root_dir := $(shell dirname $(realpath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))) word-dot = $(word $2,$(subst ., ,$1)) TARGET = pg_query ARLIB = lib$(TARGET).a PGDIR = $(root_dir)/tmp/postgres PGDIRBZ2 = $(root_dir)/tmp/postgres.tar.bz2 PG_VERSION = 17.0 PG_VERSION_MAJOR = $(call word-dot,$(PG_VERSION),1) PG_VERSION_NUM = 170000 PROTOC_VERSION = 25.1 VERSION = 5.1.0 VERSION_MAJOR = $(call word-dot,$(VERSION),1) VERSION_MINOR = $(call word-dot,$(VERSION),2) VERSION_PATCH = $(call word-dot,$(VERSION),3) SO_VERSION = $(shell printf '%02d%02d' $(PG_VERSION_MAJOR) $(VERSION_MAJOR)).$(VERSION_MINOR) ifeq ($(shell uname -s), Darwin) SOLIB = lib$(TARGET).dylib SONAME = lib$(TARGET).$(SO_VERSION).dylib SOLIBVER = lib$(TARGET).$(SO_VERSION).$(VERSION_PATCH).dylib SOFLAG = -install_name else SOLIB = lib$(TARGET).so SONAME = $(SOLIB).$(SO_VERSION) SOLIBVER = $(SONAME).$(VERSION_PATCH) SOFLAG = -soname endif SRC_FILES := $(wildcard src/*.c src/postgres/*.c) vendor/protobuf-c/protobuf-c.c vendor/xxhash/xxhash.c protobuf/pg_query.pb-c.c OBJ_FILES := $(SRC_FILES:.c=.o) override CFLAGS += -g -I. -I./vendor -I./src/include -I./src/postgres/include -Wall -Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-value -Wno-unused-variable -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -fPIC ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) override CFLAGS += -I./src/postgres/include/port/win32 endif override PG_CONFIGURE_FLAGS += -q --without-readline --without-zlib --without-icu override TEST_CFLAGS += -g -I. -I./vendor -Wall override TEST_LDFLAGS += -pthread CFLAGS_OPT_LEVEL = -O3 ifeq ($(DEBUG),1) CFLAGS_OPT_LEVEL = -O0 endif ifeq ($(VALGRIND),1) CFLAGS_OPT_LEVEL = -O0 endif override CFLAGS += $(CFLAGS_OPT_LEVEL) ifeq ($(DEBUG),1) # We always add -g, so this only has to enable assertion checking override CFLAGS += -D USE_ASSERT_CHECKING endif ifeq ($(VALGRIND),1) override CFLAGS += -DUSE_VALGRIND override TEST_CFLAGS += -DUSE_VALGRIND endif CLEANLIBS = $(ARLIB) CLEANOBJS = $(OBJ_FILES) CLEANFILES = $(PGDIRBZ2) AR ?= ar AR := $(AR) rs INSTALL = install LN_S = ln -s RM = rm -f ECHO = echo VALGRIND_MEMCHECK = valgrind --leak-check=full --gen-suppressions=all \ --suppressions=test/valgrind.supp --time-stamp=yes \ --error-markers=VALGRINDERROR-BEGIN,VALGRINDERROR-END \ --log-file=test/valgrind.log --trace-children=yes --show-leak-kinds=all \ --error-exitcode=1 --errors-for-leak-kinds=all --num-callers=50 CC ?= cc # Experimental use of Protobuf C++ library, primarily used to validate JSON output matches Protobuf JSON mapping CXX_SRC_FILES := src/ protobuf/ ifeq ($(USE_PROTOBUF_CPP),1) override CXXFLAGS += `pkg-config --cflags protobuf` -I. -I./src/include -I./src/postgres/include -DHAVE_PTHREAD -std=c++17 -Wall -Wno-unused-function -Wno-zero-length-array -Wno-c99-extensions -fwrapv -fPIC ifeq ($(DEBUG),1) override CXXFLAGS += -O0 -g else