# ping-fox ![GitHub Workflow Status (with branch)](https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/rng-dynamics/ping-fox/rust.yml?branch=main) [![Coveralls branch](https://img.shields.io/coverallsCoverage/github/rng-dynamics/ping-fox?branch=main)](https://coveralls.io/github/rng-dynamics/ping-fox) A ping (ICMP) library - simple to use and no root or setuid required. ## Getting Started In ping-fox a `PingSentToken` represents an evidence that a ping message has been sent. Each call to `PingSender::send_to` returns a `PingSentToken` which can be used to call `PingReceiver::recieve`. This makes sure that `PingSender::recieve` is never called without a previous call to `PingSender::send_to`. The following example describes how to configure ping-fox and how to send and receive an echo messages and its response. ``` # Cargo.toml [dependencies] ping-fox = "0.1" ``` ``` rust // .rs file use ping_fox::{PingFoxConfig, PingReceive, PingReceiveData, PingSentToken, SocketType}; use std::net::Ipv4Addr; use std::time::Duration; // ### Configure the library: // - `socket_type` can be `SocketType::RAW` or `SocketType::DGRAM`. // - Use `SocketType::DGRAM` to avoid the need for elevated privileges. let config = PingFoxConfig { socket_type: SocketType::DGRAM, timeout: Duration::from_secs(1), channel_size: 1, }; // ### Create a ping sender and a ping receiver. let (mut ping_sender, mut ping_receiver) = ping_fox::create(&config).unwrap(); // ### Call `PingSender::send_to` let token: PingSentToken = ping_sender .send_to("".parse::().unwrap()) .unwrap(); // ### Use the `PingSentToken` to call `PingReceiver::receive`. let ping_response = ping_receiver.receive(token).unwrap(); // ### Read the ping result. match ping_response { PingReceive::Data(PingReceiveData { package_size, ip_addr, ttl, sequence_number, ping_duration, }) => { println!( "{package_size} bytes from {ip_addr}: \ icmp_seq={sequence_number} ttl={ttl} \ time={ping_duration:?}", ); } PingReceive::Timeout => { println!("timeout"); } }; ``` ## Examples There are some examples in the [example folder](examples/). ## Running the tests - `cargo run --lib` will run the unit tests. - We can run unit and integration tests with `cargo test`, but it will need elevated privileges for some of the tests using a raw socket. If we do not have privileges, some tests will fail. ## Built With - [pnet_packet](https://crates.io/crates/pnet_packet) - [socket2](https://crates.io/crates/socket2) - [recvmsg](https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/recvmsg.2.html) in order to obtain the time to live (TTL) without elevated privileges. ## Contributing Contributions are welcome. Please open an issue and we can discuss the specifics. ## License This project is licensed under the BSD-3-Clause license - see the [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md) file for details