use heck::ToSnakeCase; use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; use std::env; use std::fs::{self, File}; use std::io::{BufReader, BufWriter, Write}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::process::{Command, Stdio}; fn main() { let out_dir = PathBuf::from(env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap()); let build_dir = out_dir.join("libpg_query"); let src_dir = PathBuf::from("./lib/libpg_query").canonicalize().unwrap(); println!( "cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", src_dir.join("pg_query.h").display() ); // Copy the files over eprintln!("Copying {} -> {}", src_dir.display(), build_dir.display()); let changed = copy_dir(&src_dir, &build_dir).expect("Copy failed"); // Generate the AST first generate_ast(&build_dir, &out_dir).expect("AST generation"); // Now compile the C library. // We try to optimize the build a bit by only rebuilding if the directory tree has a detected change if changed { let mut make = Command::new("make"); make.env_remove("PROFILE").arg("-C").arg(&build_dir); if env::var("PROFILE").unwrap() == "debug" { make.arg("DEBUG=1"); } let status = make .stdin(Stdio::null()) .stdout(Stdio::inherit()) .stderr(Stdio::inherit()) .status() .unwrap(); assert!(status.success()); } // Also generate bindings let bindings = bindgen::Builder::default() .header(build_dir.join("pg_query.h").to_str().unwrap()) .generate() .expect("Unable to generate bindings"); bindings .write_to_file(out_dir.join("")) .expect("Couldn't write bindings!"); println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", build_dir.display()); println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=static=pg_query"); } fn copy_dir, V: AsRef>(from: U, to: V) -> std::io::Result { let mut stack = vec![PathBuf::from(from.as_ref())]; let output_root = PathBuf::from(to.as_ref()); let input_root = PathBuf::from(from.as_ref()).components().count(); let mut changed = false; while let Some(working_path) = stack.pop() { // Generate a relative path let src: PathBuf = working_path.components().skip(input_root).collect(); // Create a destination if missing let dest = if src.components().count() == 0 { output_root.clone() } else { output_root.join(&src) }; if fs::metadata(&dest).is_err() { fs::create_dir_all(&dest)?; } for entry in fs::read_dir(working_path)? { let entry = entry?; let path = entry.path(); eprintln!("{}", path.display()); if path.is_dir() { stack.push(path); } else if let Some(filename) = path.file_name() { let dest_path = dest.join(filename); if dest_path.exists() { if let Ok(source) = path.metadata() { if let Ok(dest) = dest_path.metadata() { if source.len() == dest.len() { if let Ok(smtime) = source.modified() { if let Ok(dmtime) = dest.modified() { if smtime == dmtime { continue; } } } } } } } fs::copy(&path, &dest_path)?; changed = true; } } } Ok(changed) } #[derive(serde::Deserialize)] pub struct Struct { pub fields: Vec, pub comment: Option, } #[derive(serde::Deserialize)] pub struct Field { pub name: Option, pub c_type: Option, pub comment: Option, } #[derive(serde::Deserialize)] pub struct Enum { pub values: Vec, pub comment: Option, } #[derive(serde::Deserialize)] pub struct EnumValue { pub name: Option, pub comment: Option, pub value: Option, } #[derive(serde::Deserialize)] pub struct TypeDef { new_type_name: String, source_type: String, comment: Option, } fn generate_ast(build_dir: &Path, out_dir: &Path) -> std::io::Result<()> { let srcdata_dir = build_dir.join("srcdata"); assert!