[package] authors = ["Craig Mayhew"] categories = ["command-line-utilities"] description = "A command line utility to pipe content to GPT" edition = "2021" include = [ "**/*.rs", "Cargo.toml", ] keywords = [ "cli", "gpt", "gpt4", "openai", "terminal", ] license = "MIT" name = "pipe-gpt" readme = "README.md" repository = "https://github.com/craigmayhew/pipe-gpt" version = "0.4.0" [dependencies] atty = "0.2" # For determining if data is piped to the executable or not clap = { version = "4.4", features = ["cargo"] } # For command-line argument parsing env_logger = "0.9" # logging macros log = "0.4" # logging macros openai_api_rust = "0.1.9" # OpenAI API regex = "1.10.4" reqwest = "0.11" # For making HTTP requests termimad = "0.28" # For rendering text as markdown in terminal tokio = { version = "1.35", features = ["full"] } # For asynchronous runtime