use anyhow::Result; use float_cmp::assert_approx_eq; use lhapdf::Pdf; use num_complex::Complex; use pineappl::bin::BinRemapper; use pineappl::boc::Order; use pineappl::channel; use pineappl::convolutions::LumiCache; use pineappl::grid::{Grid, GridOptFlags, Ntuple}; use pineappl::subgrid::{ExtraSubgridParams, Subgrid, SubgridEnum, SubgridParams}; use rand::Rng; use rand_pcg::Pcg64; use std::f64::consts::PI; use std::io::Cursor; use std::mem; // If equation numbers are given, they are from Stefan Dittmaier and Max Huber's paper: // 'Radiative corrections to the neutral-current Drell–Yan process in the Standard Model and its // minimal supersymmetric extension' ( // Eq. (2.13) - gamma-gamma contribution to DY lepton pair production fn int_photo(s: f64, t: f64, u: f64) -> f64 { let alpha0: f64 = 1.0 / 137.03599911; alpha0.powi(2) / 2.0 / s * (t / u + u / t) } // Eq. (2.12) - quark-antiquark contribution to DY lepton pair production fn int_quark(s: f64, t: f64, u: f64, qq: f64, i3_wq: f64) -> f64 { let alphagf: f64 = 1.0 / 132.30818655547878; let mw = 80.35198454966643; let mz = 91.15348061918276; let gw = 2.083799397775285; let gz = 2.494266378772824; // lepton charge let ql: f64 = -1.0; // lepton weak isospin let i3_wl = -0.5; // weak mixing angles let cw = (Complex::new(mw * mw, -mw * gw) / Complex::new(mz * mz, -mz * gz)).sqrt(); let sw = (Complex::new(1.0, 0.0) - cw * cw).sqrt(); // Eq. (2.8) let chi_z = Complex::new(s, 0.0) / Complex::new(s - mz * mz, mz * gz); // Eq. (2.7) let gp_qqz = -sw / cw * qq; let gm_qqz = (i3_wq - sw * sw * qq) / (sw * cw); let gp_llz = -sw / cw * ql; let gm_llz = (i3_wl - sw * sw * ql) / (sw * cw); alphagf.powi(2) / 12.0 / s.powi(3) * (2.0 * qq.powi(2) * ql.powi(2) * (t * t + u * u) + 2.0 * qq * ql * (((gp_qqz * gp_llz + gm_qqz * gm_llz) * u * u + (gp_qqz * gm_llz + gm_qqz * gp_llz) * t * t) * chi_z) .re + ((gp_qqz.norm_sqr() * gp_llz.norm_sqr() + gm_qqz.norm_sqr() * gm_llz.norm_sqr()) * u * u + (gp_qqz.norm_sqr() * gm_llz.norm_sqr() + gm_qqz.norm_sqr() * gp_llz.norm_sqr()) * t * t) * chi_z.norm_sqr()) } struct Psp2to2 { s: f64, t: f64, u: f64, x1: f64, x2: f64, jacobian: f64, } fn hadronic_pspgen(rng: &mut impl Rng, mmin: f64, mmax: f64) -> Psp2to2 { let smin = mmin * mmin; let smax = mmax * mmax; let mut jacobian = 1.0; let r1 = rng.gen::(); let r2 = rng.gen::(); let tau0 = smin / smax; let tau = tau0.powf(r1); let y = tau.powf(1.0 - r2); let x1 = y; let x2 = tau / y; let s = tau * smax; jacobian *= tau * tau0.ln().powi(2) * r1; // theta integration (in the CMS) let cos_theta = 2.0 * rng.gen::() - 1.0; jacobian *= 2.0; let t = -0.5 * s * (1.0 - cos_theta); let u = -0.5 * s * (1.0 + cos_theta); // phi integration jacobian *= 2.0 * PI; Psp2to2 { s, t, u, x1, x2, jacobian, } } fn fill_drell_yan_lo_grid( rng: &mut impl Rng, calls: u32, subgrid_type: &str, dynamic: bool, reweight: bool, ) -> Result { let channels = vec![ // photons channel![22, 22, 1.0], // up-antiup channel![2, -2, 1.0; 4, -4, 1.0], // antiup-up channel![-2, 