#include "utils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Let's use linux fs */ #include #include /*** START TFTP ***/ #ifdef PICO_SUPPORT_TFTP #define TFTP_MODE_SRV 0 #define TFTP_MODE_CLI 1 #define TFTP_MODE_PSH 2 #define TFTP_TX_COUNT 2000 #define TFTP_PAYLOAD_SIZE 512 unsigned char tftp_txbuf[TFTP_PAYLOAD_SIZE]; static uint16_t family; struct command_t { char operation; char *filename; union pico_address server_address; struct command_t *next; }; struct note_t { char *filename; int fd; char direction; int32_t filesize; struct note_t *next; }; struct note_t *clipboard = NULL; struct note_t *add_note(const char *filename, int fd, char direction) { struct note_t *note = PICO_ZALLOC(sizeof(struct note_t)); note->filename = strdup(filename); note->fd = fd; note->direction = direction; note->filesize = 0; note->next = clipboard; clipboard = note; return note; } void del_note(struct note_t *note) { struct note_t *prev; if (note == clipboard) { clipboard = clipboard->next; if (note->filename) free (note->filename); PICO_FREE(note); } else { for (prev = clipboard; prev->next; prev = prev->next) if (prev->next == note) { prev->next = note->next; if (note->filename) free (note->filename); PICO_FREE(note); break; } } } struct command_t *add_command(struct command_t *commands, char operation, char *filename, union pico_address *server_address) { struct command_t *command = PICO_ZALLOC(sizeof(struct command_t)); command->operation = operation; command->filename = filename; memcpy(&command->server_address, server_address, sizeof(union pico_address)); command->next = commands; return command; } int32_t get_filesize(const char *filename) { int ret; struct stat buf; ret = stat(filename, &buf); if (ret) return -1; return buf.st_size; } struct note_t *setup_transfer(char operation, const char *filename) { int fd; printf("operation %c\n", operation); fd = open(filename, (toupper(operation) == 'T') ? O_RDONLY : O_WRONLY | O_EXCL | O_CREAT, 0666); if (fd < 0) { perror("open"); fprintf(stderr, "Unable to handle file %s\n", filename); return NULL; } return add_note(filename, fd, operation); } int cb_tftp_tx(struct pico_tftp_session *session, uint16_t event, uint8_t *block, int32_t len, void *arg) { struct note_t *note = (struct note_t *) arg; if (event != PICO_TFTP_EV_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "TFTP: Error %" PRIu16 ": %s\n", event, block); exit(1); } len = read(note->fd, tftp_txbuf, PICO_TFTP_PAYLOAD_SIZE); if (len >= 0) { note->filesize += len; pico_tftp_send(session, tftp_txbuf, len); if (len < PICO_TFTP_PAYLOAD_SIZE) { printf("TFTP: file %s (%" PRId32 " bytes) TX transfer complete!\n", note->filename, note->filesize); close(note->fd); del_note(note); } } else { perror("read"); fprintf(stderr, "Filesystem error reading file %s, cancelling current transfer\n", note->filename); pico_tftp_abort(session, TFTP_ERR_EACC, "Error on read"); del_note(note); } if (!clipboard) pico_timer_add(3000, deferred_exit, NULL); return len; } int cb_tftp_tx_opt(struct pico_tftp_session *session, uint16_t event, uint8_t *block, int32_t len, void *arg) { int ret; int32_t filesize; if (event == PICO_TFTP_EV_OPT) { ret = pico_tftp_get_option(session, PICO_TFTP_OPTION_FILE, &filesize); if (ret) printf("TFTP: Option filesize is not used\n"); else printf("TFTP: We expect to transmit %" PRId32 " bytes\n", filesize); event = PICO_TFTP_EV_OK; } return cb_tftp_tx(session, event, block, len, arg); } int cb_tftp_rx(struct pico_tftp_session *session, uint16_t event, uint8_t *block, int32_t len, void *arg) { struct note_t *note = (struct note_t *) arg; int ret; if (event != PICO_TFTP_EV_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "TFTP: Error %" PRIu16 ": %s\n", event, block); exit(1); } if (!note) return 0; note->filesize += len; if (write(note->fd, block, len) < 0) { perror("write"); fprintf(stderr, "Filesystem error writing file %s, cancelling current transfer\n", note->filename); pico_tftp_abort(session, TFTP_ERR_EACC, "Error on write"); del_note(note); } else { if (len != PICO_TFTP_PAYLOAD_SIZE) { printf("TFTP: file %s (%" PRId32 " bytes) RX transfer complete!