use structopt::StructOpt; #[derive(StructOpt)] pub struct Config { #[structopt(env, about = "PiHole's IP/Hostname")] pub pihole_hostname: String, #[structopt( long, about = "Boolean flag that determines whether the PiHole API will be called over https" )] pub pihole_https: bool, #[structopt( long, about = "Boolean flag indicating whether to ignore certificate validation for the PiHole API call when done over HTTPS" )] pub pihole_insecure: bool, #[structopt( short, long, default_value = "30", about = "Scrape interval in seconds" )] pub interval_seconds: u64, #[structopt(env, about = "Influx DB's IP/Hostname")] pub influx_db_host: String, #[structopt( env, about = "Influx DB Token, must have write access to the specified bucket." )] pub influx_db_token: String, #[structopt(env, about = "Influx DB Bucket where the metrics will be stored")] pub influx_db_bucket: String, #[structopt(env, about = "The org ID to which this token belongs")] pub influx_db_org_id: String, #[structopt( long, about = "Boolean flag that determines whether the InfluxDB API will be called over https" )] pub influx_https: bool, #[structopt( long, about = "Boolean flag that determines whether to ignore certificate validation for the InfluxDB API call when done over https" )] pub influx_insecure: bool, }