class is registered as a custom element, after which it can be used as a standard DOM element. Though `` is written mostly in Rust, the nature of WebAssembly's compilation makes it a dynamic module; in order to guarantee that the Custom Elements extension methods are registered synchronously with this package's import, we need perform said registration within this wrapper module. As a result, the API methods of the Custom Elements are all `async` (as they must await the wasm module instance). The documentation in this module defines the instance structure of a `` DOM object instantiated typically, through HTML or any relevent DOM method e.g. `document.createElement("perspective-viewer")` or `document.getElementsByTagName("perspective-viewer")`. ## Table of contents ### Classes - [HTMLPerspectiveViewerElement](#HTMLPerspectiveViewerElement) - [HTMLPerspectiveViewerPluginElement](#HTMLPerspectiveViewerPluginElement) ### Interfaces - [IPerspectiveViewerElement](#IPerspectiveViewerElement) - [IPerspectiveViewerPlugin](#IPerspectiveViewerPlugin) ### Type Aliases - [PerspectiveViewerConfig](#perspectiveviewerconfig) ### Variables - [default](#default) ### Functions - [chain](#chain) - [convert](#convert) ## Type Aliases ### PerspectiveViewerConfig Ƭ **PerspectiveViewerConfig**: `perspective.ViewConfig` & { `plugin?`: `string` ; `plugin_config?`: `any` ; `settings?`: `boolean` } #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts:15](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts#L15) ## Variables ### default • **default**: `Object` #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/perspective-viewer.ts:44](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/perspective-viewer.ts#L44) ## Functions ### chain ▸ **chain**(`old`, `args`, `options`): `any` Chains functions of `args` and apply to `old` #### Parameters | Name | Type | | :------ | :------ | | `old` | `any` | | `args` | `any` | | `options` | `any` | #### Returns `any` #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/migrate.ts:174](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/migrate.ts#L174) ___ ### convert ▸ **convert**(`old`, `options?`): `Record`<`string`, `unknown`\> \| `ArrayBuffer` \| `string` A migration utility for `@finos/perspective-viewer` and `@finos/perspective-workspace` persisted state objects. If you have an application which persists tokens returned by the `.save()` method of a Perspective Custom Element, and you want to upgrade Perspective to the latest version, this module is for you! You know who you are! Say you have a `` Custom Element from `@finos/perspective-viewer>=0.8.3`, and have persisted an arbitrary persistence token object: ```javascript const old_elem = document.querySelector("perspective-viewer"); const old_token = await old_elem.save(); ``` To migrate this token to the version of `@finos/perspective-migrate` itself: ```javascript import {convert} from "@finos/perspective-viewer`; // ... const new_elem = document.querySelector("perspective-viewer"); const new_token = convert(old_token); await new_elem.restore(new_token); ``` `convert` can also be imported in node for converting persisted tokens outside the browser. ```javascript const {convert} = require("@finos/perspective-viewer/dist/cjs/migrate.js"); ``` #### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | | :------ | :------ | :------ | | `old` | `string` \| `ArrayBuffer` \| `Record`<`string`, `unknown`\> | the layout to convert, in `` or `` format. | | `options` | `PerspectiveConvertOptions` | a `PerspectiveConvertOptions` object specifying the convert options for this call. | #### Returns `Record`<`string`, `unknown`\> \| `ArrayBuffer` \| `string` a layout for either `` or ``, updated to the perspective version of this script's package. #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/migrate.ts:62](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/migrate.ts#L62) # Interface: IPerspectiveViewerElement The Custom Elements implementation for ``, as well at its API. `PerspectiveViewerElement` should not be constructed directly (like its parent class `HTMLElement`); instead, use `document.createElement()` or declare your `` element in HTML. Once instantiated, `` works just like a standard `HTMLElement`, with a few extra perspective-specific methods. **`Example`** ```javascript const viewer = document.createElement("perspective-viewer"); ``` **`Example`** ```javascript document.body.innerHTML = ` `; const viewer = document.body.querySelector("#viewer"); ``` ## Hierarchy - **`IPerspectiveViewerElement`** ↳ [`HTMLPerspectiveViewerElement`](#`HTMLPerspectiveViewerElement`) ## Implemented by - [`HTMLPerspectiveViewerElement`](#`HTMLPerspectiveViewerElement`) ## Table of contents ### Data