use sqlx::postgres::PgConnection; use sqlx::prelude::*; type PgConn = PgConnection; #[tokio::test] /// Test we can spawn the daemon and connect to it async fn spawn_daemon_get_database_name() { tokio::spawn(pgtemp::PgTempDaemon::async_new(5433).await.start()); let mut conn = PgConnection::connect("postgres://postgres:password@localhost:5433") .await .expect("failed to connect to db"); let row = sqlx::query("SELECT current_database()") .fetch_one(&mut conn) .await .expect("failed to execute current db query"); let name: String = row.get(0); assert_eq!(name, "postgres"); } #[tokio::test] /// create a table and insert into it, daemon version of test async fn spawn_daemon_create_table_and_insert() { tokio::spawn(pgtemp::PgTempDaemon::async_new(5434).await.start()); let mut conn = PgConnection::connect("postgres://postgres:password@localhost:5434") .await .expect("failed to connect to db"); sqlx::query( " CREATE TABLE person ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT NOT NULL ) ", ) .execute(&mut conn) .await .expect("failed to create table"); let name = "example name"; sqlx::query("INSERT INTO person (name) VALUES ($1)") .bind(name) .execute(&mut conn) .await .expect("failed to insert name into values"); let rows = sqlx::query("SELECT id, name FROM person") .fetch_all(&mut conn) .await .expect("failed to select names from person"); assert_eq!(rows.len(), 1); let row = &rows[0]; let id: i32 = row.get(0); let name: &str = row.get(1); assert_eq!(id, 1); assert_eq!(name, "example name"); } #[tokio::test] /// create two dbs and insert into them, checking that they are independent async fn daemon_two_dbs_are_independent() { tokio::spawn(pgtemp::PgTempDaemon::async_new(2434).await.start()); // same server but you get different databases let mut conn1 = PgConnection::connect("postgres://postgres:password@localhost:2434") .await .expect("failed to connect to db"); let mut conn2 = PgConnection::connect("postgres://postgres:password@localhost:2434") .await .expect("failed to connect to db"); create_table(&mut conn1).await; create_table(&mut conn2).await; insert_name(&mut conn1, "test1").await; insert_name(&mut conn2, "test2").await; check_data(&mut conn1, "test1").await; check_data(&mut conn2, "test2").await; } #[cfg(feature = "cli")] #[tokio::test] /// Test single mode (and cli args) async fn daemon_single_mode() { let uri = "postgresql://postgres:password@localhost:1434"; let temp_prefix = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap(); let args = pgtemp::PgTempDaemonArgs { single: true, data_dir_prefix: Some(temp_prefix.path().into()), load_from: None, server_params: vec![("geqo".into(), "off".into()), ("jit".into(), "off".into())], connection_uri: uri.to_string(), }; let daemon = pgtemp::PgTempDaemon::from_args(args).await; tokio::spawn(daemon.start()); // both connect to the same server let mut conn1 = PgConnection::connect(uri) .await .expect("failed to connect to db"); let mut conn2 = PgConnection::connect(uri) .await .expect("failed to connect to db"); // check the config params were set check_config(&mut conn1).await; // create table on conn 2 create_table(&mut conn2).await; // insert data on conn 1 insert_name(&mut conn1, "test").await; // check data on both check_data(&mut conn1, "test").await; check_data(&mut conn2, "test").await; } #[cfg(feature = "cli")] async fn check_config(conn: &mut PgConn) { // jit, ssl, and geqo are the shorted postgres config names but we can't turn on ssl let rows = sqlx::query("SELECT name, setting from pg_settings WHERE name = 'jit' OR name = 'geqo' ORDER BY name ASC") .fetch_all(conn) .await .expect("failed to get config settings"); assert_eq!(rows.len(), 2); let row = &rows[1]; let geqo: &str = row.get(1); assert_eq!(geqo, "off"); let row = &rows[0]; let jit: &str = row.get(1); assert_eq!(jit, "off"); } async fn create_table(conn: &mut PgConn) { sqlx::query( " CREATE TABLE person ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT NOT NULL ) ", ) .execute(conn) .await .expect("failed to create table"); } async fn insert_name(conn: &mut PgConn, name: &str) { sqlx::query("INSERT INTO person (name) VALUES ($1)") .bind(name) .execute(conn) .await .expect("failed to insert name into values"); } async fn check_data(conn: &mut PgConn, name: &str) { let rows = sqlx::query("SELECT id, name FROM person") .fetch_all(conn) .await .expect("failed to select names from person"); assert_eq!(rows.len(), 1); let row = &rows[0]; let id: i32 = row.get(0); let fetched_name: &str = row.get(1); assert_eq!(id, 1); assert_eq!(fetched_name, name); }