Promote brings forth two new Tiers, 0 and 4. A Tier 0/4 Summon has a limit of 1.\n Tier 0:\n \tTier 0’s are Summons that are placed and have a realm invocation ability,\n as well as having these attributes:\n \t• Tier : 0\n \t• DMG: 0\n \t• Type: T/S\n \t• Promote: Yes\n \t• All Tier 0’s may not be battled, and treated as a Realm Invocation\n Promote: To Promote a Tier 0, is to flip it to it’s other side where it resides\n as Tier 4, and is placed at the Tier 3 location. To Promote, the player must\n satisfy a Promote condition that is decribed on the Card. If you control a\n Summons on the Battlefield and choose to Promote, the Summons will be\n demoted.\n Tier 4:\n \tTier 4’s are usually a win condition card and are built to not stay on the\n \tfield for long. While you control a Tier 4 you cannot have any other Summons\n \ton the Battlefield. As well as that, they have the following attributes:\n \t• Tier: 4\n \t• DMG: 7/8\n \t• Type: T/S\n \t• All Tier 4’s cannot be demoted in Battle nor be demoted by any Abilities\n \t• At the end of each End Phase the player takes Damage equal to it’s DMG\n \t\t– Refusal to pay will result in it being exiled.