# Playdate Simulator Utils Cross-platform utils to do things with Playdate Simulator. Usage: ```rust let pdx = PathBuf::from("path/to/my-game.pdx"); let sdk = PathBuf::from("path/to/playdate-sdk"); // Create a future with command execution: simulator::run::run(&pdx, Some(&sdk)).await; // Or create a command and do whatever: let mut cmd = simulator::run::command(&pdx, Some(&sdk)).unwrap(); let stdout = cmd.output().unwrap().stdout; println!("Sim output: {}", std::str::from_utf8(&stdout).unwrap()); ``` ## Prerequisites 1. Rust __nightly__ toolchain 3. [Playdate SDK][sdk] with Simulator - Ensure that env var `PLAYDATE_SDK_PATH` points to the SDK root. _This is optional, but good move to help the tool to find SDK, and also useful if you have more then one version of SDK._ [playdate-website]: https://play.date [sdk]: https://play.date/dev/#cardSDK ## State Early development state. There is just one method to run pdx with sim now. - - - This software is not sponsored or supported by Panic.