# Introduction Thank you for your interest in this project. # Licence Currently this project is licensed as GPL-3.0-or-later. At a later date there may be a significant reason to re-licence under new terms. If this is something that you may not wish, please state in a commit that you wish the contribution to be GPL-3.0-or-later. There may be a situation where, for project adoption GPL-3.0-or-later might not be compatible, but as yet I have no reason to think so. # Submissions I prefer commits to be submitted via pull requests at https://gitlab.com/edneville/please. This has the benefit of keeping track of who submitted something (this is important). Please squash/rebase your commits if you know how. Your commit message should be well formatted. Lines should be less than 72 characters long, the first should be a brief description, the second line should be blank, then bullet-point style paragraphs should follow. All submissions must be reviewed. You, at a later date may be the person performing the review or building the changelog. # Security If you have a security concern that you do not wish to report publicly please mail that to ed-please@s5h.net. # Tests Ensure that if you add something new, or change behaviour, it must be testable. Please create new tests and ensure that existing tests are not broken. # Credits If you wish, please add yourself to the credits in `src/lib.rs`.