use std::path::PathBuf; use clap::Parser; use picori::Dol; extern crate picori; /// Simple program to greet a person #[derive(Parser, Debug)] #[command( name = "dol_dump", bin_name = "dol_dump", author="Julgodis <>", version=env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"), about="Example program to dump .dol files using picori", long_about = None)] struct Args { /// Path to the file to dump #[arg()] path: PathBuf, /// Dump header #[arg(short = 't', long)] header: bool, /// Dump sections #[arg(short, long)] sections: bool, /// Dump data #[arg(short, long)] data: bool, /// Dump all #[arg(short, long)] all: bool, /// Column width #[arg(short, long, default_value = "32")] width: usize, } fn main() { let args = Args::parse(); let mut dump_header = args.header; let mut dump_sections = args.sections; let mut dump_data =; if args.all { dump_header = true; dump_sections = true; dump_data = true; } if !dump_header && !dump_sections && !dump_data { println!("nothing to dump :("); return; } let file = std::fs::File::open(args.path).unwrap(); let mut file = std::io::BufReader::new(file); let dol = Dol::from_binary(&mut file).unwrap(); if dump_header { println!("header:"); for i in 0..7 { println!( " [{:>2}] text offset: 0x{:08x}, address: 0x{:08x}, size: 0x{:08x}", i, dol.header.text_offset[i], dol.header.text_address[i], dol.header.text_size[i] ); } for i in 0..11 { println!( " [{:>2}] data offset: 0x{:08x}, address: 0x{:08x}, size: 0x{:08x}", i, dol.header.data_offset[i], dol.header.data_address[i], dol.header.data_size[i] ); } println!( " bss address: 0x{:08x}, size: 0x{:08x}", dol.header.bss_address, dol.header.bss_size ); println!(" entry point: 0x{:08x}", dol.header.entry_point); } if dump_sections { println!("sections:"); for (i, section) in dol.sections.iter().enumerate() { println!( " [{:>2}] {:<15} address: 0x{:08x}, size: 0x{:06x} (0x{:06x})", i,, section.address, section.size, section.aligned_size ); } } if dump_data { let width = match args.width { 0 => 1, _ => args.width, }; println!("data:"); for (i, section) in dol.sections.iter().enumerate() { println!( " [{:>2}] {:<15} address: 0x{:08x}", i,, section.address ); for (j, line) in { print!("{:06x}: ", j * 32); for byte in line { print!("{:02x} ", byte); } println!(); } } } }