[basic] # application name (default pingap) name = "pingap" # the error response's template (default ...) error_template = "" # process id file (default /tmp/pingap.pid) pid_file = "/tmp/pingap.pid" # upgrade sock (default /tmp/pingap_upgrade.sock) upgrade_sock = "/tmp/pingap_upgrade.sock" # daemon user (default none) # user = "" # daemon group (default none) # group = "" # thread count of server (default 1) threads = 1 # enable work stealing runtime (default true) work_stealing = true # grace period before starting the final step of the graceful shutdown # after signaling shutdown (default 5m) grace_period = "3m" # timeout of the final step for the graceful shutdown (default 5s) graceful_shutdown_timeout = "10s" # log level for application (default none) log_level = "info" # log format as json (default false) log_format_json = false # sentry connection uri (default none) sentry = "" # auto check configuration interval, process will be restartd if changed (default 90s) auto_restart_check_interval = "1m" # the file cache directory, cache will use memory if cache directory none (default none) cache_directory = "" # the max cache size (default 100mb) cache_max_size = "100mb" [upstreams.charts] # upstream address list addrs = [""] # service discovery (default none) discovery = "" # service discover update frequency (default none) update_frequency = "1m" # loadbalancer selection algorithm algo = "hash:cookie" # sni for https upstream (default none) sni = "" # hether to check if upstream' server cert is valid and validated (default true) verify_cert = true # upstream http health check health_check = "http://charts/ping?connection_timeout=3s&pingap" # upstream address ipv4 only (default false) ipv4_only = false # enable tracer for upsteam (default false) enable_tracer = false # set alpn form upstream (default h1) alpn = "h1" # connection tiemout (default none) connection_timeout = "10s" # total connection timeout, include tls handshake (default none) total_connection_timeout = "30s" # read timeout (default none) read_timeout = "10s" # idle timeout (default none) idle_timeout = "2m" # write timeout (default none) write_timeout = "10s" # the time a connection needs to be idle before TCP # begins sending out keep-alive probes (default none) tcp_idle = "2m" # duration between TCP keep-alive probes (default none) tcp_interval = "1m" # the maximum number of TCP keep-alive probes to send # before giving up and killing the connection tcp_probe_count = 9 # tcp receive buffer size (default none) tcp_recv_buf = "4kb" # tcp fast open (default none) tcp_fast_open = true [upstreams.diving] addrs = [""] [locations.lo] # upstream of location (default none) upstream = "charts" # location match path (default none) path = "/" # location match host, multiple domain names are separated by commas (default none) host = "" # set headers to request (default none) proxy_set_headers = ["name:value"] # add headers to request (default none) proxy_add_headers = ["name:value"] # rewrite the request path, e.g. `^/api/ /` replace prefix /api/ to / (default none) rewrite = "" # the weigh of location (default none) weight = 1024 # client max body size limit (default none) client_max_body_size = "1mb" # plugin list for location plugins = ["pingap:requestId", "stats"] [servers.test] # server linsten address, multiple addresses are separated by commas (default none) addr = "" # access log format (default none) access_log = "tiny" # the locations for server locations = ["lo"] # the threads count for server (default 1) threads = 1 # tls certificate(pem) (default none) # tls_cert = "" # tle private key(pem) (default none) # tls_key = "" # the list of supported ciphers for protocols before TLSv1.3 (default none) tls_cipher_list = "" # the list of supported ciphers for protocols TLSv1.3 (default none) tls_ciphersuites = "" # tls min version (default none) tls_min_version = "" # tls max version (default none) tls_max_version = "" # get domain certificates from let's encrypt (default none) # lets_encrypt = "" # the file for save certificate (default none) certificate_file = "" # using global certificates (default false) global_certificates = false # enable http2 (default false) enabled_h2 = false # the time a connection needs to be idle before TCP # begins sending out keep-alive probes (default none) tcp_idle = "2m" # duration between TCP keep-alive probes (default none) tcp_interval = "1m" # the maximum number of TCP keep-alive probes to send # before giving up and killing the connection tcp_probe_count = 9 # enable TCP fast open and set the backlog size of it (defualt none) tcp_fast_open = 10 # enable prometheus metrics, it can be a push gateway url or pull metrics path (default none) prometheus_metrics = "" [plugins.stats] value = "/stats" category = "stats"