#!/usr/bin/env just --justfile nightly := "nightly-2024-04-16" msrv := "1.74" rust := env("RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN", "stable") # Run all checks all: fmt check-all deny clippy examples docs test machete udeps msrv @echo "All checks passed 🍻" # Check for unused dependencies udeps: #!/usr/bin/env sh set -euo pipefail bold() { echo "\033[1m$1\033[0m" } export CARGO_TARGET_DIR="target/hack/" bold "cargo +{{nightly}} udeps" cargo +{{nightly}} udeps --all-features bold "cargo +{{nightly}} hack udeps" cargo +{{nightly}} hack udeps --each-feature # Use machete to check for unused dependencies machete: cargo +{{rust}} machete alias c := check # Check compilation check: cargo +{{rust}} check --all-targets --all-features # Check compilation across all features check-all: cargo +{{rust}} check --all-targets --all-features cargo +{{rust}} hack check --target-dir target/hack/ --no-private --each-feature --no-dev-deps cargo +{{rust}} hack check --target-dir target/hack/ --no-private --feature-powerset --no-dev-deps # Run clippy clippy: cargo +{{rust}} clippy --all-targets --all-features -- -D warnings # Check examples examples: cargo +{{rust}} check --examples --all-features alias d := docs alias doc := docs # Build documentation docs: cargo +{{rust}} doc --all-features --no-deps # Build and read documentation read: docs cargo +{{rust}} doc --all-features --no-deps --open # Check support for MSRV msrv: cargo +{{msrv}} check --target-dir target/msrv/ --all-targets --all-features cargo +{{msrv}} doc --target-dir target/msrv/ --all-features --no-deps alias t := test # Run cargo tests test: cargo +{{rust}} nextest run --all-features --no-run cargo +{{rust}} nextest run --all-features cargo +{{rust}} test --all-features --doc # Run coverage tests coverage: cargo +{{rust}} tarpaulin -o html --all-features alias timing := timings # Compile with timing checks timings: cargo +{{rust}} build --all-features --timings # Run deny checks deny: cargo +{{rust}} deny check # Run fmt checks fmt: cargo +{{rust}} fmt --all --check