-------- Overview -------- This folder contains a number of examplary programs demonstrating the use of the PFAPACK library from C(++). The examples only work with fairly small matrices (4x4) to remain on a tutorial level, but are easily extended to arbitrarily sized matrices. There are examples accessing the raw Fortran77 interface (example*_f77.*), as well as examples using the more convenient C interface (example*_c.c, using the struct definition of complex numbers, example*_c99.c, using C99 complex numbers, and example*_c++.cc using C++ complex numbers), ----------- Compilation ----------- Modify the makefile to use your favorite compiler and LAPACK library and compile all examples using "make all". Note that CC must refer to a ANSI-C++ compatible compiler, ANSIC to a ANSI-C (C89) compatible compiler, and C99 to a C99 compatible compiler. If one of these compilers is not available, remove the corresponding examples from the makefile. --------------------------------- Overview of the example programs: --------------------------------- example1_*: Compute the pfaffian of a 4x4 matrix example2_c.c: Compute the pfaffian of a 4x4 matrix using the Pfaffian routine that avoids floating point overflow example3_*: Compute the Pfaffian of a band matrix example5_c.c: Compute the L T L^T decomposition of a dense matrix example5_c.c: Compute the tridiagonal form of a dense matrix under orthogonal similarity example6_c.c: Compute the tridiagonal form of a band matrix under orthogonal similarity