override CXXFLAGS += -O3 -g endif override TEST_LDFLAGS += `pkg-config --libs protobuf` -lstdc++ -lm # Don't use regular Protobuf-C or JSON implementation (instead implement the same methods using the C++ library) SRC_FILES := $(filter-out src/pg_query_outfuncs_json.c src/pg_query_outfuncs_protobuf.c, $(SRC_FILES)) OBJ_FILES := $(SRC_FILES:.c=.o) $( else # Make sure we always clean C++ object files CLEANOBJS += $( endif all: examples test build build: $(ARLIB) build_shared: $(SOLIB) clean: -@ $(RM) $(CLEANLIBS) $(CLEANOBJS) $(CLEANFILES) $(EXAMPLES) $(TESTS) -@ $(RM) -rf {test,examples}/*.dSYM -@ $(RM) -r $(PGDIR) $(PGDIRBZ2) .PHONY: all clean build build_shared extract_source examples test install $(PGDIR): curl -o $(PGDIRBZ2)$(PG_VERSION)/postgresql-$(PG_VERSION).tar.bz2 tar -xjf $(PGDIRBZ2) mv $(root_dir)/postgresql-$(PG_VERSION) $(PGDIR) cd $(PGDIR); patch -p1 < $(root_dir)/patches/01_parser_additional_param_ref_support.patch cd $(PGDIR); patch -p1 < $(root_dir)/patches/03_lexer_track_yyllocend.patch cd $(PGDIR); patch -p1 < $(root_dir)/patches/04_lexer_comments_as_tokens.patch cd $(PGDIR); patch -p1 < $(root_dir)/patches/05_limit_option_enum_value_default.patch cd $(PGDIR); patch -p1 < $(root_dir)/patches/06_alloc_set_delete_free_list.patch cd $(PGDIR); patch -p1 < $(root_dir)/patches/07_plpgsql_start_finish_datums.patch cd $(PGDIR); patch -p1 < $(root_dir)/patches/08_avoid_zero_length_delimiter_in_regression_tests.patch cd $(PGDIR); patch -p1 < $(root_dir)/patches/09_allow_param_junk.patch cd $(PGDIR); patch -p1 < $(root_dir)/patches/10_avoid_namespace_hashtab_impl_gen.patch cd $(PGDIR); ./configure $(PG_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) cd $(PGDIR); make -C src/pl/plpgsql/src pl_gram.h plerrcodes.h pl_reserved_kwlist_d.h pl_unreserved_kwlist_d.h cd $(PGDIR); make -C src/port pg_config_paths.h cd $(PGDIR); make -C src/backend generated-headers cd $(PGDIR); make -C src/backend parser-recursive # Triggers copying of includes to where they belong, as well as generating gram.c/scan.c cd $(PGDIR); make -C src/common kwlist_d.h # Avoid problems with static asserts echo "#undef StaticAssertDecl" >> $(PGDIR)/src/include/c.h echo "#define StaticAssertDecl(condition, errmessage)" >> $(PGDIR)/src/include/c.h # Add pg_config.h overrides cat scripts/pg_config_overrides.h >> $(PGDIR)/src/include/pg_config.h # Only define strlcpy when needed sed -i "" '$(shell echo 's/\#include "c.h"/#include "c.h"\n#if HAVE_DECL_STRLCPY == 0/')' $(PGDIR)/src/port/strlcpy.c echo "#endif // HAVE_DECL_STRLCPY == 0" >> $(PGDIR)/src/port/strlcpy.c # Define symbols needed by elog.c that are commonly defined by win32/signal.c echo "#ifdef WIN32" >> $(PGDIR)/src/backend/utils/error/elog.c echo "volatile int pg_signal_queue;" >> $(PGDIR)/src/backend/utils/error/elog.c echo "int pg_signal_mask;" >> $(PGDIR)/src/backend/utils/error/elog.c echo "void