<% include!("header.html"); %>

cloud_uploadUpload Successful


<%- sql.render_once().unwrap() %>

table_rowsNext Steps

Your data has been saved in <%= table_name %> table. You can explore the data in a notebook:

SELECT * FROM <%= table_name %> LIMIT 10

All columns were converted to text, so you'll need to cast them to the appropriate data type before training a model, for example:

CREATE VIEW <%= table_name %>_view AS
SELECT <% let mut iter = columns.iter().peekable(); while let Some(column) = iter.next() { %>
  CAST(<%= column %> AS FLOAT4)<% if iter.peek().is_some() { %>,<% } %> <% } %>
FROM public.<%= table_name %>

You can now run experiments and build models using Notebooks:

SELECT * FROM <%= table_name %>_view
<% include!("footer.html"); %>