# # Example configuration file for illumos. # # # General configuration variables. # [options] build_threads = 4 scan_threads = 4 verbose = true # # Variables that configure pkgsrc, where it is, what packages to build, etc. # [pkgsrc] basedir = "/usr/pkgsrc" make = "/opt/pkg/bin/bmake" pkgpaths = [ "mail/mutt", "sysutils/coreutils", ] # # The sandbox section defines where sandboxes should be created, and how file # systems and ancilliary data should be created. # # The number of sandboxes that will be created is build_threads if set, # otherwise 1. # # During creation the mounts list is processed in order, and when destroying # sandboxes it is processed in reverse order. # [sandbox] basedir = "/chroot" mounts = [ { fs = "bind", dest = "/dev" }, { fs = "fd", dest = "/dev/fd" }, { fs = "proc", dest = "/proc" }, { fs = "tmp", dest = "/tmp", opts = "-o size=1024k" }, { fs = "tmp", dest = "/var/tmp" }, { fs = "bind", dest = "/lib" }, { fs = "bind", dest = "/sbin" }, { fs = "bind", dest = "/usr" }, ]