( srcdata_dir.exists(), "srcdata_dir did not exist: {}", srcdata_dir.display() ); // Common out dir let out_file = File::create(out_dir.join(""))?; let mut out_file = BufWriter::new(out_file); // Keep track of types for type resolution let mut type_resolver = TypeResolver::new(); // Read in all "Node" types as this helps generating struct vs node let node_types = File::open(srcdata_dir.join("nodetypes.json"))?; let node_types = BufReader::new(node_types); let node_types: Vec = serde_json::from_reader(node_types)?; for ty in node_types.iter() { type_resolver.add_node(ty); } let node_types = node_types.into_iter().collect(); // Generate type aliases first let type_defs = File::open(srcdata_dir.join("typedefs.json"))?; let type_defs = BufReader::new(type_defs); let type_defs: Vec = serde_json::from_reader(type_defs)?; for ty in type_defs.iter() { type_resolver.add_alias(&ty.new_type_name, &ty.source_type); } make_aliases(&mut out_file, &type_defs, &node_types, &mut type_resolver)?; // Enums let enum_defs = File::open(srcdata_dir.join("enum_defs.json"))?; let enum_defs = BufReader::new(enum_defs); let enum_defs: HashMap> = serde_json::from_reader(enum_defs)?; for map in enum_defs.values() { for ty in map.keys() { type_resolver.add_type(ty); } } make_enums(&mut out_file, &enum_defs)?; // Structs let struct_defs = File::open(srcdata_dir.join("struct_defs.json"))?; let struct_defs = BufReader::new(struct_defs); let struct_defs: HashMap> = serde_json::from_reader(struct_defs)?; for map in struct_defs.values() { for ty in map.keys() { if !type_resolver.contains(ty) { type_resolver.add_type(ty); } } } // Finally make the nodes and the primitives make_nodes(&mut out_file, &struct_defs, &node_types, &type_resolver)?; Ok(()) } fn make_aliases( out: &mut BufWriter, type_defs: &[TypeDef], node_types: &HashSet, type_resolver: &mut TypeResolver, ) -> std::io::Result<()> { const IGNORE: [&str; 6] = [ "BlockId", "ExpandedObjectHeader", "Name", "ParallelVacuumState", "ParamListInfo", "VacAttrStatsP", ]; for def in type_defs { if IGNORE.iter().any(|e| def.new_type_name.eq(e)) { continue; } if node_types.contains(&def.source_type) { // Type alias won't work, so just ignore this and replace the type type_resolver.add_node(&def.new_type_name); continue; } if let Some(comment) = &def.comment { writeln!(out, "{}", comment)?; } let ty = match &def.source_type[..] { "char" => "char", "double" => "f64", "int16" => "i16", "signed int" => "i32", "uint32" => "u32", "unsigned int" => "u32", "uintptr_t" => "usize", "BlockIdData" => "BlockIdData", "NameData" => "NameData", "Oid" => "Oid", "OpExpr" => "OpExpr", "ParamListInfoData" => "ParamListInfoData", "regproc" => "regproc", "TransactionId" => "TransactionId", "VacAttrStats" => "VacAttrStats", unexpected => panic!("Unrecognized type for alias: {}", unexpected), }; writeln!(out, "pub type {} = {};", def.new_type_name, ty)?; type_resolver.add_type(&def.new_type_name); } Ok(()) } fn make_enums( out: &mut BufWriter, enum_defs: &HashMap>, ) -> std::io::Result<()> { const SECTIONS: [&str; 4] = [ "nodes/parsenodes", "nodes/primnodes", "nodes/lockoptions", "nodes/nodes", ]; for section in &SECTIONS { let map = &enum_defs[*section]; let mut map = map.iter().collect::>(); map.sort_by_key(|x| x.0); for (name, def) in map { writeln!( out, "#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, serde::Deserialize)]" )?; writeln!(out, "pub enum {} {{", name)?; // This enum has duplicate values - I don't think these are really necessary let ignore_value = name.eq("PartitionRangeDatumKind"); for value in &def.values { if let Some(comment) = &value.comment { writeln!(out, " {}", comment)?; } if let Some(name) = & { if ignore_value { writeln!