Methods - [getTable](#gettable) - [getView](#getview) - [load](#load) ### Internal Methods - [unsafeGetModel](#unsafegetmodel) ### Other Methods - [restore](#restore) ### Persistence Methods - [reset](#reset) - [save](#save) ### Plugin Methods - [getAllPlugins](#getallplugins) - [getPlugin](#getplugin) ### UI Action Methods - [copy](#copy) - [download](#download) - [toggleConfig](#toggleconfig) ### Util Methods - [delete](#delete) - [flush](#flush) - [getEditPort](#geteditport) - [getRenderStats](#getrenderstats) - [notifyResize](#notifyresize) - [resetThemes](#resetthemes) - [restyleElement](#restyleelement) - [setAutoPause](#setautopause) - [setAutoSize](#setautosize) - [setThrottle](#setthrottle) ## Data Methods ### getTable ▸ **getTable**(`wait_for_table?`): `Promise`<`Table`\> Returns the `perspective.Table()` which was supplied to `load()` #### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | | :------ | :------ | :------ | | `wait_for_table?` | `boolean` | Whether to await `load()` if it has not yet been invoked, or fail immediately. | #### Returns `Promise`<`Table`\> A `Promise` which resolves to a `perspective.Table` **`Example`** Share a `Table` ```javascript const viewers = document.querySelectorAll("perspective-viewer"); const [viewer1, viewer2] = Array.from(viewers); const table = await viewer1.getTable(); await viewer2.load(table); ``` #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts:176](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts#L176) ___ ### getView ▸ **getView**(): `Promise`<`View`\> Returns the underlying `perspective.View` currently configured for this ``. Because ownership of the `perspective.View` is mainainted by the `` it was created by, this `View` may become deleted (invalidated by calling `delete()`) at any time - specifically, it will be deleted whenever the `PerspectiveViewConfig` changes. Because of this, when using this API, prefer calling `getView()` repeatedly over caching the returned `perspective.View`, especially in `async` contexts. #### Returns `Promise`<`View`\> A `Promise` which ressolves to a `perspective.View`. **`Example`** Collapse grid to root ```javascript const viewer = document.querySelector("perspective-viewer"); const view = await viewer.getView(); await view.set_depth(0); ``` #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts:198](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts#L198) ___ ### load ▸ **load**(`table`): `Promise`<`void`\> Load a `perspective.Table`. If `load` or `update` have already been called on this element, its internal `perspective.Table` will _not_ be deleted, but it will bed de-referenced by this ``. #### Parameters | Name | Type | | :------ | :------ | | `table` | `Table` \| `Promise`<`Table`\> | #### Returns `Promise`<`void`\> A promise which resolves once the data is loaded, a `perspective.View` has been created, and the active plugin has rendered. **`Example`** Load perspective.table ```javascript const my_viewer = document.getElementById('#my_viewer'); const tbl = perspective.table("x,y\n1,a\n2,b"); my_viewer.load(tbl); ``` **`Example`** Load Promise<perspective.table> ```javascript const my_viewer = document.getElementById('#my_viewer'); const tbl = perspective.table("x,y\n1,a\n2,b"); my_viewer.load(tbl); ``` #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts:98](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts#L98) ___ ## Internal Methods ### unsafeGetModel ▸ **unsafeGetModel**(): `number` Get the raw pointer to this `` WASM model, such that it may be passed back to WASM function calls that take a `PerspectiveViewerElement` as an argument. #### Returns `number` A pointer to this model #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts:498](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts#L498) ___ ## Other Methods ### restore ▸ **restore**(`config`): `Promise`<`void`\> Restore this element to a state as generated by a reciprocal call to `save`. In `json` (default) format, `PerspectiveViewerConfig`'s fields have specific semantics: - When a key is missing, this field is ignored; `` will maintain whatever settings for this field is currently applied. - When the key is supplied, but the value is `undefined`, the field is reset to its default value for this current `View`, i.e. the state it would be in after `load()` resolves. - When the key is defined to a value, the value is applied for this field. This behavior is convenient for explicitly controlling current vs desired UI state in a single request, but it does make it a bit inconvenient to use `restore()` to reset a `` to default as you must do so explicitly for each key; for this case, use `reset()` instead of restore. As noted in `save()`, this configuration state does not