2, 1.0; -4, 4, 1.0], // down-antidown channel![1, -1, 1.0; 3, -3, 1.0; 5, -5, 1.0], // antidown-down channel![-1, 1, 1.0; -3, 3, 1.0; -5, 5, 1.0], ]; let orders = vec![ // LO Order { alphas: 0, alpha: 2, logxir: 0, logxif: 0, }, // NLO QCD - won't be filled Order { alphas: 1, alpha: 2, logxir: 0, logxif: 0, }, Order { alphas: 1, alpha: 2, logxir: 0, logxif: 1, }, ]; // we bin in rapidity from 0 to 2.4 in steps of 0.1 let bin_limits: Vec<_> = (0..=24).map(|x: u32| f64::from(x) / 10.0).collect(); let mut subgrid_params = SubgridParams::default(); let mut extra = ExtraSubgridParams::default(); subgrid_params.set_q2_bins(30); subgrid_params.set_q2_max(1e6); subgrid_params.set_q2_min(1e2); subgrid_params.set_q2_order(3); subgrid_params.set_reweight(reweight); subgrid_params.set_x_bins(50); subgrid_params.set_x_max(1.0); subgrid_params.set_x_min(2e-7); subgrid_params.set_x_order(3); extra.set_x2_bins(50); extra.set_x2_max(1.0); extra.set_x2_min(2e-7); extra.set_x2_order(3); extra.set_reweight2(reweight); // create the PineAPPL grid let mut grid = Grid::with_subgrid_type( channels, orders, bin_limits, subgrid_params, extra, subgrid_type, )?; // in GeV^2 pbarn let hbarc2 = 3.893793721e8; for _ in 0..calls { // generate a phase-space point let Psp2to2 { s, t, u, x1, x2, mut jacobian, } = hadronic_pspgen(rng, 10.0, 7000.0); let ptl = (t * u / s).sqrt(); let mll = s.sqrt(); let yll = 0.5 * (x1 / x2).ln(); let ylp = (yll + (0.5 * mll / ptl).acosh()).abs(); let ylm = (yll - (0.5 * mll / ptl).acosh()).abs(); jacobian *= hbarc2 / f64::from(calls); // cuts for LO for the invariant-mass slice containing the Z-peak from CMSDY2D11 if (ptl < 14.0) || (yll.abs() > 2.4) || (ylp > 2.4) || (ylm > 2.4) || !(60.0..=120.0).contains(&mll) { continue; } let q2 = if dynamic { mll * mll } else { 90.0 * 90.0 }; // LO photon-photon channel let weight = jacobian * int_photo(s, t, u); let pto = 0; let channel = 0; grid.fill(pto, yll.abs(), channel, &Ntuple { x1, x2, q2, weight }); // LO up-antiup-type channel let weight = jacobian * int_quark(s, t, u, 2.0 / 3.0, 0.5); let pto = 0; let channel = 1; grid.fill(pto, yll.abs(), channel, &Ntuple { x1, x2, q2, weight }); // LO antiup-up-type channel - swap (x1 <-> x2) and (t <-> u) let weight = jacobian * int_quark(s, u, t, 2.0 / 3.0, 0.5); let pto = 0; let channel = 2; grid.fill( pto, yll.abs(), channel, &Ntuple { x1: x2, x2: x1, q2, weight, }, ); // LO down-antidown-type channel let weight = jacobian * int_quark(s, t, u, -1.0 / 3.0, -0.5); let pto = 0; let channel = 3; grid.fill(pto, yll.abs(), channel, &Ntuple { x1, x2, q2, weight }); // LO antidown-down-type channel - swap (x1 <-> x2) and (t <-> u) let weight = jacobian * int_quark(s, u, t, -1.0 / 3.0, -0.5); let pto = 0; let channel = 4; grid.fill( pto, yll.abs(), channel, &Ntuple { x1: x2, x2: x1, q2, weight, }, ); } Ok(grid) } fn perform_grid_tests( subgrid_type: &str, dynamic: bool, reference: &[f64], reference_after_ssd: &[f64], x_grid: &[f64], reweight: bool, ) -> Result<()> { let mut rng = Pcg64::new(0xcafef00dd15ea5e5, 0xa02bdbf7bb3c0a7ac28fa16a64abf96); let mut grid = fill_drell_yan_lo_grid(&mut rng, 500_000, subgrid_type, dynamic, reweight)?; // TEST 1: `merge` and `scale` grid.merge(fill_drell_yan_lo_grid( &mut rng, 500_000, subgrid_type, dynamic, reweight, )?)