[package] name = "pessimize" # # Release checklist: # # - Cross-check all public API documentation, update as needed # - Update changelog # - Update version number in Cargo.toml # - Push master, make sure it passes CI # - Cargo publish # - Roll an annotated git tag # - Add a github release # version = "2.0.0" authors = ["Hadrien G. "] description = "More efficient Rust compiler optimization barriers" keywords = [ "optimization", "barrier", "black-box", "efficient", "benchmarking" ] categories = [ "development-tools", "hardware-support", "no-std", "rust-patterns" ] license = "MPL-2.0" edition = "2021" rust-version = "1.79.0" [features] default = ["std"] # Assume availability of dynamic memory allocation alloc = [] # Assume availability of the full standard library std = ["alloc"] # Use experimental language features only available in the nightly compiler nightly = [] # Provide a default implementation of Pessimize for all types (requires nightly) default_impl = ["nightly"] [dependencies] safe_arch = { version = "0.7", optional = true } [dev-dependencies] safe_arch = "0.7" tempfile = "3.3" [package.metadata.docs.rs] all-features = true default-target = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" targets = ["aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu", "arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi", "i586-unknown-linux-gnu", "riscv32i-unknown-none-elf", "riscv64gc-unknown-linux-gnu", "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"]