//! # How this example was set up //! //! Start a temporary postgres server in single mode: //! `pgtemp --single postgresql://postgres@localhost:5432` //! //! Install the diesel CLI //! `cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features postgres` //! //! Run diesel setup and diesel migration //! ``` //! diesel setup --database-url "postgresql://postgres@localhost:5432" --migrations-dir "examples/diesel-migrations" //! diesel migration --database-url "postgresql://postgres@localhost:5432" --migrations-dir "examples/diesel-migrations" \ //! generate create_tasks_table //! ``` //! //! A diesel.toml and src/schema.rs are generated by the previous commands. The contents of //! src/schema.rs is moved into the current file and the diesel.toml is deleted to make this //! example self-contained. //! //! The pgtemp cli doesn't need to be running during the execution of the example, only for setup //! with diesel. #![allow(missing_docs)] use axum::{ extract::State, routing::{get, post}, Router, }; use diesel::pg::PgConnection; use diesel::prelude::*; use diesel::r2d2::ConnectionManager; use diesel::r2d2::Pool; use diesel_migrations::{embed_migrations, EmbeddedMigrations, MigrationHarness}; pub const MIGRATIONS: EmbeddedMigrations = embed_migrations!("examples/diesel-migrations"); type PgPool = Pool>; diesel::table! { tasks (id) { id -> Int4, task -> Text, } } #[derive(Selectable, Queryable)] struct Task { task: String, } #[derive(Insertable)] #[diesel(table_name = tasks)] struct NewTask { task: String, } fn connection_pool(conn_uri: &str) -> PgPool { let manager = ConnectionManager::::new(conn_uri); let pool = Pool::builder() .build(manager) .expect("failed to build connection pool"); let mut conn = pool.get().expect("failed to get connection from pool"); // run migrations on pool creation conn.run_pending_migrations(MIGRATIONS) .expect("failed to run migrations"); pool } async fn list_tasks(pool: State) -> String { // NOTE: diesel and r2d2 are sync so we should really use spawn_blocking here let mut conn = pool.get().expect("failed to get connection from pool"); let tasks: Vec = tasks::table .select(Task::as_select()) .load(&mut conn) .expect("failed to load tasks"); tasks .into_iter() .fold(String::new(), |s, t| s + "\n" + &t.task) } async fn create_task(pool: State, body: String) -> &'static str { // NOTE: diesel and r2d2 are sync so we should really use spawn_blocking here let mut conn = pool.get().expect("failed to get connection from pool"); let new_task = NewTask { task: body }; diesel::insert_into(tasks::table) .values(new_task) .execute(&mut conn) .expect("failed to insert task"); "ok" } fn axum_router(pool: PgPool) -> Router { Router::new() .route("/list_tasks", get(list_tasks)) .route("/create_task", post(create_task)) .with_state(pool) } #[tokio::test] async fn test_diesel_example() { run_diesel_example().await; } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { run_diesel_example().await; } async fn run_diesel_example() { // start db let db = pgtemp::PgTempDB::new(); let conn_uri = db.connection_uri().clone(); let pool = connection_pool(&conn_uri); // create axum router and spawn listener let router = axum_router(pool); let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("") .await .expect("failed to start listener"); let addr = listener.local_addr().unwrap(); tokio::spawn(async move { axum::serve(listener, router) .await .expect("failed to run axum server"); }); // add two tasks let base_url = format!("http://{addr}"); let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let resp = client .post(base_url.clone() + "/create_task") .body("hello") .send() .await .expect("failed to create task 1"); assert!(resp.status().is_success()); let resp = client .post(base_url.clone() + "/create_task") .body("task 2") .send() .await .expect("failed to create task 2"); assert!(resp.status().is_success()); // query tasks let resp = client .get(base_url + "/list_tasks") .send() .await .expect("failed to list tasks"); assert!(resp.status().is_success()); let body = resp.text().await.expect("failed to parse body"); assert!(body.contains("hello")); assert!(body.contains("task 2")); }