# `pipfile-diff` A simple tool to compare changes in `Pipfile.lock`-files. ## Usage To compare a freshly locked `Pipfile.lock`, run ``` $ pipfile-diff path/to/Pipfile.lock Default: Changed: certifi: 2022.5.18.1 => 2022.9.24 lxml: 4.9.0 => 4.9.1 tinycss2: 1.1.1 => 1.2.1 pytz: 2022.1 => 2022.5 django-filer: 2.2.1 => 2.2.3 sentry-sdk: 1.5.1 => 1.10.1 djangocms-picture: 3.0.0 => 4.0.0 django-mptt: 0.13.4 => 0.14.0 django-formtools: 2.3 => 2.4 sqlparse: 0.4.2 => 0.4.3 easy-thumbnails: 2.8 => 2.8.3 django: 3.2.13 => 3.2.16 django-polymorphic: 3.0.0 => 3.1.0 djangocms-link: 3.0.0 => 3.1.0 reportlab: 3.6.9 => 3.6.12 django-analytical: 3.0.0 => 3.1.0 svglib: 1.3.0 => 1.4.1 djangocms-admin-style: 3.1.1 => 3.2.0 djangocms-text-ckeditor: 4.0.0 => 5.1.1 pillow: 9.1.1 => 9.2.0 django-haystack: 3.1.1 => 3.2.1 django-treebeard: 4.5.1 => 4.4 django-widget-tweaks: 1.4.9 => 1.4.12 urllib3: 1.26.9 => 1.26.12 django-sekizai: 2.0.0 => 4.0.0 django-recaptcha: 2.0.6 => 3.0.0 djangocms-attributes-field: 2.0.0 => 2.1.0 cssselect2: 0.6.0 => 0.7.0 setuptools: 62.3.2 => 65.5.0 Development: Changed: django: 3.2.13 => 3.2.16 dj-database-url: 0.5.0 => 1.0.0 astroid: 2.9.3 => 2.12.12 tzdata: 2022.1 => 2022.5 mccabe: 0.6.1 => 0.7.0 pylint-django: 2.4.4 => 2.5.3 coverage: 6.2 => 6.5.0 sqlparse: 0.4.2 => 0.4.3 wrapt: 1.13.3 => 1.14.1 lazy-object-proxy: 1.7.1 => 1.8.0 django-debug-toolbar: 3.2.3 => 3.7.0 pylint: 2.12.2 => 2.15.5 New: tomlkit: 0.11.6 pytz: 2022.5 tomli: 2.0.1 dill: 0.3.6 Deleted: setuptools: 62.3.2 toml: 0.10.2 ``` ## Installation ### From source To install `pipfile-diff` from source, clone the repository and run ``` cargo install --path . ``` ## License `pipfile-diff` is licensed under the Apache-2.0 license.