const ZST_FILE: &str = "./tests/acpi_call-dkms.pkg.tar.zst"; const XZ_FILE: &str = "./tests/archey3.pkg.tar.xz"; // Read packages #[test] fn read_zst_file() { let info = pkginfo::new(ZST_FILE); assert!(info.is_ok()); } #[test] fn read_xz_file() { let info = pkginfo::new(XZ_FILE); assert!(info.is_ok()); } // Read value tests fn setup_info() -> pkginfo::PkgInfo { pkginfo::new(ZST_FILE).unwrap() } #[test] fn pkg_name() { let info = setup_info(); assert_eq!(info.pkg_name, "acpi_call-dkms"); } #[test] fn pkg_desc() { let info = setup_info(); assert_eq!(info.pkg_desc, "A linux kernel module that enables calls to ACPI methods through /proc/acpi/call - module sources"); } #[test] fn pkg_ver() { let info = setup_info(); assert_eq!(info.pkg_ver, "1.1.0-287"); } #[test] fn url() { let info = setup_info(); assert!(info.url.is_some()); assert_eq!(info.url.unwrap(), ""); } #[test] fn depend() { let info = setup_info(); assert_eq!(info.depend, vec!["dkms"]); } #[test] fn make_depend() { let info = setup_info(); assert_eq!(info.make_depend, vec!["linux-headers"]); } #[test] fn provides() { let info = setup_info(); assert_eq!(info.provides, vec!["acpi_call=1.1.0-287"]); } #[test] fn conflict() { let info = setup_info(); assert_eq!(info.conflict, vec!["acpi_call"]); } #[test] fn size() { let info = setup_info(); assert_eq!(info.size, 29029); } #[test] fn arch() { let info = setup_info(); assert_eq!(info.arch, pkginfo::arch::Architecture::X86_64); } #[test] fn license() { let info = setup_info(); assert!(info.license.is_some()); assert_eq!( info.license.unwrap(), pkginfo::license::License::GPL(pkginfo::license::GPLVersion::Undefined) ); }