pgwin32_dispatch_queued_signals(void) {}" >> $(PGDIR)/src/backend/utils/error/elog.c echo "#endif" >> $(PGDIR)/src/backend/utils/error/elog.c extract_source: $(PGDIR) -@ $(RM) -rf ./src/postgres/ mkdir ./src/postgres mkdir ./src/postgres/include LIBCLANG=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/lib/libclang.dylib ruby ./scripts/extract_source.rb $(PGDIR)/ ./src/postgres/ # Override OS-specific pg_config_os.h to only load Win32 logic (the primary port logic that matters for libpg_query), if needed echo "#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)" > ./src/postgres/include/pg_config_os.h echo "#include \"port/win32.h\"" >> ./src/postgres/include/pg_config_os.h # Don't mark anything as visible based on how Postgres defines it echo "#undef PGDLLIMPORT" >> ./src/postgres/include/pg_config_os.h echo "#undef PGDLLEXPORT" >> ./src/postgres/include/pg_config_os.h # Avoid getting incorrect sigsetjmp overrides echo "#ifdef __clang__" >> ./src/postgres/include/pg_config_os.h echo "#undef __MINGW64__" >> ./src/postgres/include/pg_config_os.h echo "#endif /* __clang__ */" >> ./src/postgres/include/pg_config_os.h echo "#endif" >> ./src/postgres/include/pg_config_os.h # Adjust version string to ignore differences in build environments sed -i "" '$(shell echo 's/\#define PG_VERSION_STR .*/#define PG_VERSION_STR "PostgreSQL $(PG_VERSION) \(libpg_query\)"/')' ./src/postgres/include/pg_config.h # Copy version information so its easily accessible sed -i "" '$(shell echo 's/\#define PG_MAJORVERSION .*/#define PG_MAJORVERSION "$(PG_VERSION_MAJOR)"/')' pg_query.h sed -i "" '$(shell echo 's/\#define PG_VERSION .*/#define PG_VERSION "$(PG_VERSION)"/')' pg_query.h sed -i "" '$(shell echo 's/\#define PG_VERSION_NUM .*/#define PG_VERSION_NUM $(PG_VERSION_NUM)/')' pg_query.h # Copy regress SQL files so we can use them in tests rm -f ./test/sql/postgres_regress/*.sql rm -f ./test/sql/plpgsql_regress/*.sql cp $(PGDIR)/src/test/regress/sql/*.sql ./test/sql/postgres_regress/ cp $(PGDIR)/src/pl/plpgsql/src/sql/*.sql ./test/sql/plpgsql_regress/ .c.o: @$(ECHO) compiling $(<) @$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $< .cc.o: @$(ECHO) compiling $(<) @$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ -c $< $(ARLIB): $(OBJ_FILES) Makefile @$(AR) $@ $(OBJ_FILES) $(SOLIB): $(OBJ_FILES) Makefile @$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -shared -Wl,$(SOFLAG),$(SONAME) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJ_FILES) $(LIBS) protobuf/pg_query.pb-c.c protobuf/pg_query.pb-c.h: protobuf/pg_query.proto ifneq ($(shell which protoc-gen-c), ) protoc --c_out=. protobuf/pg_query.proto else @echo 'Warning: protoc-gen-c not found, skipping protocol buffer regeneration' endif src/pg_query_protobuf.c src/pg_query_scan.c: protobuf/pg_query.pb-c.h # Only used when USE_PROTOBUF_CPP is used (experimental for testing only) src/ protobuf/ protobuf/ protobuf/pg_query.proto ifneq ($(shell protoc --version 2>/dev/null | cut -f2 -d" "), $(PROTOC_VERSION)) $(error "ERROR - Wrong protobuf compiler version, need $(PROTOC_VERSION)") endif protoc --cpp_out=. protobuf/pg_query.proto EXAMPLES = examples/simple examples/scan examples/normalize examples/simple_error examples/normalize_error examples/simple_plpgsql examples: $(EXAMPLES) examples/simple examples/scan examples/normalize examples/simple_error examples/normalize_error examples/simple_plpgsql examples/simple: examples/simple.c $(ARLIB) $(CC) $(TEST_CFLAGS) -o $@ -g examples/simple.c $(ARLIB) $(TEST_LDFLAGS) examples/scan: examples/scan.c $(ARLIB) $(CC) $(TEST_CFLAGS) -o $@ -g examples/scan.c $(ARLIB) $(TEST_LDFLAGS) examples/normalize: examples/normalize.c $(ARLIB) $(CC) $(TEST_CFLAGS) -o $@ -g examples/normalize.c $(ARLIB) $(TEST_LDFLAGS) examples/simple_error: examples/simple_error.c $(ARLIB) $(CC) $(TEST_CFLAGS) -o $@ -g examples/simple_error.c $(ARLIB) $(TEST_LDFLAGS) examples/normalize_error: examples/normalize_error.c $(ARLIB) $(CC) $(TEST_CFLAGS) -o $@ -g examples/normalize_error.c $(ARLIB) $(TEST_LDFLAGS) examples/simple_plpgsql: examples/simple_plpgsql.c $(ARLIB) $(CC) $(TEST_CFLAGS) -o $@ -g examples/simple_plpgsql.c $(ARLIB) $(TEST_LDFLAGS) TESTS = test/complex test/concurrency test/deparse test/fingerprint test/fingerprint_opts test/normalize test/normalize_utility test/parse test/parse_opts test/parse_protobuf test/parse_protobuf_opts test/parse_plpgsql test/scan test/split test: $(TESTS) ifeq ($(VALGRIND),1) $(VALGRIND_MEMCHECK) test/complex || (cat test/valgrind.log && false) $(VALGRIND_MEMCHECK) test/concurrency || (cat test/valgrind.log && false) $(VALGRIND_MEMCHECK) test/deparse || (cat test/valgrind.log && false) $(VALGRIND_MEMCHECK) test/fingerprint || (cat test/valgrind.log && false) $(VALGRIND_MEMCHECK) test/fingerprint_opts || (cat test/valgrind.log && false) $(VALGRIND_MEMCHECK) test/normalize || (cat test/valgrind.log && false) $(VALGRIND_MEMCHECK) test/normalize_utility || (cat test/valgrind.log && false) $(VALGRIND_MEMCHECK) test/parse || (cat test/valgrind.log && false) $(VALGRIND_MEMCHECK) test/parse_opts || (cat test/valgrind.log && false) $(VALGRIND_MEMCHECK) test/parse_protobuf || (cat test/valgrind.log && false) $(VALGRIND_MEMCHECK) test/parse_protobuf_opts || (cat test/valgrind.log && false) $(VALGRIND_MEMCHECK) test/scan || (cat test/valgrind.log && false) $(VALGRIND_MEMCHECK) test/split || (cat test/valgrind.log && false) # Output-based tests $(VALGRIND_MEMCHECK) test/parse_plpgsql || (cat test/valgrind.log && false) diff -Naur test/plpgsql_samples.expected.json test/plpgsql_samples.actual.json else test/complex test/concurrency test/deparse test/fingerprint test/fingerprint_opts test/normalize test/normalize_utility test/parse test/parse_opts test/parse_protobuf test/parse_protobuf_opts test/scan