const path = require("path"); const { Solita } = require("@metaplex-foundation/solita"); const fs = require("fs"); const { rustbinMatch, confirmAutoMessageConsole, } = require("@metaplex-foundation/rustbin"); const { spawn } = require("child_process"); const programDir = path.join(__dirname, ".."); const cargoToml = path.join(programDir, "Cargo.toml"); const generatedIdlDir = path.join(__dirname, "idl"); const generatedSDKDir = path.join(__dirname, "src", "generated"); const rootDir = path.join(__dirname, ".crates"); const PROGRAM_NAME = "phoenix_seat_manager"; const rustbinConfig = { rootDir, binaryName: "shank", binaryCrateName: "shank-cli", libName: "shank", dryRun: false, cargoToml, }; async function main() { const { fullPathToBinary: shankExecutable } = await rustbinMatch( rustbinConfig, confirmAutoMessageConsole ); const shank = spawn(shankExecutable, [ "idl", "--out-dir", generatedIdlDir, "--crate-root", programDir, ]) .on("error", (err) => { console.error(err); if (err.code === "ENOENT") { console.error( "Ensure that `shank` is installed and in your path, see:\n\n" ); } process.exit(1); }) .on("exit", () => { mutateIdl(); generateTypeScriptSDK().then(() => { console.log("Running prettier on generated files..."); // Note: prettier is not a dependency of this package, so it must be installed // TODO: Add a prettier config file for consistent style spawn("prettier", ["--write", generatedSDKDir], { stdio: "inherit", }) .on("error", (err) => { console.log(err); console.error( "Failed to lint client files. Try installing prettier (`npm install --save-dev --save-exact prettier`)" ); }) .on("exit", () => { console.log("Finished linting files."); }); }); }); shank.stdout.on("data", (buf) => console.log(buf.toString("utf8"))); shank.stderr.on("data", (buf) => console.error(buf.toString("utf8"))); } function mutateIdl() { console.error("Mutating IDL"); const generatedIdlPath = path.join(generatedIdlDir, `${PROGRAM_NAME}.json`); const idl = require(generatedIdlPath); for (const instruction of idl.instructions) { if ( === "ChangeMarketStatus") { instruction.args.push({ name: "marketStatus", type: { defined: "MarketStatus", }, }); } if ( === "NameMarketAuthoritySuccessor") { instruction.args.push({ name: "successor", type: "publicKey", }); } } fs.writeFileSync(generatedIdlPath, JSON.stringify(idl, null, 2)); } async function generateTypeScriptSDK() { console.error("Generating TypeScript SDK to %s", generatedSDKDir); const generatedIdlPath = path.join(generatedIdlDir, `${PROGRAM_NAME}.json`); const idl = require(generatedIdlPath); const gen = new Solita(idl, { formatCode: true }); await gen.renderAndWriteTo(generatedSDKDir); console.error("Success!"); } main().catch((err) => { console.error(err); process.exit(1); });