# Contributing to PhysX ## Did you find a bug? * Check in the GitHub [Issues](https://github.com/NVIDIA-Omniverse/PhysX/issues) if a report for your bug already exists. * If the bug has not been reported yet, open a new Issue. * Use a short and descriptive title which contains relevant keywords. * Write a clear description of the bug. * Document the environment including your operating system, compiler version, and hardware specifications. * Add code samples and executable test cases with instructions for reproducing the bug. ## Did you find an issue in the documentation? * Please create an [Issue](https://github.com/NVIDIA-Omniverse/PhysX/issues/) if you find a documentation issue. ## Did you write a bug fix? * Open a new [Pull Request](https://github.com/NVIDIA-Omniverse/PhysX/pulls) with your bug fix. * Write a description of the bug which is fixed by your patch or link to related Issues. * If your patch fixes for example Issue #33, write `Fixes #33`. * Explain your solution with a few words. ## Did you write a cosmetic patch? * Patches that are purely cosmetic will not be considered and associated Pull Requests will be closed. * Cosmetic are patches which do not improve stability, performance, functionality, etc. * Examples for cosmetic patches: code formatting, fixing whitespaces. ## Do you have a question? * Search the GitHub [Discussions](https://github.com/NVIDIA-Omniverse/PhysX/discussions/) for your question. * If nobody asked your question before, feel free to open a new discussion. * Once somebody shares a satisfying answer to your question, click "Mark as answer". * GitHub Issues should only be used for bug reports. * If you open an Issue with a question, we may convert it into a discussion. * You can also ask in the NVIDIA Omniverse #physics Discord Channel. Get an invite here: [https://discord.com/invite/XWQNJDNuaC](https://discord.com/invite/XWQNJDNuaC).