-------- Overview -------- This folder contains a number of examplary programs demonstrating the use of the PFAPACK library. The examples only work with fairly small matrices (4x4) to remain on a tutorial level, but are easily extended to arbitrarily sized matrices. example1.f and example1_ws.f use the Fortran77 interface of PFAPACK, the remaining examples the Fortran95 interface. Examples 1-5 deal with dense matrices, 6-7 with banded matrices. ----------- Compilation ----------- Modify the makefile to use your favorite compiler and LAPACK library and compile all examples using "make all" --------------------------------- Overview of the example programs: --------------------------------- example1.f: Compute the Pfaffian of two different 4x4 matrices using the Fortran77 interface of PFAPACK example1_ws.f: Demonstration of how a workspace query for the computation of example1.f should look like example2.f90: Identical to example1.f, but using the Fortran95 interface example3.f90: Compute the tridiagonal form of a skew-symmetric matrix under orthogonal similarity. This example uses the Householder-based algorithm for trdiagonalizing a matrix example4.f90: Compute the LTL^T decomposition of a skew-symmetric matrix using the Parlett-Reid algorithm and the lower triangle of the matrix example4_upper.f90: Similar to example4.f90, but using the upper triangle. Consequently, an UTU^T decomposition is computed. example5.f90: Compute the Pfaffian manually from a LTL^T decomposition. Doing so might be useful if only the sign of the Pfaffian is needed, i.e. when the values as returned by SKPFA and SKPF10 are not needed. example6.f90: Compute the Pfaffian of banded skew-symmetric matrices example7.f90: Compute the tridiagonal form of a banded skew-symmetric matrix under orthogonal similarity.