?; grid.scale(0.5); // suppress LHAPDF banners lhapdf::set_verbosity(0); let pdf_set = "NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118_luxqed"; let pdf = Pdf::with_setname_and_member(pdf_set, 0)?; let mut xfx = |id, x, q2| pdf.xfx_q2(id, x, q2); let mut alphas = |_| 0.0; // TEST 2: `read` and `write` let mut file = Cursor::new(Vec::new()); grid.write(&mut file)?; file.set_position(0); mem::drop(grid); let grid = Grid::read(&mut file)?; // TEST 3: `write_lz4` let mut file = Cursor::new(Vec::new()); grid.write_lz4(&mut file)?; file.set_position(0); mem::drop(grid); let mut grid = Grid::read(&mut file)?; // TEST 4: `scale_by_order` grid.scale_by_order(10.0, 0.5, 10.0, 10.0, 1.0); grid.scale_by_order(10.0, 1.0, 10.0, 10.0, 4.0); // TEST 5: `convolve` let mut lumi_cache = LumiCache::with_one(2212, &mut xfx, &mut alphas); let bins = grid.convolve(&mut lumi_cache, &[], &[], &[], &[(1.0, 1.0)]); for (result, reference) in bins.iter().zip(reference.iter()) { assert_approx_eq!(f64, *result, *reference, ulps = 16); } // TEST 5b: `convolve` with `LumiCache::with_two` let mut xfx1 = |id, x, q2| pdf.xfx_q2(id, x, q2); let mut xfx2 = |id, x, q2| pdf.xfx_q2(id, x, q2); let mut alphas2 = |_| 0.0; let mut lumi_cache2 = LumiCache::with_two(2212, &mut xfx1, 2212, &mut xfx2, &mut alphas2); let bins2 = grid.convolve(&mut lumi_cache2, &[], &[], &[], &[(1.0, 1.0)]); for (result, reference) in bins2.iter().zip(reference.iter()) { assert_approx_eq!(f64, *result, *reference, ulps = 16); } mem::drop(lumi_cache2); mem::drop(bins2); // TEST 6: `convolve_subgrid` let bins: Vec<_> = (0..grid.bin_info().bins()) .map(|bin| { (0..grid.channels().len()) .map(|channel| { grid.convolve_subgrid(&mut lumi_cache, 0, bin, channel, 1.0, 1.0) .sum() }) .sum() }) .collect(); for (result, reference) in bins.iter().zip(reference.iter()) { assert_approx_eq!(f64, *result, *reference, ulps = 24); } // TEST 7a: `optimize_using` - tests `symmetrize` for each subgrid type grid.optimize_using(GridOptFlags::SYMMETRIZE_CHANNELS); // TEST 7b: `optimize` grid.optimize(); assert_eq!(grid.subgrids()[[0, 0, 0]].x1_grid().as_ref(), x_grid); assert_eq!(grid.subgrids()[[0, 0, 0]].x2_grid().as_ref(), x_grid); // TEST 8: `convolve_subgrid` for the optimized subgrids let bins: Vec<_> = (0..grid.bin_info().bins()) .map(|bin| { (0..grid.channels().len()) .map(|channel| { grid.convolve_subgrid(&mut lumi_cache, 0, bin, channel, 1.0, 1.0) .sum() }) .sum() }) .collect(); for (result, reference_after_ssd) in bins.iter().zip(reference_after_ssd.iter()) { assert_approx_eq!(f64, *result, *reference_after_ssd, ulps = 24); } let bins = grid.convolve(&mut lumi_cache, &[], &[], &[], &[(1.0, 1.0)]); for (result, reference_after_ssd) in bins.iter().zip(reference_after_ssd.iter()) { assert_approx_eq!