# pkger 📦🐳 Package building tool utilizing Docker. The main purpose of pkger is to automate building `.rpm` or `.deb` (perhaps more in the future) packages on multiple operating systems, versions and architectures. ## Config Config file has a following structure: ``` images_dir = "" recipes_dir = "" output_dir = "" ``` - `images_dir` - directory with images - Each image is a directory containing a `Dockerfile` and files to be imported with it - Image name is the directory name - `recipes_dir` - directory with recipes - Each recipe is a directory containing a `recipe.toml` file and source files (if not remote) - `output_dir` - directory with built packages - When `pkger` finishes building the package it will create a directory `$output_dir/$os/$ver/` where it will put built `.rpm` or `.deb` package. - `$os` and `$ver` are taken from container during build ## Recipe The recipe is divided into 3 parts: - ### Info - All the metadata and information needed for the build - `pkger` will install all dependencies listed in `depends` choosing the appropriate package manager for each supported distribution. - This recipe will be built for all 3 images `centos`, `fedora`, `ubuntu_latest`. - `pkger` will look for the image directory in f.e. `$images_dir/centos`. ``` [info] name = "curl" description = "curl" arch = "x86_64" license = "null" version = "7.67.0" revision = "0" source = "curl-7.67.0.tar.gz" depends = ["gcc", "make", "patch", "binutils", "strace"] exclude = ["share", "info"] provides = ["curl"] images = [ "centos", "fedora", "ubuntu_latest", ] ``` - ### Build - All build steps presented as a list of string ``` [build] steps = [ "./curl-7.67.0/configure --prefix=/opt/curl/7.67.0", "make" ] ``` - ### Install - All install steps presented as a list of string - `destdir` which is the directory where the installed files are. All the steps from `build` and `install` must result in built files in `destdir` which will then be archived and built into a package. ``` [install] steps = ["make install"] destdir = "/opt/curl/7.67.0" ``` ## Usage To install `pkger` run `cargo install pkger` or clone and build this repository with `crago build --release`. To use `pkger` you need a [docker daemon running on a tcp port](https://success.docker.com/article/how-do-i-enable-the-remote-api-for-dockerd). After that run: - `pkger -d $docker_address -c $config_file [RECIPES]` - Substitute `$docker_address` with address like `` - Substitute `$config_file` with path to the config file - Add any amount of recipes whitespace separated at the end To get some informative output run with `RUST_LOG=pkger=trace` env variable set ## Example Example configuration, recipe and file structure can be found in [`example` directory of `master` branch](https://github.com/wojciechkepka/pkger/tree/master/example) ## License [MIT](https://github.com/wojciechkepka/pkger/blob/master/LICENSE)