include the `Table` or its `Schema`. In order for `restore()` to work correctly, it must be called on a `` that has a `Table already `load()`-ed, with the same (or a type-compatible superset) `Schema`. It does not need have the same rows, or even be populated. @category Persistence @param config returned by `save()`. This can be any format returned by `save()`; the specific deserialization is chosen by `typeof config`. @returns A promise which resolves when the changes have been applied and rendered. @example Restore a viewer from `localStorage` ```javascript const viewer = document.querySelector("perspective-viewer"); const token = localStorage.getItem("viewer_state"); await viewer.restore(token); ``` #### Parameters | Name | Type | | :------ | :------ | | `config` | `string` \| [`PerspectiveViewerConfig`](#perspectiveviewerconfig) \| `ArrayBuffer` | #### Returns `Promise`<`void`\> #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts:238](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts#L238) ___ ## Persistence Methods ### reset ▸ **reset**(`all`): `Promise`<`void`\> Reset's this element's view state and attributes to default. Does not delete this element's `perspective.table` or otherwise modify the data state. #### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | | :------ | :------ | :------ | | `all` | `any` | Should `expressions` param be reset as well, defaults to | #### Returns `Promise`<`void`\> **`Example`** ```javascript const viewer = document.querySelector("perspective-viewer"); await viewer.reset(); ``` #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts:306](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts#L306) ___ ### save ▸ **save**(): `Promise`<[`PerspectiveViewerConfig`](#perspectiveviewerconfig)\> Serialize this element's attribute/interaction state, but _not_ the `perspective.Table` or its `Schema`. `save()` is designed to be used in conjunction with `restore()` to persist user settings and bookmarks, but the `PerspectiveViewerConfig` object returned in `json` format can also be written by hand quite easily, which is useful for authoring pre-conceived configs. #### Returns `Promise`<[`PerspectiveViewerConfig`](#perspectiveviewerconfig)\> a serialized element in the chosen format. **`Example`** Save a viewer to `localStorage` ```javascript const viewer = document.querySelector("perspective-viewer"); const token = await viewer.save("string"); localStorage.setItem("viewer_state", token); ``` #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts:263](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts#L263) ▸ **save**(`format`): `Promise`<[`PerspectiveViewerConfig`](#perspectiveviewerconfig)\> #### Parameters | Name | Type | | :------ | :------ | | `format` | ``"json"`` | #### Returns `Promise`<[`PerspectiveViewerConfig`](#perspectiveviewerconfig)\> #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts:264](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts#L264) ▸ **save**(`format`): `Promise`<`ArrayBuffer`\> #### Parameters | Name | Type | | :------ | :------ | | `format` | ``"arraybuffer"`` | #### Returns `Promise`<`ArrayBuffer`\> #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts:265](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts#L265) ▸ **save**(`format`): `Promise`<`string`\> #### Parameters | Name | Type | | :------ | :------ | | `format` | ``"string"`` | #### Returns `Promise`<`string`\> #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts:266](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts#L266) ▸ **save**(`format?`): `Promise`<`string` \| [`PerspectiveViewerConfig`](#perspectiveviewerconfig) \| `ArrayBuffer`\> #### Parameters | Name | Type | | :------ | :------ | | `format?` | ``"string"`` \| ``"json"`` \| ``"arraybuffer"`` | #### Returns `Promise`<`string` \| [`PerspectiveViewerConfig`](#perspectiveviewerconfig) \| `ArrayBuffer`\> #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts:267](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts#L267) ___ ## Plugin Methods ### getAllPlugins ▸ **getAllPlugins**(): `HTMLElement`[] Get all plugin custom element instances, in order of registration. If no plugins have been registered (via `registerPlugin()`), calling `getAllPlugins()` will cause `perspective-viewer-plugin` to be registered as a side effect. #### Returns `HTMLElement`[] An `Array` of the plugin instances for this ``. #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts:488](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts#L488) ___ ### getPlugin ▸ **getPlugin**(`name?