test/split # Output-based tests test/parse_plpgsql diff -Naur test/plpgsql_samples.expected.json test/plpgsql_samples.actual.json endif test/complex: test/complex.c $(ARLIB) # We have "-Isrc/" because this test uses pg_query_fingerprint_with_opts $(CC) $(TEST_CFLAGS) -o $@ -Isrc/ test/complex.c $(ARLIB) $(TEST_LDFLAGS) test/concurrency: test/concurrency.c test/parse_tests.c $(ARLIB) $(CC) $(TEST_CFLAGS) -o $@ test/concurrency.c $(ARLIB) $(TEST_LDFLAGS) test/deparse: test/deparse.c test/deparse_tests.c $(ARLIB) $(CC) $(TEST_CFLAGS) -o $@ test/deparse.c $(ARLIB) $(TEST_LDFLAGS) test/fingerprint: test/fingerprint.c test/fingerprint_tests.c $(ARLIB) # We have "-Isrc/" because this test uses pg_query_fingerprint_with_opts $(CC) $(TEST_CFLAGS) -o $@ -Isrc/ test/fingerprint.c $(ARLIB) $(TEST_LDFLAGS) test/fingerprint_opts: test/fingerprint_opts.c test/fingerprint_opts_tests.c $(ARLIB) # We have "-Isrc/" because this test uses pg_query_fingerprint_with_opts $(CC) $(TEST_CFLAGS) -o $@ -Isrc/ test/fingerprint_opts.c $(ARLIB) $(TEST_LDFLAGS) test/normalize: test/normalize.c test/normalize_tests.c $(ARLIB) $(CC) $(TEST_CFLAGS) -o $@ test/normalize.c $(ARLIB) $(TEST_LDFLAGS) test/normalize_utility: test/normalize_utility.c test/normalize_utility_tests.c $(ARLIB) $(CC) $(TEST_CFLAGS) -o $@ test/normalize_utility.c $(ARLIB) $(TEST_LDFLAGS) test/parse: test/parse.c test/parse_tests.c $(ARLIB) $(CC) $(TEST_CFLAGS) -o $@ test/parse.c $(ARLIB) $(TEST_LDFLAGS) test/parse_opts: test/parse_opts.c test/parse_opts_tests.c $(ARLIB) $(CC) $(TEST_CFLAGS) -o $@ test/parse_opts.c $(ARLIB) $(TEST_LDFLAGS) test/parse_plpgsql: test/parse_plpgsql.c test/parse_tests.c $(ARLIB) $(CC) $(TEST_CFLAGS) -o $@ test/parse_plpgsql.c $(ARLIB) $(TEST_LDFLAGS) test/parse_protobuf: test/parse_protobuf.c test/parse_tests.c $(ARLIB) $(CC) $(TEST_CFLAGS) -o $@ test/parse_protobuf.c $(ARLIB) $(TEST_LDFLAGS) test/parse_protobuf_opts: test/parse_protobuf_opts.c test/parse_opts_tests.c $(ARLIB) $(CC) $(TEST_CFLAGS) -o $@ test/parse_protobuf_opts.c $(ARLIB) $(TEST_LDFLAGS) test/scan: test/scan.c test/scan_tests.c $(ARLIB) $(CC) $(TEST_CFLAGS) -o $@ test/scan.c $(ARLIB) $(TEST_LDFLAGS) test/split: test/split.c test/split_tests.c $(ARLIB) $(CC) $(TEST_CFLAGS) -o $@ test/split.c $(ARLIB) $(TEST_LDFLAGS) prefix = /usr/local libdir = $(prefix)/lib includedir = $(prefix)/include install: $(ARLIB) $(SOLIB) $(INSTALL) -d "$(DESTDIR)"$(libdir) $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(ARLIB) "$(DESTDIR)"$(libdir)/$(ARLIB) $(INSTALL) -m 755 $(SOLIB) "$(DESTDIR)"$(libdir)/$(SOLIBVER) $(LN_S) $(SOLIBVER) "$(DESTDIR)"$(libdir)/$(SONAME) $(LN_S) $(SOLIBVER) "$(DESTDIR)"$(libdir)/$(SOLIB) $(INSTALL) -d "$(DESTDIR)"$(includedir)/$(TARGET) $(INSTALL) -m 644 pg_query.h "$(DESTDIR)"$(includedir)/pg_query.h $(INSTALL) -m 644 protobuf/pg_query.proto "$(DESTDIR)"$(includedir)/$(TARGET)/pg_query.proto