(f64, *result, *reference_after_ssd, ulps = 24); } // TEST 9: `set_remapper` // make a two-dimensional distribution out of it grid.set_remapper(BinRemapper::new( vec![0.1; 24], (0..24) .flat_map(|index| { let index = f64::from(index); vec![(60.0, 120.0), (index * 0.1, (index + 1.0) * 0.1)] }) .collect::>(), )?)?; // TEST 10: `merge_bins` // trivial merge: first bin is merged into first bin grid.merge_bins(0..1)?; for (result, reference_after_ssd) in bins.iter().zip(reference_after_ssd.iter()) { assert_approx_eq!(f64, *result, *reference_after_ssd, ulps = 24); } // merge two bins with each other for bin in 0..12 { grid.merge_bins(bin..bin + 2)?; } let merged2 = grid.convolve(&mut lumi_cache, &[], &[], &[], &[(1.0, 1.0)]); for (result, reference_after_ssd) in merged2.iter().zip( reference_after_ssd .chunks_exact(2) .map(|chunk| chunk.iter().sum::() / 2.0), ) { assert_approx_eq!(f64, *result, reference_after_ssd, ulps = 32); } // TEST 11: `delete_bins` // delete a few bins from the start grid.delete_bins(&[0, 1]); let deleted = grid.convolve(&mut lumi_cache, &[], &[], &[], &[(1.0, 1.0)]); assert_eq!(deleted.len(), 10); for (result, reference_after_ssd) in deleted.iter().zip( reference_after_ssd .chunks_exact(2) .map(|chunk| chunk.iter().sum::() / 2.0) .skip(2), ) { assert_approx_eq!(f64, *result, reference_after_ssd, ulps = 32); } // delete a few bins from the ending grid.delete_bins(&[8, 9]); let deleted2 = grid.convolve(&mut lumi_cache, &[], &[], &[], &[(1.0, 1.0)]); assert_eq!(deleted2.len(), 8); for (result, reference_after_ssd) in deleted2.iter().zip( reference_after_ssd .chunks_exact(2) .map(|chunk| chunk.iter().sum::() / 2.0) .skip(2) .take(6), ) { assert_approx_eq!(f64, *result, reference_after_ssd, ulps = 16); } Ok(()) } fn generate_grid(subgrid_type: &str, dynamic: bool, reweight: bool) -> Result { let mut rng = Pcg64::new(0xcafef00dd15ea5e5, 0xa02bdbf7bb3c0a7ac28fa16a64abf96); fill_drell_yan_lo_grid(&mut rng, 500_000, subgrid_type, dynamic, reweight) } const STATIC_REFERENCE: [f64; 24] = [ 269.89225458312495, 266.2168804878282, 290.0467478314624, 258.0064918266305, 239.54186548997865, 300.17541324377703, 258.8811221515799, 238.4064950360576, 242.5494601562957, 236.34329830221077, 230.63243720020898, 190.03118557029666, 213.22241277258763, 177.75582251643334, 168.07022695390958, 151.59217101220256, 143.81017491485716, 97.09707327367487, 91.38465432190982, 73.94464862425771, 63.859689262732104, 48.595785504299926, 27.94818010640803, 9.343737799674852, ]; // numbers are slightly different from `STATIC_REFERENCE` because the static scale detection (SSD) // removes the Q^2 interpolation error const STATIC_REFERENCE_AFTER_SSD: [f64; 24] = [ 269.89240546283145, 266.2170285827742, 290.04690782935967, 258.0066322019259, 239.54199362567599, 300.17556967146095, 258.88125430161745, 238.40661279174125, 242.54957458220744, 236.34340283622035, 230.63253265929194, 