`): `Promise`<`HTMLElement`\> Get the currently active plugin custom element instance, or a specific named instance if requested. `getPlugin(name)` does not activate the plugin requested, so if this plugin is not active the returned `HTMLElement` will not have a `parentElement`. If no plugins have been registered (via `registerPlugin()`), calling `getPlugin()` will cause `perspective-viewer-plugin` to be registered as a side effect. #### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | | :------ | :------ | :------ | | `name?` | `string` | Optionally a specific plugin name, defaulting to the current active plugin. | #### Returns `Promise`<`HTMLElement`\> The active or requested plugin instance. #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts:475](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts#L475) ___ ## UI Action Methods ### copy ▸ **copy**(`flat`): `Promise`<`void`\> Copies this element's view data (as a CSV) to the clipboard. This method must be called from an event handler, subject to the browser's restrictions on clipboard access. See [https://www.w3.org/TR/clipboard-apis/#allow-read-clipboard](https://www.w3.org/TR/clipboard-apis/#allow-read-clipboard). #### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | | :------ | :------ | :------ | | `flat` | `boolean` | Whether to use the element's current view config, or to use a default "flat" view. | #### Returns `Promise`<`void`\> **`Example`** ```javascript const viewer = document.querySelector("perspective-viewer"); const button = document.querySelector("button"); button.addEventListener("click", async () => { await viewer.copy(); }); ``` #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts:346](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts#L346) ___ ### download ▸ **download**(`flat`): `Promise`<`void`\> Download this element's data as a CSV file. #### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | | :------ | :------ | :------ | | `flat` | `boolean` | Whether to use the element's current view config, or to use a default "flat" view. | #### Returns `Promise`<`void`\> #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts:326](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts#L326) ___ ### toggleConfig ▸ **toggleConfig**(`force?`): `Promise`<`void`\> Opens/closes the element's config menu, equivalent to clicking the settings button in the UI. This method is equivalent to `viewer.restore({settings: force})` when `force` is present, but `restore()` cannot toggle as `toggleConfig()` can, you would need to first read the settings state from `save()` otherwise. Calling `toggleConfig()` may be delayed if an async render is currently in process, and it may only partially render the UI if `load()` has not yet resolved. #### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | | :------ | :------ | :------ | | `force?` | `boolean` | If supplied, explicitly set the config state to "open" (`true`) or "closed" (`false`). | #### Returns `Promise`<`void`\> **`Example`** ```javascript await viewer.toggleConfig(); ``` #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts:458](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts#L458) ___ ## Util Methods ### delete ▸ **delete**(): `Promise`<`void`\> Deletes this element and clears it's internal state (but not its user state). This (or the underlying `perspective.view`'s equivalent method) must be called in order for its memory to be reclaimed, as well as the reciprocal method on the `perspective.table` which this viewer is bound to. #### Returns `Promise`<`void`\> #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts:317](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts#L317) ___ ### flush ▸ **flush**(): `Promise`<`void`\> Flush any pending modifications to this ``. Since ``'s API is almost entirely `async`, it may take some milliseconds before any method call such as `restore()` affects the rendered element. If you want to make sure any invoked method which affects the rendered has had its results rendered, call and await `flush()` #### Returns `Promise`<`void`\> A promise which resolves when the current pending state changes have been applied and rendered. **`Example`** Flush an unawaited `restore()` ```javascript const viewer = document.querySelector("perspective-viewer"); viewer.restore({group_by: ["State"]}); await viewer.flush(); console.log("Viewer has been rendered with a pivot!"); ``` #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts:291](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts#L291) ___ ### getEditPort ▸ **getEditPort**(): `number` Gets the edit port, the port number for which `Table` updates from this `` are generated. This port number will be present in the options object for a `View.on_update()` callback for any update which was originated by the ``/user, which can be used to distinguish server-originated updates from user edits. #### Returns `number` A