# Plan WARNING: This tool is work in progress! Some of the features mentioned below have not been implemented yet! This is a program to help manage .plan files. It does this by: - Creating or opening .plan files in your editor. - Managing the directories (they go in `%HOME%/.plan`, `~/.plan` or the directory defined by `PLAN_DIR` environemnt variable). - Searching for a keyword. ## Prequisites If you want to build from scratch, you need Rust installed. Plan also uses the `EDITOR` environment variable to choose your editor. ## Installation If you have rust installed, run ``` cargo install plan ``` # Using Plan ## Creating or opening a plan Creation and opening (in your editor given by `EDITOR` environment variable) are achieved by the same commands: ``` plan yesterday plan today plan tomorrow plan date YYYY-MM-DD ``` Given a year ('YYYY'), a month ('MM') and a day ('DD'), a file will be created with this file name: ``` $PLAN_DIR/YYYY/MM/YYYY-MM-DD.plan ``` and then opened in your editor. On saving and closing your editor, it will be indexed. ## Search ``` plan search ``` This causes Plan to call `rg` (ripgrep) to search all your .plan files for a particular keyword.