# pingap ![Pingap Logo](./asset/pingap-logo.png) ## What is Pingap A reverse proxy like nginx, built on [pingora](https://github.com/cloudflare/pingora), simple and efficient. Sentry and opentelemetry are optional, they are supported in the full-featured version. [中文说明](./README_zh.md) ```mermaid flowchart LR internet("Internet") -- request --> pingap["Pingap"] pingap -- proxy:pingap.io/api/* --> apiUpstream[","] pingap -- proxy:cdn.pingap.io --> cdnUpstream[","] pingap -- proxy:pingap.io --> upstream[","] ``` ## Feature - The service supports configuring multiple Locations, filtering locations by host and path, and matching and selecting them one by one according to the weight - Supports regular form configuration to rewrite Path - Support HTTP 1/2, including h2c - Support static, dns and docker label service discovery - Configuration based on TOML format, the configuration method is very simple, and can be saved to files or etcd - Supports more than 10 Prometheus indicators, pull and push mode - Opentelemetry supports w3c context trace and jaeger trace - Frequently updated Upstream and Location related configuration adjustments take effect in 30 seconds, and after other application configurations are updated, the program is restarted gracefully without interruption - Templated configuration of access logs, which supports more than 30 related attribute configurations, and various parameters and indicators can be specified as needed - Web UI for config, simple and easy to use - Support let's encrypt, just set the domain of http server - TLS certificates of different domain names can be served in the same service port, and the matching certificate is automatically selected according to servername - Supports push of various events: lets_encrypt, backend_status, diff_config, restart, etc. - Many http plugins, such as cache service components, compression components with multiple compression algorithms, authentication components, limiting components, etc. - Provides statistical data at different stages, such as upstream_connect_time, upstream_processing_time, compression_time, cache_lookup_time and cache_lock_time, etc. ## Start Loads all configurations from `/opt/pingap/conf` or file `/opt/pingap/pingap.toml` and run in the background. Log appends to `/opt/pingap/pingap.log`. ```bash RUST_LOG=INFO pingap -c=/opt/pingap/conf -d --log=/opt/pingap/pingap.log ``` ## Graceful restart Validate the configurations, send quit signal to pingap, then start a new process to handle all requests. ```bash RUST_LOG=INFO pingap -c=/opt/pingap/conf -t \ && pkill -SIGQUIT pingap \ && RUST_LOG=INFO pingap -c=/opt/pingap/conf -d -u --log=/opt/pingap/pingap.log ``` ## Auto restart Watch the configurations, if one of them changes, graceful restart pingap. `autoreload` means if only the upstream and location configurations are updated, they will take effect about 10s without restarting. ```bash RUST_LOG=INFO pingap -c=/opt/pingap/conf \ -a -d --autoreload --log=/opt/pingap/pingap.log ``` ## Docker `cGluZ2FwOjEyMzEyMw==` is base64("pingap:123123") ```bash docker run -it -d --restart=always \ -v $PWD/pingap:/opt/pingap \ -p 3018:3018 \ vicanso/pingap -c /opt/pingap/conf \ --autoreload \ --admin=cGluZ2FwOjEyMzEyMw==@ ``` ## Dev ```bash make dev ``` If you need a web admin, you should install nodejs and build web asssets. ```bash # generate admin web asset cd web yarn install cd .. make build-web ``` ## Config ```toml [upstreams.charts] addrs = [""] [locations.lo] upstream = "charts" path = "/" [servers.test] addr = "" locations = ["lo"] ``` All toml configurations are as follows [pingap.toml](./conf/pingap.toml). ## Proxy step ```mermaid graph TD; server["HTTP Server"]; locationA["Location A"]; locationB["Location B"]; locationPluginListA["Proxy Plugin List A"]; locationPluginListB["Proxy Plugin List B"]; upstreamA1["Upstream A1"]; upstreamA2["Upstream A2"]; upstreamB1["Upstream B1"]; upstreamB2["Upstream B2"]; locationResponsePluginListA["Response Plugin List A"]; locationResponsePluginListB["Response Plugin List B"]; start("New Request") --> server server -- "host:HostA, Path:/api/*" --> locationA server -- "Path:/rest/*"--> locationB locationA -- "Exec Proxy Plugins" --> locationPluginListA locationB -- "Exec Proxy Plugins" --> locationPluginListB locationPluginListA -- "proxy pass:" --> upstreamA1 locationPluginListA -- "proxy pass:" --> upstreamA2 locationPluginListA -- "done" --> response locationPluginListB -- "proxy pass:" --> upstreamB1 locationPluginListB -- "proxy pass:" --> upstreamB2 locationPluginListB -- "done" --> response upstreamA1 -- "Exec Response Plugins" --> locationResponsePluginListA upstreamA2 -- "Exec Response Plugins" --> locationResponsePluginListA upstreamB1 -- "Exec Response Plugins" --> locationResponsePluginListB upstreamB2 -- "Exec Response Plugins" --> locationResponsePluginListB locationResponsePluginListA --> response locationResponsePluginListB --> response response["HTTP Response"] --> stop("Logging"); ``` ## Performance CPU: M2, Thread: 1 ### Ping no accces log: ```bash wrk '' --latency Running 10s test @ 2 threads and 10 connections Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev Latency 67.10us 67.52us 4.63ms 99.53% Req/Sec 74.82k 2.57k 85.56k 92.57% Latency Distribution 50% 69.00us 75% 76.00us 90% 83.00us 99% 105.00us 1504165 requests in 10.10s, 196.52MB read Requests/sec: 148928.76 Transfer/sec: 19.46MB ``` ## Rust version Our current MSRV is 1.74 # License This project is Licensed under [Apache License, Version 2.0](./LICENSE).