promise which resolves to the current edit port. **`Example`** ```javascript const viewer = document.querySelector("perspective-viewer"); const editport = await viewer.getEditPort(); const table = await viewer.getTable(); const view = await table.view(); view.on_update(obj => { if (obj.port_id = editport) { console.log("User edit detected"); } }); ``` #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts:405](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts#L405) ___ ### getRenderStats ▸ **getRenderStats**(): `RenderStats` Get render statistics since the last time `getRenderStats()` was called. #### Returns `RenderStats` A `RenderStats` statistics struct. **`Example`** ```javascript const viewer = document.querySelector("perspective-viewer"); const stats = viewer.getRenderStats(); console.log(stats.virtual_fps); ``` #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts:419](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts#L419) ___ ### notifyResize ▸ **notifyResize**(`force`): `Promise`<`void`\> Redraw this `` and plugin when its dimensions or visibility has been updated. By default, `` will auto-size when its own dimensions change, so this method need not be called; when disabled via `setAutoSize(false)` however, this method _must_ be called, and will not respond to dimension or style changes to its parent container otherwise. `notifyResize()` does not recalculate the current `View`, but all plugins will re-request the data window (which itself may be smaller or larger due to resize). #### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | | :------ | :------ | :------ | | `force` | `any` | Whether to re-render, even if the dimenions have not changed. When set to `false` and auto-size is enabled (the defaults), calling this method will automatically disable auto-size. | #### Returns `Promise`<`void`\> A `Promise` which resolves when this resize event has finished rendering. **`Example`** Bind `notfyResize()` to browser dimensions ```javascript const viewer = document.querySelector("perspective-viewer"); viewer.setAutoSize(false); window.addEventListener("resize", () => viewer.notifyResize()); ``` #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts:124](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts#L124) ___ ### resetThemes ▸ **resetThemes**(`themes?`): `Promise`<`void`\> Sets the theme names available via the `` status bar UI. Typically these will be auto-detected simply by including the theme `.css` in a `` tag; however, auto-detection can fail if the `` tag is not a same-origin request due to CORS. For servers configured to allow cross-origin requests, you can use the [`crossorigin` attribute](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/semantics.html#attr-link-crossorigin) to enable detection, e.g. ``. If for whatever reason auto-detection still fails, you may set the themes via this method. Note the theme `.css` must still be loaded in this case - the `resetThemes()` method only lets the `` know what theme names are available. #### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | | :------ | :------ | :------ | | `themes?` | `string`[] | A list of theme names to use, or auto-detect from document's stylesheets if `undefined`. | #### Returns `Promise`<`void`\> **`Example`** ```javascript const viewer = document.querySelector("perspective-viewer"); await viewer.resetThemes(["Pro Light", "Pro Dark"]); ``` #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts:381](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts#L381) ___ ### restyleElement ▸ **restyleElement**(): `Promise`<`void`\> Restyles the elements and to pick up any style changes. While most of perspective styling is plain CSS and can be updated at any time, some CSS rules are read and cached, e.g. the series colors for `@finos/perspective-viewer-d3fc` which are read from CSS then reapplied as SVG and Canvas attributes. #### Returns `Promise`<`void`\> #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts:357](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts#L357) ___ ### setAutoPause ▸ **setAutoPause**(`autopause`): `void` Determines the auto-pause behavior. When `true` (default `false`), this element will enter paused state (deleting it's `View` and ignoring render calls) whenever it is not visible in the browser's viewport, utilizing an `IntersectionObserver`. #### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | | :------ | :------ | :------ | | `autopause` | `any` | Whether to re-render when this element's dimensions change. | #### Returns `void` **`Example`** Disable auto-size ```javascript await viewer.setAutoPause(true); ``` #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts:158](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts#L158) ___ ### setAutoSize ▸ **setAutoSize**(`autosize`): `void` Determines the auto-size behavior. When `true` (the default), this element will re-render itself whenever its own dimensions change, utilizing a `ResizeObserver`; when `false`, you must explicitly call `notifyResize()` when the element's dimensions have changed. #### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | | :------ | :------ | :------ | | `autosize` | `any` | Whether to re-render when this element's dimensions change. | #### Returns `void` **`Example`** Disable auto-size ```javascript await viewer.setAutoSize(false); ``` #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts:141](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts#L141) ___ ### setThrottle ▸ **setThrottle**(`value?`): `void` Determines the render throttling behavior. Can be an integer, for millisecond window to throttle render event; or, if `undefined`, will try to determine the optimal throttle time from this component's render framerate. #### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | | :------ | :------ | :------ | | `value?` | `number` | an optional throttle rate in milliseconds (integer). If not supplied, adaptive throttling is calculated from the average plugin render time. | #### Returns `void` **`Example`** Limit FPS to 1 frame per second ```javascript await viewer.setThrottle(1000); ``` #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts:437](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/viewer.ts#L437) # Interface: IPerspectiveViewerPlugin The `IPerspectiveViewerPlugin` interface defines the necessary API for a `` plugin, which also must be an `HTMLElement` via the Custom Elements API or otherwise. Rather than implement this API from scratch however, the simplest way is to inherit from ``, which implements `IPerspectiveViewerPlugin` with non-offensive default implementations, where only the `draw()` and `name()` methods need be overridden to get started with a simple plugin. Note that plugins are frozen once a `` has been instantiated, so generally new plugin code must be executed at the module level (if packaged as a library), or during application init to ensure global availability of a plugin. **`Example`** ```javascript const BasePlugin = customElements.get("perspective-viewer-plugin"); class MyPlugin extends BasePlugin { get name() { return "My Plugin"; } async draw(view) { const count = await view.num_rows(); this.innerHTML = `View has ${count} rows`; } } customElements.define("my-plugin", MyPlugin); const Viewer = customElements.get("perspective-viewer"); Viewer.registerPlugin("my-plugin"); ``` **`No Inherit Doc`** ## Implemented by - [`HTMLPerspectiveViewerPluginElement`](#`HTMLPerspectiveViewerPluginElement`) ## Table of contents ### Accessors - [config\_column\_names](#config_column_names) - [min\_config\_columns](#min_config_columns) - [name](#name) - [priority](#priority) - [select\_mode](#select_mode) ### Methods - [clear](#clear) - [delete](#delete) - [draw](#draw) - [resize](#resize) - [restore](#restore) - [restyle](#restyle) - [save](#save) - [update](#update) ## Accessors ### config\_column\_names • `get` **config_column_names**(): `string`[] The named column labels, if desired. Named columns behave differently in drag/drop mode than unnamed columns, having replace/swap behavior rather than insert. If provided, the length of `config_column_names` _must_ be `>= min_config_columns`, as this is assumed by the drag/drop logic. #### Returns `string`[] #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/plugin.ts:82](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/plugin.ts#L82) ___ ### min\_config\_columns • `get` **min_config_columns**(): `number` The minimum number of columns required for this plugin to operate. This mostly affects drag/drop and column remove button behavior, preventing the use from applying configs which violate this min. While this option can technically be `undefined` (as in the case of `@finos/perspective-viewer-datagrid`), doing so currently has nearly identical behavior to 1. #### Returns `number` #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/plugin.ts:73](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/plugin.ts#L73) ___ ### name • `get` **name**(): `string` The name for this plugin, which is used as both it's unique key for use as a parameter for the `plugin` field of a `ViewerConfig`, and as the display name for this plugin in the `` UI. #### Returns `string` #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/plugin.ts:54](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/plugin.ts#L54) ___ ### priority • `get` **priority**(): `number` The load priority of the plugin. If the plugin shares priority with