190.03125927151245, 213.2224910582812, 177.7558806305883, 168.07027678254747, 151.59220685502618, 143.81020355582885, 97.09708758263099, 91.38466242593998, 73.94465114837278, 63.859687905917, 48.595781165174515, 27.94817639459665, 9.343735959243446, ]; const DYNAMIC_REFERENCE: [f64; 24] = [ 269.9662650413552, 266.2274509325408, 290.039119030095, 258.04801305108583, 239.63561020879277, 300.2475932636636, 258.88126161648313, 238.42709542929794, 242.5724521248901, 236.3541498865422, 230.64832146047578, 189.999243811704, 213.2896760201295, 177.7280865940876, 168.0886178280483, 151.59285700593935, 143.80051106343882, 97.0715765765853, 91.38479915098559, 73.94713838892906, 63.85622547082087, 48.61296466751912, 27.948404940991445, 9.342761664545428, ]; const DYNAMIC_REFERENCE_NO_REWEIGHT: [f64; 24] = [ 268.8874311488598, 265.3130436782233, 289.0614714145284, 257.02578172672656, 238.76378338813032, 299.1756333696102, 257.98748703027104, 237.58099891213897, 241.75215319366012, 235.41757682699438, 229.8671307486547, 189.47964517011536, 212.56055728623704, 176.9591711445695, 167.56523215346917, 151.30532185043768, 143.20366078799765, 96.67453775369947, 91.18334210163036, 73.75879631942671, 63.629606742074984, 48.47126745674977, 27.86328933386428, 9.32654010506528, ]; #[test] fn drell_yan_lagrange_static() -> Result<()> { perform_grid_tests( "LagrangeSubgrid", false, &STATIC_REFERENCE, &STATIC_REFERENCE_AFTER_SSD, &[ 0.030521584007828916, 0.02108918668378717, 0.014375068581090129, 0.009699159574043398, 0.006496206194633799, 0.004328500638820811, ], true, ) } #[test] fn drell_yan_lagrange_v1_static() -> Result<()> { perform_grid_tests( "LagrangeSubgridV1", false, &STATIC_REFERENCE, &STATIC_REFERENCE, // LagrangeSubgridV1 doesn't have static-scale detection &[ 0.030521584007828916, 0.02108918668378717, 0.014375068581090129, 0.009699159574043398, 0.006496206194633799, 0.004328500638820811, ], true, ) } #[test] fn drell_yan_lagrange_v2_static() -> Result<()> { perform_grid_tests( "LagrangeSubgridV2", false, &STATIC_REFERENCE, &STATIC_REFERENCE_AFTER_SSD, &[ 0.030521584007828916, 0.02108918668378717, 0.014375068581090129, 0.009699159574043398, 0.006496206194633799, 0.004328500638820811, ], true, ) } #[test] fn drell_yan_lagrange_dynamic() -> Result<()> { perform_grid_tests( "LagrangeSubgrid", true, &DYNAMIC_REFERENCE, &DYNAMIC_REFERENCE, &[ 0.030521584007828916, 0.02108918668378717, 0.014375068581090129, 0.009699159574043398, 0.006496206194633799, 0.004328500638820811, ], true, ) } #[test] fn drell_yan_lagrange_v1_dynamic() -> Result<()> { perform_grid_tests( "LagrangeSubgridV1", true, &DYNAMIC_REFERENCE, &DYNAMIC_REFERENCE, &[ 0.030521584007828916, 0.02108918668378717, 0.014375068581090129, 0.009699159574043398, 0.006496206194633799, 0.004328500638820811, ], true, ) } #[test] fn drell_yan_lagrange_v1_dynamic_no_reweight() -> Result<()> { perform_grid_tests( "LagrangeSubgridV1", true, &DYNAMIC_REFERENCE_NO_REWEIGHT, &DYNAMIC_REFERENCE_NO_REWEIGHT, &[ 0.030521584007828916, 