(out, " {},", name)?; } else if let Some(v) = &value.value { writeln!(out, " {} = {},", name, *v)?; } else { writeln!(out, " {},", name)?; } } } writeln!(out, "}}")?; writeln!(out)?; } } Ok(()) } fn make_nodes( out: &mut BufWriter, struct_defs: &HashMap>, node_types: &HashSet, type_resolver: &TypeResolver, ) -> std::io::Result<()> { const SECTIONS: [&str; 3] = ["nodes/parsenodes", "nodes/primnodes", "nodes/pg_list"]; const IGNORE: [&str; 1] = [ "Expr", // Generic Superclass - never constructed directly. ]; let mut added = Vec::new(); writeln!(out, "#[derive(Debug, serde::Deserialize)]")?; writeln!(out, "pub enum Node {{")?; for section in &SECTIONS { let map = &struct_defs[*section]; let mut map = map.iter().collect::>(); map.sort_by_key(|x| x.0); for (name, def) in map { if IGNORE.iter().any(|x| name.eq(x)) { continue; } // Only generate node types if !node_types.contains(name) { // We panic here since all structs are nodes for our purposes panic!("Unexpected struct `{}` (not a node).", name); } added.push((name, true)); // If no fields just generate an empty variant if def.fields.is_empty() { writeln!(out, " {},", name)?; continue; } // Generate with a passable struct writeln!(out, " {}({}),", name, name)?; } } // Also do "Value" type nodes. These are generated differently. writeln!(out, " // Value nodes")?; let values = &struct_defs["nodes/value"]; let mut values = values.iter().collect::>(); values.sort_by_key(|x| x.0); for (name, def) in values { added.push((name, false)); if def.fields.is_empty() { writeln!(out, " {} {{ }},", name)?; continue; } // If this is an A_Const we handle this specially if name.eq("A_Const") { writeln!(out, " {name}(ConstValue),")?; continue; } // These may have many fields, though we may want to handle that explicitly writeln!(out, " {} {{", name)?; for field in &def.fields { let field_name =; let resolved_type = type_resolver.resolve(field.c_type.as_ref().unwrap()); writeln!(out, " #[serde(default)]")?; // We force each of these as an Option so we can be explicit about when we // want to handle absence of a field. if resolved_type.starts_with("Option<") { writeln!(out, " {field_name}: {resolved_type},")?; } else { writeln!(out, " {field_name}: Option<{resolved_type}>,")?; } } writeln!(out, " }},")?; } writeln!(out, "}}")?; // Generate the structs for section in &SECTIONS { let map = &struct_defs[*section]; let mut map = map.iter().collect::>(); map.sort_by_key(|x| x.0); for (name, def) in map { if IGNORE.iter().any(|x| name.eq(x)) { continue; } writeln!(out)?; writeln!(out, "#[derive(Debug, serde::Deserialize)]")?; writeln!(out, "pub struct {} {{", name)?; for field in &def.fields { let (name, c_type) = match (&, &field.c_type) { (Some(name), Some(c_type)) => (name, c_type), _ => continue, }; // These are meta data fields and have no real use if name == "type" || name == "xpr" { continue; } // Extract everything needed to build the serde types let variable_name = if is_reserved(name) { format!("{}_", name) } else { name.to_snake_case() }; write!(out, " #[serde(")?; let mut has_data = false; if { write!(out, "rename = \"{}\"", name)?; has_data = true; } if let Some((deserializer, optional)) = TypeResolver::custom_deserializer(c_type) { if has_data { write!(out, ", ")?; } write!( out, "deserialize_with = \"{}\"{}", deserializer, if optional { ", default" } else { "" } )?; } else if type_resolver.is_optional(c_type) { if has_data { write!(out, ", ")?; } write!(out, "default")?; } writeln!(out, ")]")?; writeln!( out, " pub {}: {},", variable_name, type_resolver.resolve(c_type) )?; } writeln!(out, "}}")?; } } // Generate a helpful "to_string" writeln!