#include "utils.h" #include /*** START DHCP Server ***/ #ifdef PICO_SUPPORT_DHCPD /* ./build/test/picoapp.elf --vde pic0:/tmp/pic0.ctl: -a dhcpserver:pic0: * ./build/test/picoapp.elf --vde pic0:/tmp/pic0.ctl: --vde pic1:/tmp/pic1.ctl: \ * -a dhcpserver:pic0: */ void app_dhcp_server(char *arg) { struct pico_device *dev = NULL; struct pico_dhcp_server_setting s = { 0 }; int pool_start = 0, pool_end = 0; char *s_name = NULL, *s_addr = NULL, *s_netm = NULL, *s_pool_start = NULL, *s_pool_end = NULL; char *nxt = arg; if (!nxt) goto out; while (nxt) { if (nxt) { nxt = cpy_arg(&s_name, nxt); if (!s_name) { goto out; } } else { goto out; } if (nxt) { nxt = cpy_arg(&s_addr, nxt); if (s_addr) { pico_string_to_ipv4(s_addr, &s.server_ip.addr); } else { goto out; } } else { goto out; } if (nxt) { nxt = cpy_arg(&s_netm, nxt); if (s_netm) { pico_string_to_ipv4(s_netm, &s.netmask.addr); } else { goto out; } } else { goto out; } if (nxt) { nxt = cpy_arg(&s_pool_start, nxt); if (s_pool_start && atoi(s_pool_start)) { pool_start = atoi(s_pool_start); } else { goto out; } } else { goto out; } if (nxt) { nxt = cpy_arg(&s_pool_end, nxt); if (s_pool_end && atoi(s_pool_end)) { pool_end = atoi(s_pool_end); } else { goto out; } } else { goto out; } dev = (struct pico_device *)pico_get_device(s_name); if (dev == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "No device with name %s found\n", s_name); exit(255); } s.dev = dev; s.pool_start = (s.server_ip.addr & s.netmask.addr) | long_be(pool_start); s.pool_end = (s.server_ip.addr & s.netmask.addr) | long_be(pool_end); pico_dhcp_server_initiate(&s); } return; out: fprintf(stderr, "dhcpserver expects the following format: dhcpserver:dev_name:dev_addr:dev_netm:pool_start:pool_end\n"); exit(255); } #endif /*** END DHCP Server ***/