# Bindings for the Picnic digital signature scheme This crate provides bindings for the [optimized implementation](https://github.com/IAIK/Picnic) of the [Picnic](https://microsoft.github.io/Picnic/) digital signature scheme. It implements the traits of the [signature](https://crates.io/crates/signature) crate. ## Features This crate supports the following features: * `picnic` (default): Enable the Picnic parameter sets with ZKB++/Fiat-Shamir as proof system. * `unruh-transform`: Enable the Picnic parameter sets with ZKB++/Unruh as proof system. * `picnic3` (default): Enable the Picnic parameter sets with KKW/Fiat-Shamir as proof system. * `system` (default): Use the shared library of Picnic per default. * `static-fallback` (default): Build Picnic on demand if shared library is not available. * `std` (default): Use `std`. * `subtle`: Provide constant-time equality comparison for `SigningKey`. * `serialization`: Enable serialization with [serde](https://serde.rs). * `zeroize`: Enable zeroziation of private keys via [zeroize](https://crates.io/crates/zeroize). If the crate is not built with `std` enabled, the `alloc` crates is used. ## Security Notes This crate has received no security audit. Use at your own risk. ## License This crate is licensed under the MIT license.