# Two Dimensional Plane Models continuous, infinitely big (within integer and storage limits) 2D data structure. The purpose of this crate is to provide a data structure that is faster than a `HashMap<(i32, i32), T>` in specific scenarios and provides better API for working with 2D plane. This crate will always provide a 2D data structure. The `Plane` type is a container for all kinds of data that implement `Default` trait. You can use `Option` to store optionally initialized data. No other dependencies except for the std lib are used, besides dependencies hidden behind feature flags. # Memory layout Uses almost exact copy of [grid](https://docs.rs/grid/0.14.0/grid/) crate to use `Grid` type. Stores a dense chunk of the plane in `Vec` (`Grid`, provided by copy of the `grid` crate) and `HashMap<(i32, i32), T>` to store cells that are out of bounds of the `Grid`. Unlike `HashMap<(i32, i32), T>`, two allocations are being done.