(out, "impl Node {{")?; writeln!(out, " pub fn name(&self) -> &'static str {{")?; writeln!(out, " match self {{")?; for (variant, is_struct) in added { let modifier = if is_struct { "(_)" } else { "{ .. }" }; writeln!( out, " Node::{variant}{modifier} => \"{variant}\",", )?; } writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out, "}}")?; Ok(()) } fn is_reserved(variable: &str) -> bool { matches!( variable, "abstract" | "become" | "box" | "do" | "final" | "macro" | "override" | "priv" | "try" | "typeof" | "unsized" | "virtual" | "yield" ) } struct TypeResolver { aliases: HashMap, // bool = primitive primitive: HashMap<&'static str, &'static str>, nodes: HashSet, types: HashSet, } impl TypeResolver { pub fn new() -> Self { let mut primitive = HashMap::new(); primitive.insert("uint32", "u32"); primitive.insert("uint64", "u64"); primitive.insert("bits32", "bits32"); // Alias primitive.insert("bool", "bool"); primitive.insert("int", "i32"); primitive.insert("long", "i64"); primitive.insert("int32", "i32"); primitive.insert("char*", "Option"); // Make all strings optional primitive.insert("int16", "i16"); primitive.insert("char", "char"); primitive.insert("double", "f64"); primitive.insert("signed int", "i32"); primitive.insert("unsigned int", "u32"); primitive.insert("uintptr_t", "usize"); // Similar to primitives primitive.insert("List*", "Option>"); primitive.insert("[]Node", "Vec"); primitive.insert("Node*", "Option>"); primitive.insert("Expr*", "Option>"); primitive.insert("String*", "Option"); // Bitmapset is defined in bitmapset.h and is roughly equivalent to a vector of u32's. primitive.insert("Bitmapset*", "Option>"); TypeResolver { primitive, aliases: HashMap::new(), nodes: HashSet::new(), types: HashSet::new(), } } pub fn add_alias(&mut self, ty: &str, target: &str) { self.aliases .insert(ty.to_string(), self.primitive.contains_key(target)); } pub fn add_node(&mut self, ty: &str) { self.nodes.insert(ty.to_string()); } pub fn add_type(&mut self, ty: &str) { self.types.insert(ty.to_string()); } pub fn contains(&self, ty: &str) -> bool { self.aliases.contains_key(ty) || self.primitive.contains_key(ty) || self.nodes.contains(ty) || self.types.contains(ty) } pub fn is_primitive(&self, ty: &str) -> bool { self.primitive.contains_key(ty) || self.aliases.get(ty).copied().unwrap_or_default() } pub fn is_optional(&self, ty: &str) -> bool { self.is_primitive(ty) || ty.ends_with('*') } pub fn custom_deserializer(ty: &str) -> Option<(&str, bool)> { match ty { "[]Node" => Some(("crate::serde::deserialize_node_array", false)), "List*" => Some(("crate::serde::deserialize_node_array_opt", true)), "String*" => Some(("crate::serde::deserialize_nested_string_opt", true)), _ => None, } } pub fn resolve(&self, c_type: &str) -> String { if let Some(ty) = self.primitive.get(c_type) { return ty.to_string(); } if let Some(ty) = c_type.strip_suffix('*') { if let Some(primitive) = self.aliases.get(c_type) { if *primitive { return format!("Option<{}>", ty); } else { return format!("Option>", ty); } } if self.nodes.contains(ty) || self.types.contains(ty) { return format!("Option>", ty); } } else { if let Some(primitive) = self.aliases.get(c_type) { if *primitive { return c_type.to_string(); } else { return format!("Box<{}>", c_type); } } if self.nodes.contains(c_type) || self.types.contains(c_type) { return format!("Box<{}>", c_type); } } // SHOULD be unreachable // let mut expected = String::new(); // for ty in self.types.keys() { // expected.push_str(ty); // expected.push(','); // } unreachable!("Unexpected type: {}", c_type) } }