PHD(1) # NAME phd - an estoeric gopher server # SYNOPSIS *phd* [_OPTIONS_] [_SITE ROOT_] # DESCRIPTION *phd* is a small, easy-to-use gopher server. Point it at a directory and it'll serve up all the text files, sub-directories, and binary files over Gopher. Any *.gph* files will be served up as Gophermaps and executable *.gph* files will be run as a program with their output served to the client, like the glorious cgi-bin days of yore! Usually *phd* is started with a path to your Gopher site: phd /srv/gopher If no path is given, *phd* will use the current directory as the root of your Gopher site. # OPTIONS *-r* _SELECTOR_, *--render* _SELECTOR_ Rather than start as a server, render the _SELECTOR_ of the site using the options provided and print the raw response to *STDOUT*. *-b* _ADDRESS_, *--bind* _ADDRESS_ Set the socket address to bind to, e.g. ** *-p* _PORT_, *--port* _PORT_ Set the _PORT_ to use when generating Gopher links. *-h* _HOST_, *--host* _HOST_ Set the _HOST_ to use when generating Gopher links. *-h*, *--help* Print a help summary and exit. *-v*, *--version* Print version information and exit. # SPECIAL FILES The following files have special behavior when present in a directory that *phd* is tasked with serving: *header.gph* If it exists in a directory, its content will be shown above the directory's content. Put ASCII art in it. *footer.gph* Same, but will be shown below a directory's content. *index.gph* Completely replaces a directory's content with what's in this file. *??.gph* Visiting *gopher://yoursite/1/dog/* will try to render *dog.gph* from disk. Visiting */1/dog.gph* will render the raw content of the .gph file. *.reverse* If this exists, the directory contents will be listed in reverse alphanumeric order. Useful for phloggin', if you date your posts. # GOPHERMAP SYNTAX Any line in a *.gph* file that doesn't contain tabs (*\t*) will get an *i* automatically prefixed, turning it into a Gopher information item. For your convenience, phd supports *geomyidae* syntax for creating links: ``` This is an info line. [1|This is a link|/help|server|port] [h|URL Link|URL:] ``` *server* and *port* will get translated into the server and port of the actively running server, eg *localhost* and *7070*. Any line containing a tab character (*\t*) will be sent as-is to the client, meaning you can write and serve up raw Gophermap files too. # DYNAMIC CONTENT Any *.gph* file that is marked *executable* with be run as if it were a standalone program and its output will be sent to the client. It will be passed three arguments: the query string (if any), the server's hostname, and the current port. Do with them what you will. For example: ``` $ cat echo.gph #!/bin/sh echo "Hi, world! You said:" $1 echo "1Visit Gopherpedia / 70" ``` Then: ``` $ gopher-client gopher://localhost/1/echo?something [INFO] Hi, world! You said: something [LINK] Visit Gopherpedia ``` Or more seriously: ``` $ cat figlet.gph #!/bin/sh figlet $1 ``` then: ``` $ gopher-client gopher://localhost/1/figlet?hi gopher [INFO] _ _ _ [INFO] | |__ (_) __ _ ___ _ __ | |__ ___ _ __ [INFO] | '_ \| | / _` |/ _ \| '_ \| '_ \ / _ \ '__| [INFO] | | | | | | (_| | (_) | |_) | | | | __/ | [INFO] |_| |_|_| \__, |\___/| .__/|_| |_|\___|_| [INFO] |___/ |_| ``` ## RESOURCES geomyidae source code gopher:// Example Gophermap Gophermaps RFC 1436: # ABOUT *phd* is maintained by chris west and released under the MIT license. phd's Gopher hole: _gopher:// phd's webpage: _