another, the first to load has a higher priority. A larger number has a higher priority. The plugin with the highest priority will be loaded by default by the Perspective viewer. If you would like to instead begin with a lower priority plugin, choose it explicitly with a `HTMLPerspectiveViewerPluginElement.restore` call. #### Returns `number` #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/plugin.ts:94](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/plugin.ts#L94) ___ ### select\_mode • `get` **select_mode**(): `string` Select mode determines how column add/remove buttons behave for this plugin. `"select"` mode exclusively selects the added column, removing other columns. `"toggle"` mode toggles the column on or off (dependent on column state), leaving existing columns alone. #### Returns `string` #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/plugin.ts:62](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/plugin.ts#L62) ## Methods ### clear ▸ **clear**(): `Promise`<`void`\> Clear this plugin, though it is up to the discretion of the plugin author to determine what this means. Defaults to resetting this element's `innerHTML`, so be sure to override if you want custom behavior. #### Returns `Promise`<`void`\> **`Example`** ```javascript async clear(): Promise { this.innerHTML = ""; } ``` #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/plugin.ts:138](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/plugin.ts#L138) ___ ### delete ▸ **delete**(): `Promise`<`void`\> Free any resources acquired by this plugin and prepare to be deleted. #### Returns `Promise`<`void`\> #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/plugin.ts:173](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/plugin.ts#L173) ___ ### draw ▸ **draw**(`view`): `Promise`<`void`\> Render this plugin using the provided `View`. While there is no provision to cancel a render in progress per se, calling a method on a `View` which has been deleted will throw an exception. #### Parameters | Name | Type | | :------ | :------ | | `view` | `View` | #### Returns `Promise`<`void`\> **`Example`** ``` async draw(view: perspective.View): Promise { const csv = await view.to_csv(); this.innerHTML = `
`; } ``` #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/plugin.ts:109](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/plugin.ts#L109) ___ ### resize ▸ **resize**(): `Promise`<`void`\> Like `update()`, but for when the dimensions of the plugin have changed and the underlying data has not. #### Returns `Promise`<`void`\> #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/plugin.ts:144](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/plugin.ts#L144) ___ ### restore ▸ **restore**(`config`): `Promise`<`void`\> Restore this plugin to a state previously returned by `save()`. #### Parameters | Name | Type | | :------ | :------ | | `config` | `any` | #### Returns `Promise`<`void`\> #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/plugin.ts:168](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/plugin.ts#L168) ___ ### restyle ▸ **restyle**(): `Promise`<`void`\> Notify the plugin that the style environment has changed. Useful for plugins which read CSS styles via `window.getComputedStyle()`. #### Returns `Promise`<`void`\> #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/plugin.ts:150](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/plugin.ts#L150) ___ ### save ▸ **save**(): `Promise`<`any`\> Save this plugin's state to a JSON-serializable value. While this value can be anything, it should work reciprocally with `restore()` to return this plugin's renderer to the same state, though potentially with a different `View`. `save()` should be used for user-persistent settings that are data-agnostic, so the user can have persistent view during refresh or reload. For example, `@finos/perspective-viewer-d3fc` uses `plugin_config` to remember the user-repositionable legend coordinates. #### Returns `Promise`<`any`\> #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/plugin.ts:163](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/plugin.ts#L163) ___ ### update ▸ **update**(`view`): `Promise`<`void`\> Draw under the assumption that the `ViewConfig` has not changed since the previous call to `draw()`, but the underlying data has. Defaults to dispatch to `draw()`. #### Parameters | Name | Type | | :------ | :------ | | `view` | `View` | #### Returns `Promise`<`void`\> **`Example`** ```javascript async update(view: perspective.View): Promise { return this.draw(view); } ``` #### Defined in [rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/plugin.ts:123](https://github.com/finos/perspective/blob/ccd772889/rust/perspective-viewer/src/ts/plugin.ts#L123)