# Changelog ### v0.9.1 - `Component` should not have to be `Default`, it's builder should be. The `Default` requirement of `Component` has been removed. ### v0.9.0 - Moved to a completely new `Component` trait that succeeds the `Model` and `UpdateModel` trait, that allows for component based ui development. - Added a declarative syntax macro for defining views. - Refactored most widgets to be compatible with declarative syntax. - Fixed some issues with style specifity not being handled correctly. - Added a code based style builder that exists along side the file based one. - Styles are now defined globally for the whole `Ui`. - Upgraded wgpu backend to version 0.11 ### v0.8.0 - Moved `Model::update` to a separate trait `UpdateModel`. This allows the `UpdateModel::update` to receive a custom state that can be modified during the update. ### v0.7.0 - Upgraded winit backend to version 0.25 - Moved some state management responsibility to the caller: - Modified `Input` constructor to take a `AsRef` value. It's state no longer has a value of its own. - Modified `Slider` constructor to take a `f32` value. It's state no longer has a value of its own. - Added `Dropdown::default_selection`. ### v0.6.1 - Add `Slider` widget. ### v0.6.0 - Upgraded wgpu backend to version 0.8 - Refactored `Vertex::mode` from `u32` to `f32` for simpler branchless shading - Performing scissor rect validation in `u32` instead of `f32`, to prevent incorrectly valid scissor rects with a size of 0. ### v0.5.10 - Added widget::input::State::is_focused - Added Input::with_on_submit - Added Input::with_trigger_key ### v0.5.9 - Added some more keys to the winit utils ### v0.5.8 - Fixed panic bug with stylesheets that have more than 64 rules ### v0.5.7 - Fixed panic bug with stylesheets that have more than 32 rules ### v0.5.6 - Bump winit to 0.24 ### v0.5.4 - Fixed bug where some async tasks were resumed after being finished ### v0.5.3 - Fixed bug where ui wouldn't be redrawn even if needed ### v0.5.2 - Added input::State::get_value and updated the set_value return value. ### v0.5.1 - Fixed a bug with inserting textures in the atlas ### v0.5.0 - More `Loader` flexibility. - `Style` is responsible for textures instead of `Ui` ### v0.4.3 - Fixed `ManagedState` not working anymore ### v0.4.2 (yanked) - Made all widgets and `Ui` `Send` compatible ### v0.4.1 - Fixed compilation errors after dependencies that were allowed to updated were updated. ### v0.4.0 - `Model::update` now returns a `Vec>`, which can be used to send async messages. - `Ui::command` added, which can be used to send an async message externally - Download example added - `Ui::reload_stylesheet` added. - Loader system has been refactored - Margins added to stylesheet system. Margins automatically handled for all widgets. - Added `widget::input::State::set_value` - Removed scrollbars from stylesheet in favor of the new `Dummy` widget. - Added `Progress` widget. - Added support for flags to stylesheets. - Added `Menu` widget. - Added `on_right_click` callback to `Node`. - Modified `Widget::state` to return a `SmallVec` of states, to support multiple states at once, like a `Toggle` than be `checked` and `hover` at the same time. - Added `Drag` and `Drop` widget. - The `Layers` widget now propagates events to all layers, except for `Event::Cursor`. ### v0.3.0 - Added `len()` to `Widget`. - New style system - Changed pwss syntax to resemble css more. - Removed some backgrounds from [`Stylesheet`](src/stylesheet/mod.rs). The styling system is now responsible for specifying these using selectors like `:hover`. - Added `:nth-first-child(n)`, `:nth-last-child(n)`, `:nth-first-child-mod(n, d)`, `:nth-last-child-mod(n, d)` selectors. All support numbers, `odd` and `even`. - Added `:first-child`, `:last-child` and `:only-child` selectors. - Added `:not()` selector. - Added a `:` selector that checks the result of the new method `Widget::state()`. Useful for states such as `hover`, `pressed` or `open`. - Added `+ `, `> ` and `~ ` selectors. - The any (`*`) selector can now be used in any place where `` is expected. ### v0.2.0 - Added a sandbox module so you don't need to initialize a window yourself - Fixed bugs in the [`ManagedStateTracker`](src/tracker.rs) - Added padding behaviour to `Button`, `Column`, `Dropdown`, `Row`, `Scroll`, `Text` and `Window` widgets - Added a system for widgets to take exclusive focus - Added [`Dropdown`](src/widget/dropdown.rs) widget - Fixed build errors when turning off the features ### v0.1.1 - Fixed docs.rs. build