0.02108918668378717, 0.014375068581090129, 0.009699159574043398, 0.006496206194633799, 0.004328500638820811, ], false, ) } #[test] fn drell_yan_lagrange_v2_dynamic() -> Result<()> { perform_grid_tests( "LagrangeSubgridV2", true, &DYNAMIC_REFERENCE, &DYNAMIC_REFERENCE, &[ 0.030521584007828916, 0.02108918668378717, 0.014375068581090129, 0.009699159574043398, 0.006496206194633799, 0.004328500638820811, ], true, ) } #[test] fn drell_yan_lagrange_v2_dynamic_no_reweight() -> Result<()> { perform_grid_tests( "LagrangeSubgridV2", true, &DYNAMIC_REFERENCE_NO_REWEIGHT, &DYNAMIC_REFERENCE_NO_REWEIGHT, &[ 0.030521584007828916, 0.02108918668378717, 0.014375068581090129, 0.009699159574043398, 0.006496206194633799, 0.004328500638820811, ], false, ) } #[test] fn drell_yan_lagrange_sparse_dynamic() -> Result<()> { perform_grid_tests( "LagrangeSparseSubgrid", true, &DYNAMIC_REFERENCE, &DYNAMIC_REFERENCE, &[ 0.030521584007828916, 0.02108918668378717, 0.014375068581090129, 0.009699159574043398, 0.006496206194633799, 0.004328500638820811, ], true, ) } #[test] fn grid_optimize() -> Result<()> { let mut grid = generate_grid("LagrangeSubgridV2", false, false)?; assert_eq!(grid.orders().len(), 3); assert_eq!(grid.channels().len(), 5); assert!(matches!( grid.subgrids()[[0, 0, 0]], SubgridEnum::LagrangeSubgridV2 { .. } )); assert_eq!(grid.subgrids()[[0, 0, 0]].x1_grid().len(), 50); assert_eq!(grid.subgrids()[[0, 0, 0]].x2_grid().len(), 50); assert_eq!(grid.subgrids()[[0, 0, 0]].mu2_grid().len(), 30); let mut grid2 = grid.clone(); grid2.optimize_using(GridOptFlags::OPTIMIZE_SUBGRID_TYPE); // `OPTIMIZE_SUBGRID_TYPE` changes the subgrid type ... assert!(matches!( grid2.subgrids()[[0, 0, 0]], SubgridEnum::ImportOnlySubgridV2 { .. } )); // and the dimensions of the subgrid assert_eq!(grid2.subgrids()[[0, 0, 0]].x1_grid().len(), 6); assert_eq!(grid2.subgrids()[[0, 0, 0]].x2_grid().len(), 6); assert_eq!(grid2.subgrids()[[0, 0, 0]].mu2_grid().len(), 4); grid.optimize_using(GridOptFlags::OPTIMIZE_SUBGRID_TYPE | GridOptFlags::STATIC_SCALE_DETECTION); assert!(matches!( grid.subgrids()[[0, 0, 0]], SubgridEnum::ImportOnlySubgridV2 { .. } )); // if `STATIC_SCALE_DETECTION` is present the `mu2_grid` dimension are better optimized assert_eq!(grid.subgrids()[[0, 0, 0]].x1_grid().len(), 6); assert_eq!(grid.subgrids()[[0, 0, 0]].x2_grid().len(), 6); assert_eq!(grid.subgrids()[[0, 0, 0]].mu2_grid().len(), 1); // has no effect for this test grid.optimize_using(GridOptFlags::SYMMETRIZE_CHANNELS); assert_eq!(grid.orders().len(), 3); assert_eq!(grid.channels().len(), 5); grid.optimize_using(GridOptFlags::STRIP_EMPTY_ORDERS); assert_eq!(grid.orders().len(), 1); assert_eq!(grid.channels().len(), 5); // has no effect for this test grid.optimize_using(GridOptFlags::MERGE_SAME_CHANNELS); assert_eq!(grid.orders().len(), 1); assert_eq!(grid.channels().len(), 5); grid.optimize_using(GridOptFlags::STRIP_EMPTY_CHANNELS); assert_eq!(grid.orders().len(), 1); assert_eq!(grid.channels().len(), 3); Ok(()) }