\n", note->filename, note->filesize); close(note->fd); del_note(note); } } if (!clipboard) pico_timer_add(3000, deferred_exit, NULL); return len; } int cb_tftp_rx_opt(struct pico_tftp_session *session, uint16_t event, uint8_t *block, int32_t len, void *arg) { int ret; int32_t filesize; if (event == PICO_TFTP_EV_OPT) { ret = pico_tftp_get_option(session, PICO_TFTP_OPTION_FILE, &filesize); if (ret) printf("TFTP: Option filesize is not used\n"); else printf("TFTP: We expect to receive %" PRId32 " bytes\n", filesize); return 0; } return cb_tftp_rx(session, event, block, len, arg); } struct pico_tftp_session *make_session_or_die(union pico_address *addr, uint16_t family) { struct pico_tftp_session *session; session = pico_tftp_session_setup(addr, family); if (!session) { fprintf(stderr, "TFTP: Error in session setup\n"); exit(3); } return session; } struct note_t *transfer_prepare(struct pico_tftp_session **psession, char operation, const char *filename, union pico_address *addr, uint16_t family) { struct note_t *note; note = setup_transfer(operation, filename); *psession = make_session_or_die(addr, family); return note; } void start_rx(struct pico_tftp_session *session, const char *filename, uint16_t port, int (*rx_callback)(struct pico_tftp_session *session, uint16_t err, uint8_t *block, int32_t len, void *arg), struct note_t *note) { if (pico_tftp_start_rx(session, port, filename, rx_callback, note)) { fprintf(stderr, "TFTP: Error in initialization\n"); exit(1); } } void start_tx(struct pico_tftp_session *session, const char *filename, uint16_t port, int (*tx_callback)(struct pico_tftp_session *session, uint16_t err, uint8_t *block, int32_t len, void *arg), struct note_t *note) { if (pico_tftp_start_tx(session, port, filename, tx_callback, note)) { fprintf(stderr, "TFTP: Error in initialization\n"); exit(1); } } void tftp_listen_cb(union pico_address *addr, uint16_t port, uint16_t opcode, char *filename, int32_t len) { struct note_t *note; struct pico_tftp_session *session; printf("TFTP listen callback (BASIC) from remote port %" PRIu16 ".\n", short_be(port)); if (opcode == PICO_TFTP_RRQ) { printf("Received TFTP get request for %s\n", filename); note = transfer_prepare(&session, 't', filename, addr, family); start_tx(session, filename, port, cb_tftp_tx, note); } else if (opcode == PICO_TFTP_WRQ) { printf("Received TFTP put request for %s\n", filename); note = transfer_prepare(&session, 'r', filename, addr, family); start_rx(session, filename, port, cb_tftp_rx, note); } } void tftp_listen_cb_opt(union pico_address *addr, uint16_t port, uint16_t opcode, char *filename, int32_t len) { struct note_t *note; struct pico_tftp_session *session; int options; uint8_t timeout; int32_t filesize; int ret; printf("TFTP listen callback (OPTIONS) from remote port %" PRIu16 ".\n", short_be(port)); /* declare the options we want to support */ ret = pico_tftp_parse_request_args(filename, len, &options, &timeout, &filesize); if (ret) pico_tftp_reject_request(addr, port, TFTP_ERR_EOPT, "Malformed request"); if (opcode == PICO_TFTP_RRQ) { printf("Received TFTP get request for %s\n", filename); note = transfer_prepare(&session, 'T', filename, addr, family); if (options & PICO_TFTP_OPTION_TIME) pico_tftp_set_option(session, PICO_TFTP_OPTION_TIME, timeout); if (options & PICO_TFTP_OPTION_FILE) { ret = get_filesize(filename); if (ret < 0) { pico_tftp_reject_request(addr, port, TFTP_ERR_ENOENT, "File not found"); return; } pico_tftp_set_option(session, PICO_TFTP_OPTION_FILE, ret); } start_tx(session, filename, port, cb_tftp_tx_opt, note); } else { /* opcode == PICO_TFTP_WRQ */ printf("Received TFTP put request for %s\n", filename); note = transfer_prepare(&session, 'R', filename, addr, family); if (options & PICO_TFTP_OPTION_TIME) pico_tftp_set_option(session, PICO_TFTP_OPTION_TIME, timeout); if (options & PICO_TFTP_OPTION_FILE) pico_tftp_set_option(session, PICO_TFTP_OPTION_FILE, filesize); start_rx(session, filename, port, cb_tftp_rx_opt, note); } } void print_usage(int exit_code) { printf("\nUsage: tftp:OPTION:[OPTION]...