# Place-macro [![crates.io][crates.io-badge]][crates.io] [![Downloads][downloads-badge]][releases] Macros you wish you had while you were writing your non-proc macro. This library privides some macros that make **writing regural** non-proc macros much **simpler**, readable and with less dirty tricks. The main macro of this library is `place`. It is able to **expand** the **macros** in this library **in reverse expansion order**. If you have some macros that you would like to add feel free to open new issue on [GitHub][github]. ## How to get it ### With cargo ```sh cargo add place_macro ``` ### In Cargo.toml ```toml [dependencies] place_macro = "1.0.0" ``` ## Macros + `place`: expands the following macros in reverse order, see [docs][docs.rs] for more info - `ignore`: expands to nothing - `identity`: expands to what is given, it bypasses the reverse order in the `place` macro - `dollar`: expands to dollar sign `$` - `string`: concats the contents into single string, see the doc - `identifier`: concats the contents into sintle identifier in the same way as string - `head`: expands to the first token - `tail`: expands to all but the first token - `start`: expands to all but the last token - `last`: expands to the last token - `reverse`: expands to the tokens in reverse order - `stringify`: expands to string of the input - `replace_newline`: replaces all newlines and folowing whitespace in literal with the given literal - `str_replace`: replace in string literal - `to_case`: change the case of a identifier ## Examples For examples and more detailed info about how to use the macros in this crate see [docs][docs.rs] ## Links - **Author:** [BonnyAD9][author] - **GitHub repository:** [BonnyAD/place_macro][github] - **Package:** [crates.io][crates.io] - **Documentation:** [docs.rs][docs.rs] - **My Website:** [bonnyad9.github.io][website] [author]: https://github.com/BonnyAD9 [crates.io]: https://crates.io/crates/place_macro [crates.io-badge]: https://img.shields.io/crates/v/place_macro [docs.rs]: https://docs.rs/place_macro/latest/place_macro/ [downloads-badge]: https://img.shields.io/crates/d/place_macro [github]: https://github.com/BonnyAD9/place_macro [releases]: https://github.com/BonnyAD9/place_macro/releases [website]: https://bonnyad9.github.io/