\n" "\nOtions can be repeated. Every option may be one of the following:\n" "\ts\t\t\t starts the basic server (RFC1350)\n" "\tS\t\t\t starts the server with option handling capability\n" "\tt:file:ip\t\t PUT request (without options) for file to server ip\n" "\tT:file:ip\t\t PUT request for file to server ip\n" "\tr:file:ip\t\t GET request (without options) for file to server ip\n" "\tR:file:ip\t\t GET request for file to server ip\n" "Example:\n" "\t\t tftp:S:T:firstFile:\n\n"); exit(exit_code); } struct command_t *parse_arguments_recursive(struct command_t *commands, char *arg) { char *next; char *operation; char *filename; char *address; static union pico_address remote_address; int ret; struct command_t * new_cmd = NULL; if (!arg) return commands; next = cpy_arg(&operation, arg); switch (*operation) { case 'S': case 's': filename = address = NULL; break; case 'T': case 'R': case 't': case 'r': if (!next) { fprintf(stderr, "Incomplete client command %s (filename componet is missing)\n", arg); return NULL; } next = cpy_arg(&filename, next); if (!next) { fprintf(stderr, "Incomplete client command %s (address component is missing)\n", arg); return NULL; } next = cpy_arg(&address, next); if (!IPV6_MODE) ret = pico_string_to_ipv4(address, &remote_address.ip4.addr); else ret = pico_string_to_ipv6(address, remote_address.ip6.addr); if (ret < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid IP address %s\n", address); print_usage(2); } if (address) free(address); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Invalid command %s\n", operation); return NULL; }; new_cmd = add_command(commands, *operation, filename, &remote_address); free(operation); return parse_arguments_recursive(new_cmd, next); } struct command_t *parse_arguments(char *arg) { struct command_t *reversed = parse_arguments_recursive(NULL, arg); struct command_t *commands = NULL; struct command_t *current; if (!reversed) { fprintf(stderr, "Wrong command line!\n"); print_usage(1); } while (reversed) { current = reversed; reversed = reversed->next; current->next = commands; commands = current; } return commands; } void app_tftp(char *arg) { struct command_t *commands, *old_cmd; struct note_t *note; struct pico_tftp_session *session; int is_server_enabled = 0; int filesize; family = IPV6_MODE ? PICO_PROTO_IPV6 : PICO_PROTO_IPV4; commands = parse_arguments(arg); while (commands) { if (toupper(commands->operation) != 'S') note = transfer_prepare(&session, commands->operation, commands->filename, &commands->server_address, family); switch (commands->operation) { case 'S': case 's': if (!is_server_enabled) { pico_tftp_listen(PICO_PROTO_IPV4, (commands->operation == 'S') ? tftp_listen_cb_opt : tftp_listen_cb); is_server_enabled = 1; } break; case 'T': filesize = get_filesize(commands->filename); if (filesize < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "TFTP: unable to read size of file %s\n", commands->filename); exit(3); } pico_tftp_set_option(session, PICO_TFTP_OPTION_FILE, filesize); start_tx(session, commands->filename, short_be(PICO_TFTP_PORT), cb_tftp_tx_opt, note); break; case 't': start_tx(session, commands->filename, short_be(PICO_TFTP_PORT), cb_tftp_tx, note); break; case 'R': pico_tftp_set_option(session, PICO_TFTP_OPTION_FILE, 0); start_rx(session, commands->filename, short_be(PICO_TFTP_PORT), cb_tftp_rx_opt, note); break; case 'r': start_rx(session, commands->filename, short_be(PICO_TFTP_PORT), cb_tftp_rx, note); } old_cmd = commands; commands = commands->next; if (old_cmd->filename) free(old_cmd->filename); /* commands are allocated using PICO_ZALLOC, so use PICO_FREE */ PICO_FREE(old_cmd); } } #endif /* END TFTP */